Got No Game

The trip back to the kingdom of Aria is not only exhausting physically but also mentally since Ian and Imogen stay silent most of the time. Only under rare occasions, when Ian and Imogen would speak with each other, Laurel would hear a bit of noise aside from the carriage.

The entire experience in the town of Bristol has changed her life. She is all alone now, without her friends and brother by her side. The entire town of Bristol has become empty after the dome disappeared and the ghouls spread to who knows where. In four days, all lives have changed in that town.

Feeling empty as she is heading towards the Kingdom of Aria, she watches over Kyrie, who is in a deep sleep. None of them are sure what to do with Kyrie's condition. The old shaman has not completed the ritual because the fallen god has stepped in to stop it. So, none of them would be sure what happened to Kyrie's memories.