Fallen from Grace

"W-what are you doing here?" Laurel tries to divert the topic.

Imogen pauses and lets out a smile again, "Shouldn't you know?"

"I-I do?" Laurel nervously laughs. 

"Well… Follow closely, then. Don't get lost," Imogen turns after she eyes at the stall owner.

Laurel quickly gives some copper coins, and the stall owner wiggles her eyebrows, showing her sign of approval. 

Blushing hard, she quickens her pace to follow behind Imogen. She breathes out slowly as she looks at the first line of the book. 

'Okay…' Laurel quickly rehearses in her mind.

"Imogen!" Laurel calls.

Imogen stops and turns to Laurel.

"You d-d-dropped something!" Laurel struggles to tame her nerves.

Imogen looks confused while searching in the ground, "What is it?"

Laurel extends her arm with a fist as if she is holding something, so Imogen opens her hand to receive it. Quickly, Laurel takes Imogen's hand.