
He has woken up in an empty bedroom, but he feels disoriented. 

[What happened in Bristol? My mind is drawing a blank… How did I come back to Aria?]

With his head fuzzy and unfocused, he walks out of the room, and before he knows it, he is walking in the halls leading to the garden. He turns to watch the garden showered in silver light, and when he breathes in the cold air of the night, his mind clears a bit. 

The silence of the night and the trickling sound of water from the fountain help him to adjust his confused state. He calms his heart and starts to walk towards the fountain. The grass under his feet finally brings him the awareness that he is barefoot. However, before he sets his mind to go back to his room and think over what had happened, his eyes set on the shadow of someone's silhouette. 

[Who is in the garden so late?]

He watches a man around his age sitting on the floor, staring at the moon.