His shameless way of remembering

Kyrie slightly curves his body to follow Ian with his eyes as Ian walks to get his sleepwear. He clicks his tongue when he couldn't see more since the room is too dim. 

He turns his body around to watch the outside, at first to blame the moon for not providing him enough light to continue watching the glory. Yet, when he looks at the silver jewel in the sky and the sky covered in its silver coat, the moon seems to shine brighter than any other night he remembers. 

[Why was the prince looking at the moon?]

The bed bounces as Ian tucks himself in. Kyrie's eyes shake as he senses the warmth of another body transfer to his back. Although he told Ian to join him, he is still nervous, despite how he says it out of impulse, naturally without a second thought. 

[AAAHHHHHH! What was I thinking?!?!!?! Did I just invite a STRANGER to my bed? Am I that easy? Is that it?]