His promise

The Rowan's garden has matured like a ripe fruit. The fresh colors have changed to the warm tones of the setting sun. The leaves continuously fall, leaving the trees bare for the coming winter, unprotected from the upcoming white blanket that would embrace them in its piercing chill.

Ian walks silently next to Kyrie in the garden for some fresh air after sending Imogen and Laurel off. His heart beats at the rhythm of their pace, and the leaves crunch beneath their feet. Although he has been reminding himself that Kyrie needs time, he could not help but expect more after seeing how Kyrie remembered his taste.

In all honesty, Ian feels unnatural. Kyrie always seems to be able to predict and guess all the little things about him, and now, he is facing one that has forgotten everything about him. Even though Kyrie has not changed, the thought of being strangers just does not sit well with him.