Longing to passion

Kyrie opens his eyes when his mind gets awoken by the sunlight coming into the room. He sits up with his pupils shaking and his heart throbbing.

He looks outside of the window, watching the branches of the trees swayed by the wind. Images of his memories flash in his mind again after dreaming about them, his eyes trailing Ian's features and his hand running through Ian's raven hair. Slowly, he savors his feelings that come back in waves when Ian looks back at him from his touch. The sound of waves hitting the shore and birds crying echo in his mind. 

Kyrie lifts his lips as he remembers their first date by the lake after going to the temple in the Kingdom of Ethern.

Ian goes into the room to see Kyrie peacefully watching outside, lost in his thoughts with a smile on his lips.


Kyrie's daydream gets interrupted, turning his head back to Ian.

"Good morning, Ian."