[18+] He is mine to keep

*** Warning: Mature content ***

Ian widens his eyes at the sudden request. He reaches to wipe the corner of Kyrie's mouth, and his thumb brushes over the red and swollen lips. Kyrie suddenly opens his mouth, and his tongue invites the finger in. The moist and soft feeling of his swirling tongue makes Ian narrow his eyes with the sudden wave of desires. He watches his finger tightly wrapped around those seductive lips while pulling it out.

Kyrie watches Ian's pupils shake, aroused by his lips. As Ian caresses his hair, Kyrie leans down again to take it in, feeling it bulge and move into the walls of his mouth.

Ian focuses on those cherry lips diving in further than the last few times with his help. His tip hits the back of Kyrie's throat, sending him chills all over his body. He exhales deeply with pleasure tingling his skin. Touching the silky hair, he gently pushes further in to fill that pretty mouth while observing Kyrie's lewd expressions.