King's secret meeting

*** Warning: Nudity ***

In the deep hours of the night, where the only sound that walks around the hallways of the Rowan mansion is the clicks and clacks from the grandfather clock's pendulum and minute hand. Out of all the windows from the grand mansion, only one is dimly lit. 

Inside the dimly lit room, Kyrie opens his eyes to the feeling of warm water brush on his skin. His back remains warm from the heat radiating from another body. He looks down, finding himself naked on a bathtub, and as he turns his head, he feels the cold droplets of water that fall from the strands of hair run through his skin. 

Finding himself leaning against Ian, he slides down to put his head on Ian's chest. Ian grabs onto Kyrie, thinking that he is sinking. They remain quiet, blushing at what has happened. Both of them have lost control, and now, they can say that they have explored every inch of each other's skin.