Prince Lemuel

Lemuel opens his eyes to find himself in the dark halls of the Blair Palace. He looks outside the window to sense the tranquility from the dead hours of the night. Lemuel tilts his head down to find he wears only the thin layer of his nightgown and is lost as to why he is standing in the middle of the hallways barefooted. 

He observes the surroundings to get an idea of where he is, but the monotone of the night is blending the surroundings to seem the same. So, he starts walking to encounter a familiar sight, but the end of the hallways is just a set of stairs.

"Lemuel…" A young woman's voice calls from his behind, and he quickly flips his body around to the familiar voice.

"Sister Fiona! You are awake! How are you feeling?" Lemuel closes their distance and looks at his sister's apathetic expression.