Mountain thief

After the attack, the palace has an increase of guards to ensure that the creature does not sneak in like this night. The hallways of the palace are lighted up with mana lamps to keep the visibility. 

Sitting on the rooftop, Federline plays with his small dagger by tossing it in the air and catching it by the hilt. He lets out a yawn as he carefully observes any movements to guard the palace building. He turns his attention as soon as he hears a footstep to the rooftop tiles and stops tossing the dagger.

"Headmaster," Federline nods.

"Federline… I told you so many times to call me Kyrie, but you still call me headmaster for almost three years now," Kyrie clumsily tries to bend down to sit on the tilted surface of the rooftop.

"You have taken my family and me in after saving us. You are my savior. Of course I would show respect."

Kyrie huffs helplessly. Maybe he will never be able to convince Federline to call him by his name.