The arrival to the protectorate

As soon as Kyrie has entered into the Protectorate of Analybe, he gets greeted by Lord Analybe's soldiers. Although Kyrie is not going undercover, he is still surprised that Lord Analybe knows that he is arriving today. The soldiers escort them to a guest mansion that the lord has prepared for them. 

Kyrie accepts Lord Analybe's goodwill and stays at the guest mansion. Kyrie seems to submit under Lord Analybe's control on the surface since the area is under vigilance. Still, unfortunately for the old man, his men will not even be able to get close to the mansion until Kyrie leaves. 

Once a week has passed, Lord Analybe is finally convinced that it is his defeat. He has used even the best men from his own troop. His private troop is on par with the best men of the Lorian Empire. He dismisses his attempts to sneak people to get information from Kyrie. After all, Kyrie has even sent him a letter with one sentence.