A slap across her face

The next day, Lord Analybe thinks of sending a letter requesting a meetup with the paladin. However, his men informed him that the paladin has gone to visit the port. The old man smiles at the news. He has been quite worried that the paladin has remained inside the guest mansion without a single intention of stepping out. 

The only ones that are seen going out are his two confidants - Ernest Federline and Laurel Ravenswood, two figures that are rising in popularity due to their relationship with the paladin and untested powers. Yet, no one really knows where these two powerful individuals come from. They are not from the aristocrats of any nation. Although it is not something to be shocked about since the guild itself is still a mystery. 

Lord Analybe turns to his butler, "I will visit Cathy, so prepare the carriage."

The butler bows and gets out of the room to do the preparations.