
A heavy iron smell invades into his nostrils, burning deeply into his sinuses and his lungs. Every time he breathes, he feels like he is breathing in fire rather than air. The seventh prince opens his eyes and the blurry figure of Vivienne on top of him. The excruciating pain starts to register, and he cannot compare it to anything that he has felt before.

"I can't breathe…" Prince Davis attempts to push Vivienne off him but meets with sudden resistance.

He shoots a glare with his half-opened eyes to the woman in annoyance while feeling completely out of breath. His eyes spring open in shock; Vivienne's body is melting! She is melting like that demon puppet! 

'It's hot!'

The black flames seem to consume the body, but the sight is weird! Unlike the demon puppet, she is melting extremely slow, as if the seconds have corrected themselves into hours. The black sticky substance glides down from the charcoaling woman to the prince's body like hot slime.