Award ceremony

The servants roll out the gold carpet to cover the entire platform. The award ceremony will be held soon in the stadium. Everyone can feel the thrill in the air even before the new champion walks up those platform stairs to receive the Midnight Queen - a flower that appears only in storybooks till now. However, today, the audience will see its majestic beauty. 

This annual tournament is also special because the champion is a woman. In all the tournament's history, only men have won. Yet, this year, a woman manages to blow away everyone's concept that women are fragile creatures who cannot win a fight if she does not possess the physical blessings of a man. No. Women are not fragile creatures. Having a different physical composition does not make a woman fragile. Not even all men are physically blessed, but that does not take away the identity that they chose upon. A human's physicality has nothing to do with winning or losing. 

Then what is a determinant?