Tears are journals that the body writes

*** Trigger warning: mention serious mental health issues, trauma, and suicide. Please listen to a jolly song afterward. This chapter talks about Kyrie and his past. There is a recommended song in the author's thoughts! ***

Annalise couldn't stop herself from letting out a couple of drowned cries and inhales a quivering breath. She holds her breath to mute her sobs, but whines come out from the back of her throat. 

Lin has expected tears, but nothing has prepared him to see despair, at least not from his wife. This woman always smiles so charmingly and brightly as if every day is showered in light. He covers his mouth, and tears flow out with his eyes wide open. The fact that he wasn't there for her brutally hammers him into pieces. 

Yet, he is unsure if he could have chosen another path, and the reality shatters him.