
Kyrie grabs Imogen's arm and drags her to the bonfire. For every two steps he makes Imogen take, she steps one back. Yet, Kyrie commits to take Imogen to see Laurel singing. 

He shoulders this task because he feels like it is the reader's duty to do some romance plot acceleration to those goddamn slow burns that make the readers want to pull their hair out. 

Of course, Kyrie has long steeled himself with bottomless audacity when he needs to deal with Imogen. There is really no other way around it since Imogen has a strong steel-like personality. 

And, of course, he has to slightly ignore the possibility that Imogen might just take out her sword to chop his head off. Nevertheless, the main character still needs him, so he has to take the opportunity to bug her as much as he can! Why? Well, she can't kill him just yet, right?

Once they see the crowd, Imogen awkwardly stands at the back behind the crowd.