Truth spares no one.

The tides inside Laurel finally rise and flood out violently as if she has been preventing her emotions from taking the best of her. The crash of the waves of emotions shakes Laurel to the core, chilling her all the way to the soul. The entire time, Laurel has noticed that Imogen's eyes never saw her for who she was. Instead, she has been a replacement, an imposter. 

She doesn't like singing as much as during her childhood.

She doesn't want to be a singer.

She likes the sword and the honesty of its art.

She is not the woman that Imogen imagined her to be because she knows who she is.

She remains inconsolable for hours because Laurel has finally accepted the reality presented in front of her. And truth spares no one. 

Although Kyrie has his own questions about why Laurel has put up with Imogen, he keeps his mouth shut. He is not going to satisfy his curiosity and let Laurel crumble mentally under his worried questioning.