
Imogen backs a step after the queen slumped on her. While the queen hangs her failing body on Imogen, she whispers with words that Imogen can barely understand, "T-t-thank you…. You kept your word."

With every word, her mouth bubbles up with blood, threading down from her jaw. The sharp pain has turned to pins and needles on every inch of her skin. She tries to control her body from shaking, but that would mean holding her breath with failing lungs.

The queen falls backward to the ground while Imogen still holds her sword, and the blade slides out from the queen's body, bleeding like the object is alive. Imogen senses the warmth from the queen's contact slowly dissipating.

Kyrie appears in front of Imogen, unable to understand why. He walks toward Imogen, and his fists are gripping her collar. 

The one-word question "why" hangs on the tip of his tongue, but his emotions clog his throat from wording anything.