The Alchemist Queen Melan

[A month later]

The swing doors creak as a handful of guests step into a solemn restaurant-inn. Like the dry grainy air that scratches one's throat as they breathe, the restaurant atmosphere feels just as uncomfortable. The restaurant turns mute like a press of a button, and many pairs of eyes shoot over to the entrance.

The group of unknown travelers is covered with hooded capes to mask their body shape and facial features. However, that mystery soon lifts when one of them lets her hood fall on her shoulders to reveal her notorious appearance.

A blood elf.

She walks away from her group toward the old chipping reception desk and places three silver coins. Suddenly, the drapes over the kitchen window part. A demon with the head of a toad extends out to look at the blood elf tapping her foot.

Unfazed, the blood elf murmurs, "A week, three rooms."