Chapter 2: Mysterious hero part 2

last time on M.O.K.

so-hee = "that feeling! Please don't go in there." she trembled in fear si-u feeling every ounce of it through the connection they shared. " That man's successor is in there if you go in we'll both die!"

Wan er = "whats wrong? youre so pale." a look of surprise on her face " Don't tell me you felt it too?"


"wan er, i have a favor to ask and i know it may seem like a lot after what i did to your brother but." he looked around "i need a place to meditate for a bit, someplace quite where i won't be disturbed."

"You want to cultivate?" wan er asked her curiosity showing a lot more than she probably intended. "we aren't really allowed to do that without a teacher present and a cultivation partner."

"its alright i already know how to cultivate properly," si-u replied.

"well of course you do, you're probably a cultivating monster given how strong you are but i'm not so if you want my help at least let me be your partner and don't get any smug ideas I just wanna share in the benefits."

Si-u looked at her trying to figure out her motive but unlike earlier she only had a cheeky smile on her face.

Like i guessed, she might be trouble. Si-u thought.

"This should do." she climbed onto one of the marble tables and sat, she had taken him to the roof and after many flights of stairs she really needed to catch her breath. The roof of the building had a large pool and many tall plants, small trees with many marble round tables paired with benches reflecting the afternoon light, glittering and casting ambiguous patterns, simply put; someone had invested a lot of time and money into it. Not only does it look great, the atmosphere held light heat and cold elements which made cultivating here very beneficial to any who cultivated them.

"Are you sure we won't get caught here?" Si-u asked wan er who had already settled into her position sitting on the table. Visible Ki particles already beginning to encircle her in a lazy vortex.

"Yes i am," wan er replies without opening her eyes, "It's been reserved for the whole week, after all my teacher is very fond of this place and despite it being a cultivating pavilion he insists on there being a break once a month for a whole week so that the natural ki here can recover.." she opened her eyes "So come on already sit with me."

Si-u finally gave in and sat facing her in a lotus position like she did.

"Now i'll try to match your breathing so just focus on entering your mind space." wan er stated.

Si-u was already very worried about so-hee and just wanted to talk to her so he agreed to this knowing just how possible it was for her to enter the dream space was.

Slowly he felt his mind lift and the gentle feeling of warmth so-hee always radiated. Slowly his eyes opened and he noticed so-hee sitting by her bed on the floor. "so-hee?" he called.

She quickly turns to look at him an obvious surprised expression, one which turns quickly to sadness and with tears flowing from her eyes she gets up and runs to him hugging him. "You idiot i thought you'd went in, when i couldn't sense you you anymore i thought i'd lost you and it hurt so much i thought i would die."

"Don't worry, i never went in." he places a hand on her head and strokes her hair, " ill stay with you i promised didn't i?" she forces a smile.

"That school, i think it'd be bad for you there." so-hee replied "you can just leave that place, i'll teach you to be strong you don't need them."

"So-hee, do you remember that time after you showed me your past?" si-u askes "i promised that i'd free you from this place, i need to learn from them. This school might be dangerous but its my shot at getting stronger, learning new things and gaining resources so i can get stronger as fast as possible." So-hee looks into his eyes after wiping her tears "Please dont stay there, don't make me order you as your master."

Si-u places his hand on her cheek softly and she places her hand on his then leans her head against his hand, "I absolutely can't lose you and i know just sharing my ki our giving you the dreamspaces' ki wont make your cultivation any higher." she pauses "i know but i really couldn't bear the thought of losing you."


"There is another way you can get stronger very quickly, it's dangerous but i can guide you through it", she waved her hand and the white endless area the dream space held suddenly changed. "a few miles in the distance now a scenery held very old and tall buildings left desolate and in ruins covered almost entirely by greenery as if it had been abandoned years before.

Large mountains loomed in the distance behind it and rivers flowed through the spaces between the structures before falling of into chasms at the foot of the structures. "This is where i lived before Dong-Hyuk's predecessor destroyed everything".

"Its where the jade i was imprisoned in was made and it had a large vault hidden to all but me and the clan head, its filled with many artifacts from lower mid-grade to heaven and saint grade... but that's not what you need."

She squeezes his hand and pauses for a moment "listen, the average person only gets to break through 5 times in their life, if you attempt training like normal thats lower ki-gathering stage to upper 1, ki forming stage 2 lower to upper stage 3 and then to ki master 4 lastly ki master second stage and you'll hit 5 the limit before ever managing to get to my level." she sighed.

"Thats why ive been secretly stopping you from breaking through because with your mentality and understanding of true ki you should be breaking through to first stage ki master by now but that would mean that you'd reach your limit and i wish to make you strongest under the heavens," she'd paused to see how he was handling it.

"i'd wanted to hold your cultivation until i couldn't anymore so when you broke through you'd be at the late stage ki master the highest break through point for those who'd only broken through once like you and as your your master i thought it better to keep this from you until you were ready. I honestly never wanted to tell you until after but now that it's come to this..." she sighed "the vault also holds a heaven rending seal pill and others that can help gain a cultivation equal to that of a ki master if you absorb it correctly. I plan to have you absorb it the moment you're breaking through, that way you'll have the most benefits for your first major breakthrough."

"but my parents," si-u started "if i leave they'll worry."

So-hee looks away " Dong-Hyuk.. if he finds out that you know about me he'll kill you." she shakes her head as if saying it hurts her "this, will also affect your parents." si-u frowned. "It's just a matter of time until he finds out and no matter what i can't lose you, so let's leave ok?" so-hee asks the urgent tone not leaving her.