
Tuesday morning has come around and the loud sound of the alarm doesn't wake up Marinette at all. Roughly around 30min has passed and once again the alarm sounds but this time she actually puts in the effort to get out of bed.

Her blurry morning vision has made it hard for her to see the time but luckily her little friend is there to back her up.

"Marinette the time is 7:34 a.m so you need to hurry for school" she says urgently and that have her the right amount of motivation to quickly get ready for school.

Easier said than done because of last nights incident, moving around quickly without getting proper treatment to the injuries is really taking its toll on her.

Carefully but slowly she does her daily morning routine and before she then Marinette carefully heads downstairs, grabbed a couple cookies on the go and bolts out the door to school.

She arrives at the front of the school around 8:23 a.m. Considering the past tardies it's clear to say this would be put alongside her other piles of late passes but her condition is what worries her the most.

The constant pain is gonna be a major bother during school so she has to make sure she doesn't make any unnecessary movements, either that or sleep in class to take the pain away.

Before Marinette was about to step into the classroom, Her best friend forever named Alya met up with her before the door. "Girl you're late again...and strangely a lot later than usual to boot, what happened?" She ask curiously.

Marinette explained that she got into a little accident with a couple of trash bags and blamed on her clumsiness and that was enough for Alya's smile to quickly fade away and a concern expression surfaces instead.

"Why did you come to school if you got injured badly girl? You know I gotchu covered with the teachers and you can just stay home and rest" she says supportively and while that does bring some form of relief that her friend is willing to go the mile to help her in the end it's Marinette decision to go to school and all that Alya can do is support her...even though she doesn't like it.

The warning bell has rung and that was the signal for both of them to head to class. The two girls have taken their seats while the boys in the front are already present at their desk.

Adrien and his best bud Nino we're sitting patiently and chatting with each other like every normal friends do but as for Marinette and Alya is quite different.

Taking into consideration on how big of a crush Marinette has for Adrien that she practically just sits and stares at him almost all the time while we have Alya next to her being given the role of helping her focus on the task at hand and secretly shipping the two...secretly.

As the class progresses with the lesson the teacher gradually ask the class to take out their math book and review.

"Now go to chapter 3, page 47 to review the quadratics and formulas" Ms. Bustier asks politely. As everyone takes out their textbooks from their bag unfortunately Marinette has quite the trouble in taking it out because of her last nights incident.

She bends down as slowly as she could to reach for her to get the textbook but the pain was growing ever so slightly.

She finally reached to grab her book but was immediately startled to hear her teacher call out her name for roll call so loudly causing her to jolt up suddenly. The pain has rushed through her nervous system and the pain has travelled through her back and shoulders causing a slight whimper of pain.

Marinette has given all her available strength to hold it in and thankfully it was quiet enough for the class and the teacher to not hear it but sadly wasn't quiet enough for Alya to not hear. Not only did it catch her attention but also has her worry for her grew more.

Thinking that only Alya heard her pain it was a relief to know that Alya cares for Marinette so it's okay that it was only her that heard it, but little did she know a fellow male blondie has also heard it as well being that she sits in front of her in all.

The only reason Adrien heard her cry of pain is because the concern he has for her has never left his mind since that night.

From night to morning the thought of her in that state has never left his mind, constantly thinking if she will be okay and debating in his head whether today was a good idea to ask her about her injuries or pretend to not notice and be oblivious to her pain which might be the worst idea to ever think of, or be patient and wait until he becomes Chat Noir and go check up on her as promised.

In every scenario he thinks of could lead to either a disastrous outcome or an awkward stalemate so...what's it gonna be?

Not long after the class has ended and everyone dashed out of the room to either head on home or stay for after school activities.

Marinette and Alya were last to leave the class because of how slow Marinette had to pack up and Alya being a good supportive friend is staying by her side through thick and thin.

"Girl you ready to go?" Alya asked nonchalantly and She replies in a gentle manner. "In a bit Alya I gotta make sure I have everything with me...sorry for the wait" she chuckles lightly and that gave her the signal of lending a helping hand to speed up the process.

Meanwhile Adrien and Nino were patiently waiting outside the class door. "Dude, why are we waiting by the door, aren't we suppose to crash at your place and play some virtual games?" Nino asks impatiently looking at the distracted Adrien who is not even making eye contact to him.

"In a minute I gotta check up on Marinette real quick and besides my dad doesn't let me bring friends over remember?" He responds quickly which made Nino nod his head in agreement.

The cheery girls walked out of class to only be intercepted by the boys. "Wassup boys, what's up with you guys being here?" Alya ask joyfully to spite a conversation and Nino speaks up before Adrien could ask Marinette a question.

"Yo Alya and Marinette lovely day as always, now my man here Adrien has a question he would like to ask to Marinette" he says in a gentlemen tone which made Adrien bolt his head towards his friend giving the "dude really" look and made Marinette blush intensely to whom Alya took note of and presented a hidden grin.

"Well it seems you two got some business to take care of so Nino come with me for a sec I need talk to you" Alya says gesturing him to follow her. They both walked towards the school exit leaving Marinette and Adrien by themselves.

The two just stood there looking at each other so awkwardly and quiet until Marinette decides to break the ice. "So A-A-Adrien what is it you w-want to talk to me about....or ask question, which I can answer obviously because you...want...to ask me a question" she stumbled on her words as always and that made her blush a thousand times over.

Marinette dripped her head in embarrassment and Adrien can only look at her with a honest smile and decided to go for it.

"I was gonna ask how was your injuries" he says causally and that sparked Marinette to glance at him suddenly in a shock.

Marinette questioned him as to how did he know she had sustained injuries thinking she hid it pretty well and Adrien could only come up with an excuse of being an excellent observer. He couldn't tell him that he only found out because he took her home last night as Chat Noir.

"You may have fooled the others but I could tell you were in pain during class so I just wanted to make sure you were okay" he says gently and that made Marinette speechless.

She needed to calm down and respond in a proper manner so she put up a front and stared at him with determine eyes saying.

"I'm okay."

She doesn't know if that was enough to convince that she was fine, she doesn't know if putting up the front of an okay person was sufficient because she hasn't gotten use to this worrisome side of him.

"Are you sure Mari?" He ask and she nods in confirmation. "I'm okay Adrien, thank you for checking up on me" she says and apparently that was enough as for he didn't question no more and instead insisted to walk with her to the school building entrance.

Mari agreed and they both begun to walk towards the front of the school. Meeting up with both Alya and Nino at the front they both broke off their own separate ways. The girls went on walking to Mari's bakery while the boys stayed behind to await Adrien's ride.

Following the girls they both arrived at the front of Mari's bakery. Marinette thanked Alya for tagging along to her home.

"Thank you Alya for seeing me home, I appreciate it a lot" she says with gratitude. "No problem girl I gotchu no matter what but please take care of your injuries. Leaving it untreated could be dangerous for you health you know?" She says with concern which she obviously knows.

They both say their farewells and Mari watched Alya walk away until she was a good distance away to head onto her room. Finally in her own room she could finally rest in her comfy bed with no more excess energy being used, to finally rest.

Despite her injuries she has gotten use to the pain and as for treating her injuries, the bed she is laying on has a louder call and before she knows it, Mari has doze off to sleep.

As for Adrien and Nino they were chatting back at school waiting for his ride. Nino kept asking what's the deal with Mari and Adrien could only say that he was worried about her.

"I was just worried for her because she didn't act like her usual self today, more inclined to be by herself and more quiet" he claims which Nino took note of. Never has Adrien been so concerned for a girl before, not to this degree anyway but then again Nino doesn't know the whole story.

The limo has arrived and Nathalie has called on Adrien to come over. They both bid their farewells and Adrien got into the limo while Nino watched as Adrien is being driven away, leaving him behind.

Adrien finally entered his room after his brief greetings to his father and Plagg comes out flying from his pocket shirt.

"AHHHH finally free from my captivity and in need of some Camembert cheese" he says flying around the room. Adrien walks to his mini fridge and opens it to pull out a piece of Camembert cheese to hand it to his hungry kwami "here you go you hungry kwami" he says as he holds out the cheese in which he quickly took from his hand and gobbled it up.

Savoring the taste of sweet cheese Plagg melted through the wonderful sensation that before he realized it, the Camembert cheese is already gone which immediately dropped his head in disappointment.

"Are you satisfied Plagg?" Adrien asked as he slowly approached him with a questionable look.

"Well I'm always hungry for Camembert but yes I'm satisfied, thank you for asking" Plagg responds which might be his mistake.

"Alright good now PLAGG CLAWS OUT!!!!" Adrien shouts out holding out his ring and before Plagg had any say in the matter it was too late and he already got sucked into the ring and transformed him into the superhero of Paris, Chat Noir.

"Time to check up on a friend" he says to himself as he opens his window and leaps out throughout the building towards the bakery.

Meanwhile at Marinette's we find her sitting at her desk studying for mathematics. Tikki flies out of her bed observing her studies as she isolate herself in her focus.

"I never understood the concept of math" Tikki comments which made Marinette giggle a bit as that is something relatable. As they continue to work Marinette's mother came up to check in her daughter "I brought hot tea and cookies Mari would you like?" She ask and Mari kindly nods yes for. Sabine quietly lay down her snacks and casually walk up to Marinette to confront her.

"Mari how are your wounds holding up" she ask sternly. Mari responded silently due to the fact that her mother knows about her bruises which gave her a brief idea that she never really properly took care of her injuries.

Sabine let out a long and deep sigh and that sent signals of shiver down Mari's spine "I'll get your medicine and you're gonna have to take care of it yourself okay?" She demands as she walks downstairs.

Leaving on her own Marinette is left with applying ointment on her wounds and while Tikki is watching feeling really bad.

Before she had her chance to offer help both of them were interrupted by a sudden knock upstairs.

Mari and Tikki stood still in shock as to what is going up on her balcony "who is outside so late at night... in my balcony?" She thought to herself. They both stood still awaiting for another knock to occur which actually did three min after.

Tikki flew away to a hiding spot, near a couple books so that's good and Marinette carefully approach her hatch. She carefully unlocked her hatch and slowly open it.

At first glance there was no one to be seen but deep down she knew who would visit her this late at night, some very obnoxious yet reliable cat has accompanied her vacancy.

When Mari fully opened her hatch and stepped out to the cold night at Paris he was nowhere to be seen. Checking every corners of her eye there was no sign of the black cat but it was until she had a unusual feeling that made her turn a full 180 and looked up is where the hero has taken over her view entirely.

There stood the black hero of Paris in a pounce like position locking his green eyes with her blue and before she could do anything the cat leaped down to her railing almost leveling her in height a gently whispered one word, one word was all it took to begin forming a bond that would only strengthen more as they kept seeing each other, one word that started it all.


Sorry it took a bit to get this out but I'll try to keep this consistent and enjoyable as I continue to write this so I hope you enjoy, thank you.