

Chat approaches Mari closer and stand to eye level until they were face to face. Both are staring at each other for quite sometime that it may seem strange to some point. Mari hasn't really payed too much attention to Chat because of hero duties but now, in her civilian form, now during a time with no hero persona to cloud my vision, now she see Chat in a whole new light.

"I never knew Chat has cat-like pupil until now and it's pretty adorable hehe. How green his eyes are, almost like someone ("hello princess") else's I know but yet seems different. A more light yellow correlates the green to produce a more brighter color. "Very beautiful." Mari thinks to herself and wonder why she hadn't noticed these features ("Mari?") of Chat or to be more precise wonder why the thought of Chat has been on her mind the whole day. Never in her high school life ("Earth to Marinette?") would she invest so much of her thoughts to any other person other than Adrien which is very confusing, something that she doesn't understand.

"Marinette!" Chat raises his voice trying to snap Marinette out of her...whatever she was daydreaming about. It worked and she was brought back to the balcony.

"W-what happened?" She ask in a confusion rubbing the back of her head. "You tell me purrrincess, you were staring at me for a good while and I do appreciate the very needed attention but not of this moment" he jokes as he circles Mari in a playful manner.

"Well then it is best to savor that moment because that will never happen again" she teasingly replies as she grabs his tail holding the cat to a stop.

"Don't tell me you got lose to my radiating eyes" Chat says as he holds two sideway peace signs forming a mask around his eyes which caused Mari to blush lightly.

"Quit it cat so what about you tell me why you are here" she say softly while trying to hide her light red face.

"You don't remember the promise princess? I wanted to check up on you because of what happened last night" Chat states as he gently grab her and tries to fix her face so they could confront each other properly.

As Chat holds her face, he unintentionally locked his eyes with hers and that was when he was struck with a ecstatic adrenaline pulsing throughout his body. His body tensed to a stiff, ("hey") heat is steaming his suit, and his heart is beating at a faster rate. As to wondering why this was happening he ("Chat?") has zero clue. This feeling he was going through is not like when he was with his friends ("kitty what's wrong") or his lovebug but something new, something he doesn't fully understand.

"Chat you okay?" Mari says as she grabs hold of both his hands. Chat unconsciously reacted and retracted his hands form her face which startled her giving off a worrisome expression.

Chat didn't know what was going on in that moment but he knew he had to bounce back from this awkward situation and turn back into his regular self.

"How are you injuries princess, did you treat them carefully?" Chat asked and she stalled for a couple seconds by letting out a couple guilt giggles before saying "funny thing actually I haven't...yet."

That sent some disappointing signals towards Chat and he let out a deep sigh "You know it's only gonna get worse especially injuries like yours" he says deeply. Mari was getting fed up with his constant involvement "It's just a couple bruises I can handle, it's not gonna hurt anyone" she states and that annoyed Chat a little.

"That may be true princess but I can see the pain behind your act and it hurts you" he counteracts.

That made Mari stood there shock. "Why does he continue to get involve with me, why now of all times?" She thought to herself as she stared down the cat. "Just like last night he saw through my act and yet he insist in worrying about me, caring about me.

Chat Noir doesn't know me beyond my superhero persona "Ladybug" so he should no little to none about the civilian "Marinette" but he approaches me and talks to me as we have been friends for a long time... no way! Is this his way of flirting?"

Chat walked closer to her and rested a hand on her sides of her hips lightly. It was a soft pat but she let out a small expression of pain and that only confirms his worries.

"See princess, this only confirms that you are still in pain" he says gently with a weak smile and that made her blush unconditionally.

"Chat you're overstepping boundaries" Mari says casually. Chat took note of her warning, quickly pulled his hand away from her shoulder, and laughed it off.

Mari couldn't face him properly with all this thoughts flooding her mind and it's gotten to the point where it is really irritating and it's too late at night for this.

Chat didn't know what she was feeling but he knows to make her top priority right now. Chat carefully place her hand under her chin and slowly lifted it up to grab her attention, once she made contact with her he request.

"Princess allow me to help you"

Mari didn't want to argue or fight with him anymore because she knows once he has something on his mind he won't let it go, it's just they way he was and it was quite annoying...yet...reassuring.

This may prove to be a bad idea but she can't recover this way, not without his help and she couldn't ask her parents because it's waayyy to late at night and their sleeping. She can only rely on him at this point

She needs his help.

"Come inside my room kitty, I want you to help me with something" she invites him over as he heads towards the hatch opening it. Chat quietly obeyed and was about to go in until he was briefly stopped by her. "WAIT!!!!" She yells out holding out her five finger hand out to signal a stop. At first Chat was confuse as to what was going on and she came out tomato red explaining that she had to clean up her room before he was to come in.

A couple minutes pass by and Marinette opened up her hatch again giving the green pass to come in. Chat followed after her being careful to not make too much noise and soon rested himself on her couch.

"Lucky for you kitty I got some snacks my mother brought up a while ago so feel free to try some" she says walking out to char offering some baked cookies.

The batch of cookies has a lot of varieties, some were original chocolate and red velvet but the one that stood out the most was the strawberry jammed cookie.

Chat picked out the strawberry and took a bite into it and not soon he was melted by the hard crunchy outer layer to the sweet jam center. "It's good, like really good, can I have more" he pleads holding out his hand for more.

Marinette giggles at how adorable he was acting "sure thing kitty I'll back with more and some refreshment for as well" she says nonchalantly as she goes down leaving Chat on his own.

With him by himself in someone else's room, especially a girls room he took the time to observe her room.

"Everything is so pink and cute" he thinks to himself as he walks around her room looking at everything, from the corner of her fashion area to the desktop and computer.

Nothing has really changed since he last visit her room which was like a couple months ago. He heads to the desktop and spot a console beside her desk.

"That bring backs memory" he says laughingly as he thought back to when they were partnered up together to enter a video game fighting tournament. "It was a first for me because I was invited to someone's house for the first time and that I actually had someone to whom I genuinely had fun with" he nostalgically thought.

The first time he actually had a good time with no worries to stop him, no father discipline or expectations to hold up, just pure bliss he got to experience for the first time with...Marinette.

Next to the controller was a white notebook with butterfly design that Chat noticed and how curious it's kills the cat he knew he was gonna be in big trouble for the action he was about to take but it seems too good to pass up.

Before he had a chance to pick it up he heard a couple footsteps coming up and that bolted him to retreat back to where he was previously at, before snooping around.

*Knock* *Knock* on the door has startled the cat jumping back a bit preparing to leave incase it wasn't Mari but one of the parents.

"It's okay kitty it's me" before she opened the door carrying a cookie batch on the right arm and glass of milk on her left. Relief that it was just her Chat started to get comfortable on the couch waiting for her.

They both chatted a bit and eating their snack to get to know each other and come up with some conversations to pass the time.

Chat being curious as usual dropped everything and looked at Mari with determine eyes which kinda flustered up Mari in a sense Chat asked "so what was it you need help with."

Calming down a bit Mari explained as before she didn't treat her wounds yet so she thought that it was an okay idea for him to help her treat the bruises she couldn't reach.

Now out of context he thought the places not to be named which turned the cat red tomato and panically declined.

Finding this kinda amusing Mari had to elaborate her needs for this thick-headed cat and turned her back towards him and lifted her shirt a bit and started pointing.

"Dumb kitty it's only these injuries that I need help applying ointment and then some bandages, just close your eyes and I'll guide you where it needs to be treated" she explained to reassure the cat.

She doesn't know if that calmed him down at all but she needed to be sure if he can handle it. "Are you sure you want me to do this, why don't you ask your parents for help" Chat explained trying to find the rabbit hole to get out of this situation.

Mari turned around to face him, "Chat it is 1:30 almost fricken 2 at night and I don't want to interrupt them, plus you are already here so you are the only person I can turn to" she says approaching closer to him. She grabs a hand and lay it on her side.

"Chat this pain hurts and the only way it can heal fast is you help me apply the proper treatment so I can recover so please" she begs softly tightening her grip on his hand.

"Why do you trust me so much to do this?" Chat asked curiously. It took a couple seconds to think about it but she answers for a certain.

"Because I know you wouldn't hurt me."

Those words hit deep to Chat because despite the fact that they don't meet with each other often and barely interact with each other and basically both live different lives.

Despite the fact that they don't know each other, she claims that he won't put any harm on her.

Putting aside the famous title he holds as the hero of Paris, right now between the two of them alone Chat is just a regular boy in a black suit, free of worries and expectations and Mari is a regular clumsy girl she's always been.

Chat blushed lightly in confusion with all the guilt trip and puppy eyes she's putting on is really getting to him so he has no choice but to accept the offer.

Marinette turned around once again and lifted her shirt up just a little bit to where the injuries can be seen. "Close your eyes and trust me and before you know it, it will all be over" Mari says as she reaches for Chats hand.

The reassurance has calmed down the heart of his and so he begins to cover up the bruises and cuts with medicine.

Chat already applied ointment to the cloth and all that's left was for Mari to guide his hand to the bruises that hurts her.

His gloves is being scanned throughout her back finding the wound and whenever they hit the bruise spot Mari would occasionally let out a soft groan, mainly because of the pain of the medicine but it is all for the benefit of her so it is okay.

The closer he gets to that sweet spot the pain she feels intensify. The heartbeat of hers pounds so loud that even Chat could feel it from the back, even through his gloves he feels.

Both hearts continue to beat faster and the heat that radiates from both bodies also rises.

The embarrassment they both are experiencing is something that they both would never imagine being in a situation like this.

After the medicine was done all that's left was the bandages. Mari insisted that she could handle this on her own so that was a huge relief for Chat as rested upon the couch.

Chat felt like he fought a years long war in the span of 15 minutes and even then he feels like he lost to her....but what did he gain?

Chat has discovered a whole new side of Marinette. Whenever Adrien sees Marinette during school or out in public she was always so happy and jittery, the one who always puts others above herself, the one who always manage to bring a smile to everyone's face even during times where she was not at her best.

Marinette was shown to be an amazing person and no one can stop her from her goals, that was what Adrien thought of her and respected but what Chat experienced tonight was different

Chat has seen a very vulnerable side of Marinette, more so now than last tonight. What makes her so likable to others is that she tend to put her friends before herself because that's how she is.

But seeing the side of her who is need of someone, who is willing to ask for help, who puts her own care first before anyone else.

Marinette who despite her shy nature it was clear that looking into her eyes that she was in need for help.

"My help"

Chat asked after she was done putting on the bandages if she was going okay and she nodded in certainty. "I'm okay now Chat, thank you for helping me" she says sincerely which flustered the poor kitty cat.

"Well it is my pleasure to serve you purrincess" he says giving a gentlemen's bow. Marinette stood up first and grabbed the leftover cookies for them to share.

As what it feels like only minutes to them, hours has passed through the night but both of them seems to not notice because of how much they genuinely enjoy each others company.

As they CHATted over a glass of milk they opened up to each other little by little. Mari was telling Chat her daily chores at a bakery and how much of a hassle it was to the point where it could get exhausting and Chat was just drooling on and on of how much of pain it was to uphold the expectations of his strict father. Both laughing at each others suffering is what brings them closer because they have something to relate on

No one is perfect so they both appreciated they have someone to unload all their worries to. For Marinette's side she would have preferred to tell these things to Adrien to start up a conversation and deepen their bond into something more special.

Unfortunately Adrien is her crush and her intense feelings for him is getting in the way of how she functions, with the constant stutters and over exaggerated actions it was hard being able to bring out the words needed to start the "so called conversation."

As for Chat, his bugaboo Ladybug often times put the fights with an akuma and saving Paris her top priority, therefore not having any time spending with each other outside of duty.

Even after the battle there was not enough time because of constant floods of people interviewing them and for the fact that their miraculous times runs out fairly quick.

Chat would love to open up and get know her more and strengthen the bond they have but with the double life they live in, it's not possible.

"Wanna continue where we left off" Mari says looking back at the confuse cat. "What do you mean princess?" He ask tilting his head all cutesy like.

Mari pulled out a game _Miraculous fighter II_ "I saw you eyeing on this so I thought you were interested with a couple matches so you up for it or...are you too much of a pussy. Cat?" She says teasingly sending a smirk his way.

"Did you just make a pun? oh princess you did not just make a pun at me?!" He responds seemingly offended. "Hey, I think I just did so Chat Noir, you up for it?" She ask curiously in which Chat responds by standing up and slowly walked to Mari closer, closing the distance and grabbing a controller behind her.

"You do not want the smoke purrrincess, I'm warning you the claws are gonna come out" Chat states in hopes to intimidate the poor girl but she didn't back down instead she looked up to interlock with his (a lot of this is happening) and with a small grin.

"Try me kitty."

As always hope you enjoyed and apologies if I make any errors in this chapter, Thanks.