Morning Day.

Hello readers. I just want to address in this chapter and the future chapters that I would be making I just want to implement some minor changes. From now on if I want to tackle on what the characters say or think I will put in brackets () instead of quotation marks "". For a better understanding, clear confusion, and a much better reading experience. Thank you and enjoy

After all that has happened last night the sun rises and the start of a new day has begun.

Marinette kept her promise to herself and Chat and she slept throughout the whole day. When she woke up, she opened her eyes to see nothing but blurry images. Mari stood up and straighten her posture on her bed rubbing her eyes to help it focus for a clearer vision. She had a little dried drool on her left cheek and her hair was all over the place, standing up, standing out, and standing outwards, almost like a porcupine's needles on it's back....It is everywhere. Tikki flew out of nowhere to float in front of her face to greet the messy teenager.

"Good afternoon Marinette, slept well?" Tikki asked snuggling up to her cheek. Marinette giggled as she grabbed ahold of her little kwami friend and started rubbing her against her cheeks. "Hey Tikki, I've slept soooo good. A well needed nap after all the shenanigans that has went down last night" she yawns. Her body is still trying to wake up and get into the motion so in the meantime she has her little friend to help her jump start the day.

Mari tried to stretch her muscles but was immediately at halt when she felt the slight jolt of pain, stopping in her tracks. Tikki expressed her worries and told her to be careful. Mari took her warnings seriously and told herself that she has to take it easy today and be more cautious to not reopen some wounds.

"Tikki, what time did I wake up?" Mari ask in which Tikki doesn't respond but instead flies towards her alarm clock and pointing at it to indicate it is 3:45 p.m. When she checked the time her eyes begun to widened to its fullest length. Least to say this was enough to get her to be fully awake.

(3:45 p.m!!!!!!)

Mari was in shock at how long she was out for and how her parents did not even bother to wake her up. She has been sleeping for almost 12 hours. To be fair on her part she admits that her sleep might possibly have been the best she ever took. "Did you dream about anything Marinette?" she giggles as Tikki continues to fly around her head. "Oh you know? the regular stuff. Dreaming about Adrien and everything so great about him. With all his beautiful looks, kind manners, gentle care, soft hair, beautiful eyes, and respectable physique. And there was me next to him, being the happiest teenager as I can potentially be so you know the usual. Oh and also we thought about buying a hamster, and naming him something extravagant." Tikki expected no less from her friend and thus never questioned it any further.

Tikki brushed it off and went on to do her own thing but what she doesn't know is that Marinette kept in one little detail out. A little detail she forgot to mention in her dreams, what has occupied her thoughts for the past 2 days has now invaded her dreams. No longer has her dreams been all about Adrien this and Adrien that. This time she thought of someone else other than her crush, some other person she is embarassed to tell Tikki. This annoying black cat and one of the heroes of Paris.

(There was also Chat Noir.)

Marinette didn't want to dwell too much into Chat, mainly because of how annoying it can get. She begins getting out of her bed and heading towards the bathroom to clean up while Tikki is behind her.

After her clean up, shower, and dress up, only 30 min has passed by and she was ready to head on down to the living room. Once she entered the living room she was greeted by her parents Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. Her father Tom handed her a brunch meal containing rice, bacon, and egg with apple juice refreshment on the side. "Thanks papa" she stands up to her tippy toe to kiss her father in the cheek, feeling really grateful to have him here in her life. As she eats her food Tom begins to enter her interrogation mode.

"You had quite the hibernation little missy" eyeing her daughter as she eats. Mari nods in agreement not fully listening to him as she was to invested in the delicious Dupain-Cheng delicacy. Tom took advantage of this opportunity to further continue his questioning. As Marinette went to grab her juice to take a quick sip.

"You woke up so late in the day Marinette, so what were you doing last night?" finally asking the big meaty question. Reacting upon that question, she choked upon her drink and that caused her to cough a little. The father and soon the mother came over a little concern on their daughters well being but that did not stop Tom as his curiosity continues to grow by her reaction.

(Oh shoot.)

Marinette's mother Sabine now steps into the scene concern aswell at to what happened last night. "Marinette honey, did you really stay up late last night?" she questions in a clam manner which actually helped Mari a little in calming down.

Obviously she can't tell them that some stray cat came over last night to help out in treating my injuries, hangout and eat pastries. Trying to think of a good excuse to tell is driving the patience of her father as it is shown he begins to tap his foot in a increasing speed, building up the tension, and further stressing her out. Sabine reached out a hand to her daughter's shoulder grabbing her attention. "Marinette were not mad since it is only the weekend but we just want to know what you were up to while we were sleeping okay?" she reassures her. Thanks to her mothers kind intentions she could now think properly.

"I wasn't really sleeping during that time papa. After I treated my bruises and cuts I mostly sketched in my book, brainstorming some ideas of future fashion designs." she explains calmly.

"So why did I hear pounding and multiple voices up in your room then?" Tom further questions. Both Marinette and Sabine stared at the father in shock. "Papa, were you awake the whole night?" Marinette ask and her father nod in confirmation.

Things are escalating and now her mother starts to question so before all this goes south she needs to end it now. "I was just playing Miraculous fighter online with some random. That's all there is papa really." she guiltily says.

"Really?" He continues to doubt folding those big muscular arms of his together. "They were really toxic" Mari innocently says. After interrogating her daughter for a good 15 minutes he believes it is about time to call it quits and just drop the effort.

*sigh* "did you atleast win" he ask in defeat. Marinette's face smiles and holds out a piece sign in front of his dads face.

"Of course."

That cheered her father up and as things settle down the family has continued on their day. After Marinette has finished her meal she offered to help out with the bakery to make her time useful and to strengthen their bonds and regain their trust.

Naturally they agree and Mari went down to the bakery to get ready and start baking. As soon as she was ready she went straight to her working station and begun rolling and separating the dough. The bakery surprisingly was not as busy as it usually is, maybe because it was late in the afternoon but with her parents upstairs, Tikki M.I.A, and her monitorating the bakery shop.

It can get a little lonely.

With the silence filling the room and Marinette investing a lot of time into her work, her mind tend to drift off to places. A place of fantasy where Adrien is her everything, her every being. A place where she brainstorm creative ideas for future designs and soon a place where she thinks of Chat Noir.

What happened last night and what has happened in her dreams....her dreams. Dremas where Chat Noir was the same as ever. The same cocky, boastful, and flirty kitty with plentiful cringeworthy puns. All the features Marinette came to tolerate and possibly came to like.

She dreamed various scenarios of what to do when he comes back to visit later tonight. Things like a movie, talk about topics that interest them both, maybe more video games to beat him at? Or even just doing nothing and just enjoying each other companies because as much as she denies it, telling herself she doesn't want it, thinking of it as a bother. Deep down she is looking forward to his nightly visit. A soothing and joyful night that she wishes to relive again.

After finishing shaping up and sorting the cookies into a full batch she carries them carefully to the oven and started heating them up. As she waits patiently Tikki pops out nowhere and soon Mari chats up with her about random topics of the world. Tikki being as old as creation (literally) Marinette was always fascinated about life of the past and her experience from the past with other Ladybug miraculous holders.

Tikki shares many fascinating knowledge about her power of creation and Plaggs power of destruction. Tikki claims that her very power "creation" created the concepts of everything. For example the concept of second chance, illusion, and protection has given birth to other kwami's like Sass, Trixx, and Wayzz.

Tikki called them Kwami Descendants.

Tikki states that In a space of absolute nothingness Plagg and Tikki were the first omnipotent beings to ever exist, before dark, before light, before anything. As Tikki begins to create the very concepts of what we know, those ideas manifest their own kwami's to take hold of that power, those ideals.

Plagg on the other hand holds the power of destruction so he only had one kwami descendant. The kwami of the end of its time, the most powerful entity he ever created.

The kwami of D.E.A.T.H.

The kwami of death was so dangerous that Plagg and Tikki was forced to lock him up in a cage deep into existence to manage its intense power.

The power the kwami's hold are terrifying but yet so interesting that even scientist would sacrifice an arm and a leg for this knowledge.

Before Tikki could dwell deeper into her explanation she senses a presence approaching the front door of the bakery and immediately flying somewhere to hide, leaving Mari in a daze of confusion. A minute later the door opens and the bell ringing caught Marinette's attention.

"Welcome the the bakery may I he-" words stopped in her tracks as she saw who entered her store. No other than Adrien Agreste entered the bakery in his casual clothes, not like it mattered to her because in her eyes perfection is not depicted by his fashion sense but by his mere presence.

"Hey Marinette, hows it going?" Waving her a greeting. She is standing still baffled by the fact that he is here.

(Adriens here, I am here, we're alone, in my parents bakery...AAAHHHHHH) internally screaming of happiness and embarrassment. Marinette was in her own world and Adrien was staring at her all weirdly although happy knowing she is the same as ever.

"Excuse Marinette?" He waves in front of her face to grab her attention. She snapped back to reality and flinch back a little distancing themselves. "A-Adrien what b-b-brings you to my bakery-our bakery—my parents bakery!!!" She stutters tremendously.

Dying of embarrassment she hides herself in her hands un-to-be-seen by him. Watching her acting all goofy and extra causes him to laugh at her attempt in starting a conversation so he holds his hand out to hers and bring them down so he could see her face. Pulling down her hands has made her look up and face Adrien. Both once again interlock their eyes with each other. Blue eyes once again meeting with the green ones, even though they have done this many times over in such a cliche fashion, since it was in a different situation and Chat Noir wasn't there but instead Adrien, it had a different effect on each other.

Marinette has seen Adrien's eyes an unhealthily amount, many times over but for some reason, for the first time she has ever known that instead of thinking of Adrien the first person that popped into her mind was Chat Noir.

(Him again?)


Taking a good look at it again, Adrien never really got tired of those beautiful bluebell eyes of hers. Now with him being in his civilian form, he has taken it to a new light in with her friend Marinette. Just from a quick glance he could find the joy and plentiful excess energy radiating from her. Just from looking at her, he could tell she was happy at the moment. Just by being with her, he too was also feeling happy.

(Have I felt like this before with Ladybug?)

Before diving too deep into that thought Adrien was brought back to reality when he realized he was still holding Marinette's hand. All the while she was too embarrassed to act on her own, Adrien took initiative and let go of her hand. Marinette quickly retracted her hand to her sides all blushed up and Adrien standing there unable to look at her in the face also blushing a little.

"Did you want to order anything?" Marinette softly asked Adrien looking up.

"Y-yeah do you have a dozens worth of strawberry jelly?" Rubbing the back of his head still unable to make eye contact with her.

Mari nodded, said she would get them quickly and have them ready to go. After enduring the awkward atmosphere they both set themselves at, the order was done, Adrien payed for the donuts and before they knew it, it was all over.

Adrien begun walking towards the door and was ready to head on out while Marinette was standing idly behind her bakery desk watching him leave. Before Adrien opened the door he took one last quick glance at Marinette before he was to walk home.

(There stood Marinette all tensed up waving goodbye to me. I can see her in a standard working apron, covered in flour and frosting from the donuts. I wonder if she notice the small amount of frosting on her left cheek? Hehe. I'll see you soon princess)

Adrien waved back at her before he opened the door, walked out, and soon out of sight of Marinette. When he was nowhere to be seen Marinette dropped her whole body in relaxation and Tikki flies out to her partners side to check up on how's she doing.

"You okay Marinette?" She ask casually in which she responds with a silent nod. After everything died down and Marinette's body could function properly again the day passed by and stars has befallen upon the night sky.

After closing up the bakery for the night with the help of her parents Marinette and Tikki were up in their rooms chilling. Marinette was minding her own business drawing some sketches in her sketchbook while Tikki carefully observe her from the behind.

"Marinette what are we going to do about tonight's patrol?" Tikki ask quietly. Mari stopped what she was doing and turned around to face her, contemplating on her question. "I can still go you know? It doesn't hurt that bad" petting her little kwami to reassure her. Tikki still giving her that sense of doubt and worry, kinda like Chat...very persistent. "Marinette you just got your wounds treated last night and because you didn't treat it sooner the bruises looked like it has gotten worse. It will heal but as your kwami I forbid you from transforming into Ladybug, not until you are in top top shape." Tikki orders. Marinette did not feel like arguing with her about the morality of self care and duty since they still got Chat Noir so she let that fly for now.

"I gotta tell Chat that I would not be attending nightly patrols for a couple nights so let me transform one last time and let him know" Marinette ask kindly in which Tikki obliges. Marinette transformed into Ladybug and sent a message through her miraculous letting Chat know she will not be attending any nightly patrols due to personal problems, basic excuses to pass the time.

After sending the message Ladybug was done for the night and now Marinette needs to recover. "Spots off" Ladybug orders and soon Tikki flew out and Ladybug detransformed into Marinette again. "Hope he understands" looking at Tikki hoping for some form of reassurance. "It will all be okay Marinette. Chat Noir is a strong hero and very understandable. Chat is YOUR partner after all" Tikki flies and spin around.

(Partner huh.)

For some reason the thought of Chat being called his partner made her blush. Even though when it comes to Ladybug and people refer to Chat as her partner, for some reason having Chat being referred to as a partner to Marinette hits different than with Ladybug. A light blush covered both her cheeks, luckily unnoticeable to the eye of her fellow kwami.

Countless times Chat and Ladybug were to be known as partners, duos, and colleagues and Chat often times refer to her as cheesy nicknames such as "bugaboo" or M'Lady or even romantic names such as lovers or soulmates. These names have been said often, almost to the point that it irritates Ladybug but when one simple word as "partner" correlates with Marinette and Chat, a common civilian to the well known superhero of Paris.

It holds a different meaning.

Tikki asked if Marinette was looking forward to seeing the black kitty tonight but she didn't respond. Looking away from her little kwami she didn't even bother to make eye contact with her because as much as she wants to deny it. Unable to face her kwami and answer her question she hides her face, slightly blushed with red and a small grin being formed upon her face.

(Maybe just a little.)