Starring Night.

3 hours before patrol.

Adrien just left the bakery carrying out about a dozen strawberry jelly donuts towards his parked limo where Nathalie and the gorilla bodyguard patiently waited. Adrien enters and apologizes for the wait which they didn't mind so much.

"Now how much did you buy Adrien?" Nathalie asks firmly with a hint of curiosity in which Adrien responds by leaning the bag over to her side to show how much donuts he's managed to get.

"Enough for you, my father, and good ol gorilla here" leaning in towards the driver's seat to signify that he will not be left out. Although it cannot be seen by his stone cold eyes rest assured that deep down his chiseled stone face that he is happy.

Nathalie satisfied with the result ordered the driver to head on home while the pastries are in fine condition. Adrien looks back at the bakery one last time, feeling somewhat down as they drove off towards his home.

No more than 10 minutes pass by when they finally approach the Agreste gated fence. Adrien and Nathalie got out of their private limos while the bodyguard stayed behind to park it in one of their garages. Both Nathalie and the boy said their thanks to the gorilla and before heading inside Adrien gifted him a jelly donut which put a smile on his face before catching up to Nathalie.

Once inside Adrien and Nathalie were greeted by no other than the big bad boi himself Gabriel Agreste, the owner of the Agreste clothing company, Nathalie's boss, and Adrien's father, Both greeted Gabriel respectfully as he does the same and soon ask of today's events. "What did you guys do while you were out?" eyeing both of them intensely ...serious eyes, no smiles. Adrien couldn't say anything under the pressure of his intimidating presence but luckily Nathalie stepped in and informed him that Adrien went out to a bakery to get some pastries.

(Marinette's bakery) putting some respect on her and her family's name.

"Is this true Adrien?" Gabriel asking him now turning his attention towards his son. Adrien looked up to him and nodded in agreement as he carried out the bag behind him to his direction for him to see. "Would you like one father?" he asked holding out a jelly donut. Looking at the donut Gabriel hesitates for a minute and that thinned the air in the room, both Nathalie and Adrien waiting for an answer.

"I will have one later my son, apologize Adrien but I am currently preoccupied with my future designs, causing me to be really busy" turning his back on him and walking to his office with Nathalie following slowly behind him. Adrien expected as much from him so it doesn't really affect him that much but it is still quite the let down. Before Adrien headed up to his room Gabriel stopped in his tracks and called out his son's name. It grabbed his attention and panned his eyes towards his father,

"Make sure to leave one donut at my desk when you have the time, I will be looking forward to it. Thank you my son and give my regards to the Dupain-Cheng family" Before opening his door full way and entering his office with Nathalie shortly follows behind with a small smile of approval.

Even though it was a simple order and it didn't mean much to him. Adrien felt a little touch that he actually cares, as little as it was  in some form of way. He cares. Adrien walked up and entered his room shutting the door behind him. He placed down the donuts onto his table and checked around the room. Once he felt isolated and secured he signals Plagg that it is okay to come on out. He flew out of his shoulder pockets and immediately started complaining.

(I'm hungry this I'm hungry that)

Adrien begged his little friend to pipe down so his father or anyone in that matter doesn't hear him, ordered him to cover his eyes so he cant see, and patiently wait. Plagg wonders what he was up to and the only thing Adrien could tell him is that it is going to be a surprise.

After the little kwami did what he was told Adrien immediately started to get to work. He walked towards his mini fridge and pulled out 1 medium and 1 small sized roll of camembert cheese and laid it next to the donuts he bought from the bakery. After that he also grabbed a cherry and candles while he's at it. Next he grabbed a knife and a metal rod thing and placed it on the table. After he grabbed every essential item he needed, the work starts now.

First Adrien grabbed the knife and a jelly donut and started to carve out the edges of the donut to separate the dough from the jelly. Next step he grabbed the medium sized camembert cheese and like before carved out a chunk of cheese in the center in a spherical shape, leaving a crater in the center of the cheese capable of placing the jelly inside. The smell of the cut cheese was really bad and that messed with Adrien's senses while Plagg was into it, drooling and everything. Step number 3 is to grab the metal rod and with the cheese he cut out, he stuck the rod in the center of the pierced the cheese in a vertical angle all the way. The fourth step is he grabbed the jelly donut and carefully placed it in the camembert cheese where it made the crater. Carefully placing the jelly inside required a great amount of focus and steadiness. After doing that he grabbed the cheese with the hole on top of the jelly. Gently pressing down the cheese onto the cheese, squishing the jelly and thanks to making that hole with the rod instead of the jelly splattering the sides, it is coming out through the hole spreading the top cheese evenly. Trying not to pressure it too much as he still wants to have some jelly inside the camembert cheese, he stopped at the bare minimum. Last step is to cut out the small camembert roll into even slices and lay it down around the bigger cheese. To top it off was the cherry and a lighted candle to resemble some type of cheese cake.

Adrien was sweating profusely on how much concentration and focus was required to finish this work. Looking at his masterpiece, he was quite satisfied with the outcome, being it was his first attempt into making anything at all. He couldn't believe the amount of work and time was put into making something so small and simple (In his mind). Imagining someone else like Marinette who could probably do something so simplistic like this probably a walk in the park for her therefore some new found respect has opened for her in his eyes.

(Not too bad Agreste, hopes he likes it).

Adrien approaches the excited kwami blinded to what's going on but has a few ideas of what is happening. You can tell he is looking forward to by the way he spins in excitement so that alone made Adrien very happy that he is in a very good mood.

"You ready?" setting down the surprise. He responds with a really quick nod like a little toddler on his birthday. Adrien told him to open his eyes. What he opened was astonishing. What stood before him was a huge camembert cheese stuffed with Strawberry jelly. The top layer was also jellied filled and topped it off with a cherry and a lighted candle. Plagg looked at it in aww that he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He turned to Adrien and gave that "you did this for me?" kinda look. Adrien the shaken cat and kneeled down to his level, "remember the first day we met Plagg? You popped out the tiny miraculous box and the first thing you asked of me was to get you something to eat? Well this here is the Adrien special jelly camembert cheese as thanks for being my first ever friend. I call it Adriens special Jellied CamemChat"  he patted his friend's head.

"Happy 3rd anniversary Plagg"

The magical cat was floating still, speechless and almost on the verge of tearing but Adrien could tell from the look in his eyes, the bright color shining ever so deeply that he was eternally grateful for him. With Adrien satisfied with the results he allowed the impatient cat to enjoy his gift while he goes on to the showers and wash off the sweat. Not a second passed by and he was already enveloped into the camembert, diving face first into it laughing maniacally and gouging his mouth full of cheese and strawberry jelly. The taste was extravagant and was melting upon his taste buds.

15 minutes passed by and Adrien just got out of his steamy shower only to find his little kwami friend halfway finished with his gift. Letting him enjoy it more for a little while he grabs his phone off the table and decides to rest on his bed to let his hair dry up, check up on the time and just scroll through his social media, seeing if anything new pops up.

(So it's 8:15 p.m huh?)

Adrien was just scrolling through his instagram feed, watching funny videos, looking through memes,  and liking pictures of his close friends post. As he gradually does through his feed he suddenly comes across one of Marinette's recent posts. He stopped his scroll and started to observe her post. It was a selfie picture of her holding a batch of cookies and two milks on a plate with a caption "Late night company with unwanted visitor."

(That was me?)

Adrien unconsciously smiled looking at this post and the fact that she made such a late post last night. Reading the caption he was put a little off on the fact she called him an "unwanted visitor." He doesn't know what she meant was either genuine or if she was just playing around but it was clear that this was troubling his poor mind. Infact this makes him more interested and excited to go see her again, thinking of ideas on how to approach her, ideas on what topics to talk about, things to do to pass the time, ideas to have fun.

Thinking of many possibilities of stuff to do with her has him hyped up greatly and because of this the patience to wait has also dissipated. Adrien turned towards Plagg, eager to ask if he was finished and all ready to go. Plagg was there laying on top of the plate one hand covering his big tummy and the other covering his filled mouth. "Good Plagg you're done eating, get ready now because we're about to head out Plagg claws o-" was about to call out his catchphrase until he was stopped by his loud kwami.

"Adrien let me rest for a bit, I need time to digest my *Burp* food for a couple minutes and then we can go. Besides we still need to do the night patrols with Ladybug" Plagg explains. "That's all the more reason to go don't you think? It is already about to hit 9 p.m" Adrien testifies but Plagg refuses to listen to him. "Kid, Ladybug will understand and besides I just had the best time of my life so please?" he begs.

Adrien couldn't argue with him, being that he made the cheese for him anyways so he has no choice but to go along with his selfish request. Setting down on his chair and thinking about it, he does have a point in the fact that he still has duties to take care of with Ladybug before he could see Marinette.




(My Love?)

Adrien widened his eyes in realization. For a second he was too caught up about how much he wanted to see his princess that he completely forgot about his bugaboo. Back to it again, Adrien once again questions his unwavering feelings towards Ladybug has been...wavered by someone else. He pushed back these thoughts and once again comes to a conclusion that Marinette will always be nothing more than her friend, the one he could talk to about anything, the one he can have a lot of genuine fun with, the one he could be his normal self around.

Nothing more.

Even still, the feeling of a little sense of betrayal towards her Lady for having these kinds of sensation has crossed his mind once in a while and it hurts his heart. Adrien wishes he could experience these things with his lady, or atleast the person under the mask when she decides to reveal her identity to him but her duties towards the people are more important than the feelings he holds for her.

(And that hurts just as much).

No matter what he decides to do, whether he chooses to change to a different target that is not even a guarantee shot or continue this one-sided unrequited love of his. His heart was gonna get hurt no matter what. In the end he's gonna have to choose which outcome is gonna hurt the least.

His lady or his Princess.

*Yawn* "I'm ready to head on out Adrien, you ready?" flying up and stretching his cosmic puny muscles, Plagg stared at Adrien in confusion as it seems like he is having a middle-school dilemma. Entertaining to the cat to be certain but also quite worrisome. Plagg approached his partner which looked to be deep in thought in his thoughts. "Hey Adrien buddy, we going on night patrols or what?" waving in front of his face to grab his attention. Adrien snapped out of his thoughts and darted his eyes to his little kwami, crossed arms, eyeing him back.

"Y-Y-Yeah I'm good, we should get going" standing up and stretching his muscles for a quick warm-up. Plagg flew up to his height nodding in agreement signaling he is ready to go so Adrien closed his eyes, took a deep breath, punched the air, and called out.

"Plagg Claws out!"

The kwami gets sucked into his ring willingly and before a second pass by the immediate transformation undergoes its way and now the one standing in Adrien's room is the great Chat Noir. He opened his eyes taking in the different feeling that surrounds him. All senses are enhanced so his touch, hearing, and sight has been enhanced to superhuman levels. Chat was ready to head on out until he got a notification on his baton. He checked it out and found out that Ladybug sent him a text message.

"Hey Chat, I won't be able to meet up with you on patrols for the upcoming days and nights. Sorry for the inconvenience but I promise to make it up to you when I come back. See ya later Chaton. Bug out! ;p"

After reading the text, Chat feels somewhat let down that he won't be able to see her lady for a while and thanks to her absence, patrolling is gonna take longer and be more exhausting. Even still he understands her situation and respects her decision in putting her needs before anything.

(She probably got some important stuff to do in her civilian life)

So he thought so he won't dwell too much into it but instead use this as a source of motivation to give everything a 100% so that when she comes back. He could brag about how he took care of Paris all by himself. Chat also sends his prayers to his lady so that whatever she is going through that she will be okay and safe.

Chat head towards the window and slowly opens it and quietly hops out of his room into the night. Hopping from building to building makes him feel nostalgic. The breeze blowing through his hair, the fresh air going in and out of his body, and the lights illuminating the city. These qualities are what makes Adrien love being Chat Noir.

Chat landed at the top of a building where he usually meets Ladybug to start the night patrols but since she's not here, he's going to have to do everything on his own. As much of a pain it is, Chat powered through the annoyance and has begun his longtime run of patrols.


Marinette was home sketching some ideas about designs while tikki was floating behind her, closely observing her work. A couple hours passed by and her brain has already fried out of ideas, some ideas weren't as bad from a designers perspective but Tikki on the other hand was still confuse onto why humans need to wear clothes in the first place, believing that it restricts them and that not wearing clothes lets you be more free (Being a naked sentient and all).

"Hey Tikki what time is it?" Marinette asked as she playfully spun her chair around. "It is 10:17" taking a quick glance at her alarm clock. Mari stood up to stretch which might have been a bad idea when her sides started to hurt. Letting out a silent cry of pain alarming the little kwami. Mari lets out a huge sigh and let's her kwami know that she will be fine as she heads towards her hatch to get to the balcony withTikki followed slowly behind her asking her where she was going this late at night.

"Don't worry Tikki, I'm just heading out for some fresh air...God knows I need it"  unlocking the hatch. Approaching the rails, she leans towards it and observes her surroundings. Despite the darkness the lights made it easy to see things, from the big illuminated ferris wheel to the eiffel tower off to the distance. Looking up to the sky she admires the stars shining brightly in the sky with no clouds in sight, hopefully able to find some form of inspiration for her designs.

Easing her mind and relaxing her body she takes in the fresh air and starts to think about stuff. About what happened today, about school, her friends, and Adrien. Mari lowers her head to the rails "I feel bad Tikki" eyeing her kwami. She looks confused as to what she is trying to say. "Chat is out there right now patrolling the whole city of Paris by himself without the help of Ladybug because of my current condition. It must be hard doing it by himself" guiltily explains.

"I'm sure it will be alright, Chat is a very kind and understandable person" Tikki reassures but Mari just hides her face to her shoulders."Yea, to Ladybug" she adds which sets a more depressing mood for both of them. The cold breeze hitting against her shoulders caused her to shiver.

(I wonder what Chat is doing right now)

All of a sudden Tikki flew away to somewhere to hide while Marinette was left on the balcony confused. Thinking that she was probably a little tired and went back inside to sleep she put her head back down on her arms again to rest until he heard a slight jingle in the air. Startled Mari jolted up and placed her back against the railing to see what seemed to be a black shadow figure on the roof.

She got an idea on who it is so she kept her composure and expressed a genuine smile. Everything she could see of him was darkened so it was hard to be certain as to who it is but just as he opens his green emerald eyes. Mari's heart rate speeds up as she knows all too well who that is.

"You came by a little late didn't ya kitty?" teasingly crossing her arms.

The black cat drops down to the railing to her level. The light shines upon him to have a clearer view of Chat's smile.

"Hello Princess."

Mari must have been looking at Chat for a while because he starts to question if something is wrong with her. "Purrincess you okay?" he questions. "Huh? Y-y-yeah I'm okay" she snaps out.

(huh? why am I stuttering).

"Aw princess it hasn't been long and you already miss me?" being as flirtatious as ever. Mari giggles at his attempt "you kidding me? Don't get the wrong idea kitty I was just staring at the....night sky" she points up in which Chat too looks up curiously. Both of them look up to admire the vast sky filled with stars shining brightly millions miles away.

"Ah the starring night sky, so many of them with the moon in the center. Ever so brightly" he states.

"And they're very beautiful huh?" Marinette adds.

Chat looks down to see her looking up minding her own business. Right now it's just the two of them, alone in a very late time but with moments like these races his heart at accelerating speeds. He starts to be aware of things he's never experienced, feelings he's never known, and people he never appreciated until now. Chat blushes unconsciously admiring her princess from a distance.

"Yeah, very beautiful."

School started for me but that ain't gonna stop me from doing what I find fun so enjoy.