Night Two.

Mari looked down to see Chat coming down from the rails. "Why were you out here late of this time purrincess, were you waiting for your white in shiny knight?" teasing playfully. "Nah, I was just out here taking in some fresh air. Besides you're anything but white let alone a knight. Black as the night." addressing his whole appearance.

"Meow-uch purrincess, you've got me at 8 lives now." touching his heart expressing some form of offense. Mari giggles at the offended cat which sparked an idea to get his revenge on her. Chat approached slowly to her causing her back towards the railing.

"I may not be the white knight many princesses encounter in fairytales but right here. Right now stands before you Chat Noir, Hero of Paris, accompanied by her purrincess."

A blushed Marinette was surprised about what he said. She placed one finger on his nose to push him away to get some distance. "Anyway, why did you come here so late?" knowingly full well that a huge portion of it is her fault. "Well M'Lady was supposed to accompany me with the nightly patrol but she had some important things to take care of in her life so I took over" he explains. Marinette could see he was a little down and it pains her hurt for letting her partner take up the responsibility by himself.

Mari tried to express her sincere apology but Chat tried to imply that he was okay. "It's fine Marinette. I understand her situation and in hindsight I paw-sitively hope that whatever she's going through will be feline alright in the end." Marinette blushed by the way he reacted to her being absent on the scene as Ladybug. Tikki was right, Chat is very understanding and respects Ladybug so much. Marinette couldn't help but be a little envious of Ladybug for having someone so understandable like Chat as her partner despite them being the same person.

(You're too kind Chat)

"So what's the plan for the night princess" he points out and that left Marinette at a daze. (Shoot) she never thought of a plan to occupy him for the night so nothing was prepared before he got here. Thinking quickly and observing her surroundings she thought of a perfect thing to do, something nice, relaxing, and where we can have fun.

"Chat wait here I'll be right back" Marinette told him as she walked towards her hatch. Chat wonders what she was doing but the only thing she could give was a smirk planted on her face.

15 minutes passed by.

Marinette opened up the hatch to find Chat keeping himself occupied by sitting alone looking up to the sky. "You having fun there Chaton?" grabbing his attention. He tilts his head towards her way to see her holding a computer laptop and some speakers on her sides. "What are those for?" pointing at those with questions." With these beauties I thought that for tonight would be a chillax movie session" she states.

Chat ears perked up with a smile across his face in excitement. Marinette noticed the cat ears when he reacted to the movie night and thought that was quite cute. Mari set down the equipment on the floor and held out a hand towards Chat. "Help me set this up" in which he willingly inclined to do so.

After setting up the computer and bluetooth speakers Mari told the cat that she has to grab a couple more things before they could get started. "While I'm gone why not you go find some movies to watch before I come back," she suggested but Chat was stumped on that question. He wants to find a movie that they both can enjoy but he doesn't know what she likes. In Fact, he realized that he doesn't know much about Marinette and what she likes.

He notes about her passion for fashion designing, likes to draw, and her parents own a bakery shop so she's pretty experienced in that field. There wasn't anymore he could think of that she likes. For example what movie genre she likes, what food she considers her favorite, or even the music she listens to.

(I know alot about Nino because he was one of the first people to approach me on my first day of school and soon became one of my best friends, second to Plagg. I even know a lot about Alya and her likes because Nino could not stop talking about her.)

He soon realizes that friendship Adrien and Marinette holds, he doesn't know much about her at all. Marinette came back holding a couple blankets on one hand and a plate of some snacks on the other. Mari approached the cat browsing through the movie selections "did you find a movie yet?" Chat sighed in defeat and looked up to the bluenette "Not yet Princess. I wanna find a movie we both can enjoy but I don't know your preference."

Mari letting down the stuff she brought and sits next to him to help out "Well I don't like horror movies so keep that in mind kitty, other than that I'm pretty flexible when it comes to movie taste so...surprise me." Chat grinning casually asks "so why did you bring those?" pointing at the blanket and snacks.

"Well kitty I don't know if you can feel the breeze through your suit but I'm pretty cold out here so I bought a couple blankets enough for both of us. As for these snacks are a traditional must when it comes to late night movie sessions." Chat confuses on the cold part "If you feel cold why don't we just go inside?" he suggests in which Mari retorts by pointing up. Chat directs his head upwards "because there is no better view than this" showing the giant moon shining brightly centered with stars surrounding it.

(And because I didn't take down the Adrien posters I have pinned around my room kms)

"You have good taste purrincess when it comes to setting up the perfect date." Mari was taken aback blushing a bit from what he said "It's way too soon for you to call this a date Chaton, anyway have you found a good movie to watch" changing the subject. As a matter of fact he has as he clicks on a movie called "The Princess Bride." Chat hasn't heard of this movie but his love for old films came from his mother when he was a little kid. Adrien's mother had a shelf of old classic movies that she would sometimes watch with him and pretty soon Adrien made it into one of his hobbies he likes to do whenever he's in his room.

On the other hand Marinette showed a little excitement and expressed to Chat that this is one of her all time favorite movie classics. She notes that she read the book many times and that the movie lived up to the standard expectations she held. An adventurous film with a perfect balance of romance and despair, with some comedic impact, decent fighting choreography and iconic lines.

He doesn't know what was happening or what she was talking about but at least he knows that she loves this movie and that she seems pretty excited which was enough for him. He now knows the similarities of both of them on how much they like classic movies.

"Well I guess we found our winner den huh princess?" looking at her smirking. Marinette grinning back at him "just start the movie."

As the movie begins to start both of them tried to get as comfortable as they can without overstepping any boundaries. Chat places his back against the rails so he was pretty comfortable with his spot but next to him Marinette was struggling a little bit in getting into place without making sort of physical contact with him. Realizing this Chat didn't mind letting her struggle for a little bit as he found it amusing but did not want it to last the whole night.

Chat opened his right arm and wrapped it around Mari to pull her closer. She reacted rejectfully trying to get out of this situation but that only made him tighten it more. "Don't worry so much princess, I don't mind and as things are now this is the most comfortable way for you to enjoy the movie." Chat notified her to not fight it and just go along with it which she reluctantly does so.

As the movies went on Marinette provided some context clues to the movie so Chat was able to understand the movie better. As she casually provides some background commentary about the movie which he didn't mind so much, instead watching Marinette explain something she finds so passionate about is really cute. Just chillin back eating his snacks she brought with the movie infront of hi, the night sky above us, and his princess by his side. It is safe to say that he was having the time of his life.

Halfway through the movie and Chat continues to watch while Marinette dozed off to sleep.

(She must have an eventful day to be this tired) poor little bluenette. Considering that she was fast asleep Chat took this opportunity to get a good look at her. She wore a floral design spaghetti strap shirt with red and black polka dot pajamas while covering herself with a thick blanket so there wasn't much to look at. But that wasn't the first thing he noticed. The first thing he noticed was the jewelry she always wears on her ears.

(A black pair of earrings huh? Didn't take Marinette the type to wear some goth jewelry. Her being all cheery and joyful and all, kinda cute of her.)

What got Chat stumped on was as to why she always wears it 24/7 everyday. You would think she would take it off this late when she sleeps. Soon Mari started to squirm a little in her sleep trying to get more comfortable in her sleep which got the kitty all tensed up. In her sleep she unconsciously got closer to him, holding onto his chest closely which really stiffened the cat.

His heart rate was beating at an accelerating speed and he was blushing like a ripe tomato. Unable to think of a way to get out of this situation, Chat spent the rest of the movie too preoccupied with the squirming girl next to her. When the movie ended Chat was exhausted because of this sleeping bear nonstop moving. Chat checked the time on the laptop because with her constant fidgeting he lost his track time.

(1:35 a.m. Huh?)

Chat ended the movie and closed the laptop, now he needs to figure out a way where he can get out of her grasp without waking her up. With immediate regret to offer her a close cuddling for warming, he notes that he will never do this again. Then again looking at her sleep she seems so....peaceful. Smiling at the thought he carefully lifted her body for a moment to straighten himself up. He carefully placed her towards the railing and soon began the cleanup for her.

He quickly picked up the equipment and snacks and headed towards her hatch. Once inside it was pretty dark but thanks to his keen kitty eyesight, he is able to see in the dark at the bare minimum. The first thing he noticed was the many posters hung up across her walls. Occasionally he spots a couple Jagged Stone and Gabriel Agreste brand posters but the majority of it were pictures of Adrien, pictures of him.

Various pictures of his photoshoot wearing various designs he could recognize and looking at it in a closer look he cringed at his pose and could not believe she had these hung up everywhere. At first he thought that maybe as slight as the possibility she had a crush on him but quickly brushed it off because his heart was set on her lady. Instead since most of the pictures were from his photoshoot, he assumed that she uses these designs from other fashion artists as a source of inspiration.

Making sense of that because Marinette also took inspiration from Jagged stone, her rock idol and Gabriel Agreste, an inspiration and motivation source for her drive to become a fashion designer so it was only natural he would think of him as another form of inspiration for Marinette.

Chat settled the things on her computer table and quickly went back up to the balcony to grab the rest. Chat climbed back up to the balcony to find Marinette laying on the floor sleeping very quietly, very glad that she hadn't woken up at all. Chat started to gather up the remaining unused blankets and the metal tray and head back down leaving the bluenette on her own again. Coming back for the last errand all that's left to get was the sleeping beauty. Chat stood next to her looking down looking somewhat hesitant. Chat taking a huge gulp and a little red to the face because of the situation at hand.

(Where do I grab her from?)

Chat shakenly kneeled down close to Marinette and scanned her whole body with his hands to find a good place to pick her up. Hesitant, he never thought in his wildest dreams that he would be put into a situation like this.... and yet he was confused.

(I've picked countless girls in situations where I save them from danger but why is this so difficult?)

He finally settled on grabbing her from the legs to the back and have the head rest comfortably on his chest. He carefully dug his arm under her legs and back and slowly lifted her up from the ground. The blanket made it a lot harder to do this because he couldn't tell what he was grabbing. He finally accomplished it and now he could finally ease his heart a little bit.

If only that was easy.

As Chat walked towards the hatch he was stopped by his tracks by Marinette constant squirming but only this time Marinette opened her eyes a little bit. "Chat Noir, where am I?" Chat was in quite the predicament but he notices that MArinette was half asleep, meaning that she is not aware of what is going on. "Back to sleep my purrincess,you are feline pretty tired so return to your sweet dreams. Marinette nodded in agreement and as she rested her head upon his chest, Chat tried his absolute best to keep his loud heart beat on the downlow while Mari whispered quietly to herself. "Thank you for everything Chaton'' before dozing off to her sleep.

He did not fully understand what she was saying but seeing her go back to sleep has really put him into a good mood. Once inside for the final time he gently put her body on the bed and covered her with blankets. Thinking that everything is in order he was ready to head on out until he heard something. He looked back to see Marinette talking to herself in her sleep. He couldn't make out the words but there was one recurring word that she kept saying.


(She's dreaming about me?) Chat placed his hand close to his heart as he stares back to his sleeping princess. Chat smiling heads towards the bed back to her bed until he was inches away from her face. As creepily as it was, no-one would judge him if it was unseen. Chat formed two fingers and kissed the tip of both of them. Then he gently placed the fingers on her forehead so she won't wake up to it.

"Sweet dreams princess" as he heads on out of the room and carefully closes the hatch, unable to lock it from the inside but that was okay considering he was the only one with superhuman capabilities to reach her balcony. Standing alone on top of her balcony he takes a deep breath, holds it in for 10 seconds, let's it all out. As if he was letting out all things holding him back he feels more refreshed and free as he ever felt.

As he grabs his baton and extends his way from building to building he took one last glance back at the bakery. Calming the mind he enjoyed their time at her place and hopes to come back with future plans in mind.

"I'll be back soon princess."

Chat landed quietly in his room hoping not to disturb anyone that is sleeping. "Plagg claws in '' shooting out the black kwami while being destranfromed. As usual Plagg wanted something to eat so before he would say anything Adrien immediately placed two fingers to shut his tiny mouth and pointed towards the mini fridge, sending a silent message that he would get what he wants. Calming down a bit Adrien heads towards the mini fridge and tossed him a camembert cheese along his way which he immediately chowed down on. Satisfied for his care Plagg saw Adrien mopping on his bed with a confused look.

Plagg flying up all to his grabbing all of his attention.

"Hey kid, you're alright?"

"Plagg, is it possible that I might like Marinette?"

Plagg slowly floating on top of his bed "I don't see why not, it might be better if that was the case. Adrien took back from what he said turned his head his way.

"But my heart belongs to Ladybug and yet I feel so uplifted when I'm with her. She responds to my personality so perfectly."

"I call that love Adrien"

Adrien widens his eyes in shock.

"Adrien listen, in all my life existing for eons. I have no experience in love towards living beings but only to  foods but I know one thing for sure."

"Love takes many forms so It is okay to have many things you love."

"You have many things you love for example your friends, your teacher, your favorite food and even have things you treasure for example your current relationship with Ladybug so how is Marinette is any different."

"But... she's just a friend" he counter argues.

"And what's wrong with loving a friend?" Plagg drops the bomb.

"It is okay to develop some questionable feeling you don't quite understand but you can choose whether you want to explore those unknown feelings or choose to ignore them. It is your life and emotions that you have to take control, no one can do this for you."

What Plagg said hits hard to his heart and made him question who it will be.

(Do I like Marinette?)

The next day comes along and Marinette wakes up in her bed. Tired at first she looks around her room in confusion until directing her attention towards her bed. (I'm in my bed...I'M IN MY BED!?!!??!?!) soon realizing where she is she calls out her kwami in desperation. Tikki flies out to see a distressed teenager. "Tikki what happened, where's Chat, how did I get here?" firing questions at her at rapid speeds. Tikki did the best she could in calming her down and explained the best she could.

"You fell asleep Marinette and Chat took care of all the cleaning and laid you down on your bed so you could sleep comfortably. Soon realizing that Chat probably went inside her room, filled with posters of Adrien stretching from each corner of the room. Mari was shocked, full of embarrassment for what had happened. In retrospect he cleaned up everything, she noticed the laptop and snacks were on the table next to her organized and considering he also lifted her up to her bed. "Chat did all those for me?" instinctively touching her forehead. Tikki giggles for a bit while Mari looks at her with concerned eyes.

"Oh no what else did he do?"

"Nothing much" Tikki denies still giggling.

Marinette groans in frustration, covering herself with her blankets un-to-be-seen from her little kwami. It is hard to believe but the fact that Chat willing took the time out of his hands to clean up everything and put Marinette in her bed is something not many people have done for her. In fact no one has shown such kind gestures to her, not to this degree. A faint blush crosses her face.

(Stupid kitty)