
Class ended and Ms. Bustier dismissed the class and in doing so the students immediately packed up and headed out.

"Hey let's head to the cafeteria to grab some food?" pointing behind towards the cafeteria. Marinette reluctantly agrees and walks towards the lunchroom together.

Once they grabbed their food, the two girls scanned the whole cafeteria to find a spare table but to no luck. Alya suggested they leave the cafeteria room and eat outside which she nods on.

Once outside they spotted an underbrella desk to sit on but Mari noticed that someone was currently sitting there.

"Hey look it's the new student...uh what was his name? Zorak....uh Zippy's....Zero?" pretending to try to figure out his name. "Zack, his name is Zack" Mari answers in which Alya had a small grin plastered on her face.

Alya suggests both of them go towards Zack to befriend him but Mari hesitantly declines in which she obviously ignores and pulls her in anyway.

The two girls approach the mindful boy as he was aware that both of them are slowly approaching his way. Zack looks up to see the energetic Alya and a bluenette behind her, visible yet close behind her friend.

"Yo Zack, Didn't really have a chance to introduce myself so I'm Alya and this here is my best friend Marinette" in which she nervously waves behind her friends back, signaling that she was present. Zack greeted and introduced himself once again.

Alya asks Zack if they can sit with him to eat their food in which he kindly accepts and invites them over. As they enjoy their food Alya kept the conversation alive with Zack, learning more about his background life.

As far as they know, Zack is an age above both of them, favorite color is purple, has no friends (obviously), music taste is old 2000 and reggae, likes to draw, and favorite daily food needs to incorporate rice in which Mari smiles slightly knowing that fact.

Other than that Mari minded her own business and just kept herself quiet eating her lunch so as a best friend as she is, Alya wanted to incorporate her into the conversation.

"This here is my bestest friend and I'm always with her 14 hours of the day" she introduced which caught her attention as she gave her that look of "why u do dis?" Zack took interest in this and now paid attention to her. "U-uh hi n-n-nice to meet you Zack" stuttering on herself which he found confusing...yet entertaining. "Likewise Marinette, no need to feel shy as I don't bite."

Alya stepped in seeing as this was an opportunity to dig up some unneeded entertainment. "Oh you don't know the half of it (wait what?). Marinette is a huge clutch at (Alya!) times where it was just not possible. She trips in every step she takes (what are you doing) and stutters on her words as it is her second nature so I have to monitor her from morning to (Alya, that's a bit over exaggerating) dawn just so she is able to survive the day. Not to mention-'' before she could continue her hand was covered by the embarrassed Marinette.

Zack started dying of laughter causing both of them to dart their attention to him. "I didn't know your friend was so dependent on you Alya." Zack eyes down the embarrassed bluenette "You have one lucky friend princess" teasing her playfully.

Mari looked up widened to see him eyeing her down intensely with a long grin that stretches his entire face. Hearing this, the feelings of embarrassment and shame were suddenly gone but instead a feeling of displeasure starts to surface. A possible feeling of offense and possibly disgust starts to dwell in her heart.

"Thank you Zack but please refrain from calling me princess. I don't appreciate that." Mari states in an unpleasant tone, almost in a cold-like tone which shocked both Zack and Alya, jaws dropped in disbelief.

(Wait what? Just a minute ago Marinette was stuttering with full of embarrassment but all of a sudden all that faded away and spoke in a somewhat intimidating tone. Is this the Marinette I know?)

"Sorry Marinette I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries" he says in an apologetic tone. Mari understood and decided to forgive him.

"It's okay, It's just that I'm not used to with other people calling me that" she chuckles. Both Alya and Zack widened their eyes in this interesting fact, mostly Alya in which she had to know more about her secrets she had the audacity to keep this from her.

"So someone has the authority to call you princess huh?" he chuckled questions which flustered the girl. All of a sudden she started to blush again "n-no not kidding- I mean not really. Were just friends" she states.

This peaked the interest, (Really now) of Zack. "So how come I don't know about this and don't know about this person" she continues to interrogate.

Mari hesitantly tries to come up with an excuse (I can't tell them that the only person who can call him that is Chat).

"It's a childhood friend" she claims which Alya only grew suspicious. "What's his name?" she asks but the nervous teen was unable to come up with a name. "His name is.....Cher" annoyingly replies.

As both of them continue to interrogate Mari, her annoyance grew ever so bigger to the point where her patience is gone. Finally she snapped and slammed both of her hands to the wall she stands up, shocking the other two.

"Sorry but I need to go and get some fresh air. Alya I'll see you in class so don't wait for me. It WAS nice to meet you, Zack" as she turns around, threw her trash away and walks towards the entrance of the school.

Zack stood up and shot his last attempt "This person. I bet he is someone special to you huh?" Mari didn't stop walking but she did hear him but decided not to answer him as he was again overstepping his lines.

(He is).

Mari sat on the stairs doing her best to clear her mind but it was hard. Constant thoughts and the questions they asked has clouded her mind and it was annoying but that gave her the chance to re-evaluate her actions.

(Why did I act so coldy to him when he called me princess? I didn't imagine it would affect me in such a way. What's going on with me?)

Her thoughts were suddenly stopped in her tracks as she was suddenly interrupted as a certain blondie came to "Chat." "Hey Marinette" he announced his present.

Mari knew exactly who came to see her but instead of the expected jump of embarrassment she turns her head casually his way and put up a weak smile.

"Hello Adrien" says casually and Adrien saw how quiet she was and he dropped his joyful persona to a more sentimental feeling. Adrien sat next to her in an attempt to open up to her.

He started out with the basic question like "How are you?", "Where's Alya?", and "What have you been up to?" Even some question that correlates to school day like asking about if she did the homework that was due today or what was her impression on today's lecture.

All these questions he asks, Mari just answered with a cold, short, and plain response. Not only was she answered with no life but she did not even make contact with him, showing a saddened eyes.

Adrien did not want to see her like this. For the past weeks he visited as Chat Noir, Mari was the happy to go joyful girl he's grown accustomed to. Sure he acknowledges that there were times where Mari and even Adrien had their depressing times.

One night when Chat visited her, he saw a depressed girl lying her head upon her desk. It seems that she was not aware of his presence which only concerns the kitty even more. "What seems to bring my princess down?" patting her head gently. Unfortunately she was't as fazed as he expected but it did grab her attention at least.

"Oh hey kitty, didn't know you came in." eyeing up to the boy. She posture herself a little bit, still a little slumped and turned the chair towards his direction. "Are you okay?" he asked in a concerned tone but there was no answer.

She hesitantly muttered out the words but it was hard. Chat made it clear that if it was too much of a sensitive subject to talk about he would come back sometime later when she was more comfortable to open up but instead guilt was the only thing that dwell inside of her and it only grew.

(It's not fair, not to him. Not in the slightest do I feel obligated to tell you anything but you're just too kind).

As he was about to head towards the hatch, Mari quickly grabbed his arm, holding it tightly. (She's shaking?) as she tightens her hold. "Sh-she's gone" Mari choked on her words as she was on the verge of crying.

Chat turned to her and kneeled down to her level and placed one hand on her lap with a sadden look. Mari looked up to see a sadden kitty, eyes still green but a little darker, more dull to reciprocate her pain. Marinette's eyes start to swell up and like that broke down crying "She's gone. My grandma is gone."

Not a single word came out of his mouth but instead Chat quickly acted and pulled her close to him and gave her a long, warm, needed hug.

Not a single word was uttered but through his action, his embrace, his warm aura was enough to bring even the strong Marinette to tears as she was bawling her eyes out calling for her name.

Chat stood still, eyes close to take in all the pain that she was letting out. Marinette cried out many things like "It was her birthday" and "we were supposed to visit her this summer" which only made him want to hold her tighter with him also close to tears.

"I know your pain" he opens up and upon hearing this, Mari's cries slowly died down. Mari pushed away from the hug to see a pained boy "I lost someone special to me to Marinette. Unbeknownst to her death, it has been 4 years of pain following with 3 more years of isolation" he explains. Instinctively, Chat grabbed one of her hands and held it tightly.

"I know what you're going through princess. The pain, the grief, and sadness you're experiencing without warning is hard to take in but that is exactly why at this darkest point of your life is where you turn to the people you still have now. Your friends and family who are here and alive are what you should cherish most to your heart."

Mari is shocked at how much he has opened up himself about to her and how wise he is in tackling these kinds of subjects. "How did you cope with your loss" continues to choke on her words because of the amount of crying. Hearing that he scoffs to himself which confused the bluenette.

"I didn't."

Shivers were sent down her spine when hearing this. " I never had a bond as strong as hers so I never really had anyone to turn to. Even my own father was too caught up with his personal business that we did not attempt to grow closer with each other, in hindsight I think because of her death is what tore us further apart." He keeps avoiding to claim who this person was and it was driving Mari nuts. Mari asked who he kept referring too and Chat silently replied, loud enough for her to hear but soft enough as he doesnt get hurt from it.

"My mother."

For a while now, Mari notices that his concern for Chat has outgrew her grief for her grandma. She didn't know that her partner had such a tragic past because he tends to close his past life whenever she approaches her as Ladybug but this was different.

This was more genuine and for a second, just a split second she thought that, for a second his eyes looked like it was crying. Now in an unexpected turn of events Mari closed into Chat, wrapping her arms around him.

"Cry with me Chat" she asks which surprised him greatly. Mari tightens her hold onto him pleading for him to let it all go. As tears start to surface her eyes again, she pleads "Share your pain with me kitty, I am here for you now. So let it all out. I am here for you and I'm not going anywhere" she continues to beg desperately. At this point he could not hold it any longer and he too started to tear up, holding onto her waist tighter.

(Your entire body is trembling princess....I'm sorry)

Marinette also squeezes tighter onto him. Enough to know he won't leave her. Yet gentle enough to express her pain. It was for them to share their grief together.

(Your entire body is trembling poor kitty....I'm sorry)

Chat slowly closes his eyes as they both take in all the feelings of bliss sensation through their embrace.

Adrien then opened his eyes to find himself back to the present sitting next to Marinette who looked like she was back in her vulnerable state. "Hey Marinette, is there something bothering you?" he asks.

It looked like she was out of it because all she could muster up were single-cold answers. A couple of yes and no's has really got him worked up "You can tell me anything Mari, I'm always here for you" he states.

"Sorry Adrien but you're someone who can't help me" she responds coldly which got him real down. Suddenly she stood and walked back to the class. "Come Adrien, time to head back to class" she turns towards him.

(What did she mean I can't help her. I thought we were friends?) and with that thought spurred another difficult question to answer.

(What am I to her?).

(Someone who can't help her?)

(Who else could possibly help her?)









The idea sprung to his head like a bullet, destroying all the previous suspicions and clearing up his mind that revolves around his superhero persona. (Maybe later tonight I can visit her as Chat Noir, maybe with him I could find the problem and help solve it)

Just like that, the day comes to a close and the night slowly dawns the city of Paris. After she got done with daily night patrols she immediately heads home with some time to spare.

Marinette was preoccupied with finalizing her sketch (Which has taken her hours to do) while Tikki once again was again floating beside her, closely observing her piece. After long patience and careful planning, Mari dropped her pencil and stoop holding out her sketchbook.

"I finally finished" she cheers as she stood there triumphantly. The confused kwami stared at her friend with a curious look so Mari let her in on a sneak peak of what's to come. Safe to say that even her kwami gave her nod of approval so that only brings even more joy in her pride and work.

"Now all I need is the proper materials to begin, enough to make a pair matching outfit. I'm gonna need extra pin needles, black material, wool, a belt, string, a couple, some cloth, a bell, and gloves all colored black. I also need white fur and green colored wool as well to make it more diverse and more into character. I also need to find the time to do this, particularly in the daytime to prevent him from finding out so suddenly. Maybe afterschool is the best time to start. Yes, starting tomorrow afternoon is a good time" she continues to blabber on while Tikki found this very entertaining.

This celebration however was short live as a particular knock upon her hatch could be heard across the room. (Shoot! Forgot that I kept the hatch locked....nice going Marinette) patting herself on the shoulder.

This similar sound has caused tikki to fly away and hide her presence while Mari quickly hid her sketchbook as well. After scanning the room to make it feel as natural as it can be, she makes her way to the hatch and unlocked it, letting in her favorite stray.

"Sorry kitty, forgot that I locked the hatch" she explains gesturing him to enter. It didn't seem to affect him as much as he let out a small grin. "I thought we were passing the locked hatch since I am the only one to enter your room purrincess."

"Sorry kitty, seems my habit of not letting in strays still come out" she teasingly comes back. "Anyway princess, got any plans for tonight?" he asks.

"Sorry kitty I don't. Instead I would like to cut this night short because I have some stuff to do tomorrow and I need to wake up early." Hearing this shocks Chat but understandable since it's her life and he has no control over it.

Even still curiosity kills the cat so he questions what exactly she was going to do. Mari can't really tell him she needs to wake up early to go shopping for her essential materials for her clothing designs.

(What's a good excuse, come on think Marinette. Think)

Suddenly a jolt idea came in "The principal of my school asked me to take Zack around the school, give him a tour of my campus so that he can get comfortable" she explains in a let down tone.

Hearing that stirred some unpleasant emotions him and seeing her down was not helping either. Thankfully that reminded him what the reason it was for him being here tonight. "Hey Mari. have you been well lately?"

Mari looked at him confused to his question. "Yea I'm okay" letting out a weak smile. As always he wasn't convinced in her act so presses on forward.

Flashback to earlier today "It's not something you can help me with" only drives him more. "Princess, I've noticed that you were down early in the day so I was just a little worried about you.

Marinette then questions how he knew that but he couldn't tell that he was right beside her the whole time. "Night time patrols aren't the only things I do you know" he smirks cheekily

Seeing as there is no way out of this she lets out a sigh of defeat.

"There's this new student named Zack. During cafeteria hours my friend Alya suggested that we sit next to him in an attempt to befriend him."

Chat was confused as to how this was something to worry about but hearing the name Zack caused some displeasure in his heart.

"In the midst of talking, I wasn't as interactive into the conversations as Alya because in all honesty, I did not care as much. But when Zack called me princess. Something dwelled up inside me that I did not like" she continues.

Chat balled his fist in a combination of all possible emotions of anger. "For some reason when he called me princess. I felt anger coming from my heart and I even considered it as an annoyance. Alya took notice of the way I acted and decided to interrogate me further which drove me to a curve. Next thing I knew I lost control for a second and acted in a way that wasn't me."

Her voice started to tremble "I'm afraid that Alya might have a different opinion about me, seeing as how I acted back then was something she has not seen" she says in a worried tone.

Chat didn't know how to fix this and seeing how she did not open this much about her problems when he asked as Adrien, it was clear that Chat held a more precious bond than Adrien, a very conflicting and confusing thought to note.

He slowly brought Mari closer to his body, forming a gentle hug. "Purrincess it pawleases my heart knowing that you got so worked up on something. It may seem  insignificant to others who do not understand but to me, knowing that you did. No amount of words will ever express my happiness." In response Mari wrapped her arms around his neck, holding it close.

For a brief moment in time, Chat and Marinette could feel each other's heart beat. It wasn't in unison but each heart beat has calmed the kitty as he holds her closely.

He could hear her heartbeat, feel her heartbeat as it slows down. In that space of a moment he could not hear anything but his own feelings corresponding towards her heart, screaming loudly and clearly.

(I love this girl)

Marinette held Chat closely as well, willingly letting her guard down and allowing herself to calm down and accept this gentle embrace. Marinette felt the heartbeat through his leather suit and for a brief moment felt a purr coming through his body. Marinette let a little giggle in response to this new discovery.

She backed away from him to look at him in the eyes, interlocking each other once again with the colors of pain, sadness, worries, and doubt but also with the feelings of clarity, bliss, peace, happiness, and possibly....Love.

(So cute)

Marinette quickly wraps her arms onto Chats waist once again back into a hug. "Let me stay like this for a little while longer" she pleads as she closes her eyes, drifting off to her slumber.

He understood her request, lays his back against the wall holding the bluenette closely to his chest. Playing with her untangled hair as she rests her head upon his chest, he feels a sense of peace around her. "Of course Purrincess."

A few hours passed by and Chat was awoken to a sudden beep on his ring. (Must of fell asleep). Looking around and especially to the clock it was shown to be 2:20 a.m.

It was a good time to head on home so he slowly picked up Marinette bridal-style and carefully laid her body on the bed. Tucking her in, shutting all possible lights, and leaving a note of leave at her desk, everything seems to be in order so it is about time to head on out. As he opened the hatch slowly a breeze of cold wind came in spreading throughout the room.

Chat quickly looked back to see Marinette squirmed around her blanket in response to the cold breeze.

Thankfully it did not wake her so before he was about to leave, Chat gets close to the sleeping girl to one last time admire her for the night.

(Even when you're sleeping, you are still as beautiful) Chat thought as he held out two fingers and kissed the tip. Gently, he placed his two gloved fingers on top of her lips to signal an indirect kiss.

It must have been his imagination because for a second he felt her lips push against his fingers, almost as if she unconsciously kissed back. The blushed kitty was then satisfied for the night as he heads out the hatch, giving one last look back to Marinette was when he understood.

"Goodnight MY Princess."

A little longer one than usual. Almost borderline 4,000 words this time because I just have so much to say in this one chapter. Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter and stay tune as more will be coming your way.