
*Beep* *Beep*

Marinette wakes up to her sounding alarm and finds herself tucked in comfortably in her bed with hazy memories of what happened last night. Tikki flies out of her own makeshift bed to greet the sleepy bluenette. "Good morning Marinette" greeted the little kwami in which she pets the top of her head gently.

"Hey Tikki do you know what happened last night? I could've sworn I was with Chat at one point and then from that point onward, I don't remember." The little kwami began to recollect the past night and just the very thought has made her quite giddy. Unfortunately can't say the same for Marinette as a similar feeling of concern begins to rise.

"Oh no, what did he do this time?" she asks nervously. Tikki for some reason when telling her what happened last night was abnormally.....detailed. When it came to the part where they embraced each other, she mentions how Marinette fell asleep immediately on him with Chat leaning against the wall.

She notes that both of you were sounding asleep peacefully, happily with a smile crossed upon both of their faces for what she recalls 2-3 hours long. The more detailed she got, the more embarrassed Marinette became, almost to the point where she considers to shut down all her functions and hide under her bed, refusing to go to school.

(School.....school...oh shoot school!!!)

Marinette darts her attention to her alarm that shows 7:45 a.m. "I'm gonna be late!" reminding herself as she bolts out of her bed and starts to get ready. Getting out the shower, dressing up, and grabbing a strawberry pastry from the counter, she zooms out of the bakery door towards her school right across the street. (Honestly how can I be this late if I literally live right next to the school) hitting herself in the head to get her to wake up.

(Well looks like I'll have to buy my stuff afterschool)

Long story short, Marinette made it in time with 10 minutes to spare and found Alya waving her hand up high. There was also Nino noticing Marinette's presence and decides to send a greeting eye towards her and even notices the new student Zack who was also looking at her with a smile making her feel some type of way.

But what really caught her attention was a sleepy Adrien, head down covering her face entirely using his arms as a pillow. As she casually walks up to her desk, Marinette casually eyed Adrien quickly, pondering on what would he have done to cause him to look so tired. (Tired Adrien really isn't a good look for him) noting herself.

Not even 2 minutes pass by that as soon as she settles at her desk Mari casually hears back seat chirping that begins to annoy her. "Wow, guess who comes to class yet again? The good ol tardy Marinette. Is it really that hard to come in somewhat early for the klutzy girl, despite living 1 street away from the school?"

The back insults really grinded Alya to where she was about to take action but the compose Marinette stopped her in time and told her to not give in to temptation. "Ignore her Alya. It is not worth the drama."

Suprise by the composed girl, Alya stood down to her seat and Chloe felt a little insulted (for a type of girl who believes everything revolves around her and therefore hates being ignored) decides to push her buttons more. The attention of the class wasn't enough for her because not only is Marinette ignoring her but also her beloved Adrikins is as well, keeping his head down.

"I heard from someone that you have a special someone Marinette" Which caught the attention of all the students, Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien included.

Marinette faced her, visibly annoyed and shocked by the sudden announcement. "Who told you that?" raising her voice a little. "There was a rumor going around that you hold someone close to your heart, someone that you allow to call you princess right Marinette? That is quite childish if you ask me" she responds.

Marinette finally understanding the situation in doing so glared intensely at the passive Zack who is sitting back, passively watching as this drama unfolds  without saying a word.

"That is none of your business" she retorts back harshly, shocking everyone in the room as Marinette is showing a side not many of them are used to.

"Must be pretty pathetic to rely on some guy calling you princess, having that ideal of relying on someone making you feel special is not of a fantasy dream." That nail in the coffin was enough for Marinette who was about to slap the snarky girl but falls short by Adrien suddenly standing up.

"Dude?" Nino calls out his friend as he walks towards Chloe, clearly ignoring him. Chloe was trembling as she calls out his Adrikins with an innocent tone but all she sees is fiery rage in his eyes and silence.

"Adrien?" Marinette calls out lightly and as usual he didn't hear it so as Chloe was ready to brace for impact, Adrien stopped short in his track as now Zack stood in front of him blocking his way.

"Out of my way island boy" he orders but he refuses. "Can't do that Adrien, I consider her one of my friends so I feel obligated to protect her from any form of danger" he states, acting all high and mighty.

"Friends? Obligated?" he chuckles stumbling on his words. "If that is the case, Zachariah. Then as her childhood friend, I feel obligated to smack her some senses and teach her the basic lessons of human decency" he retorts eyeing her in back, seeing a terrified Chloe. 

When Adrien inched a little closer, about to pass Zack he acted quickly and shoved him away opening some distance between them. The blonde boy stood his ground strong and that made Zack cautious of what he was capable of.

(He's not stopping?) as he brace himself for what is about to happen as he inches closer. At this point Adrien's anger could no longer be contained and because of that, he was not aware of what he was about to do.

Zack notices that Adrien was muttering to himself and all of a sudden, every signal in his body was telling him that he was in danger.

"Plagg. Claws ou-"


Everyone, including Zack and Adrien stood still and turned to face the sadden girl behind them on the brink of crying. (She's crying?) thought Adrien as he was calming down. "I don't know where you heard these rumors but let me make one thing clear Chloe, Zack, and Alya" as she turns to the frightened brunette.

"I do not have anyone I consider special to my heart other than my family. Let me be clear that no one calls me princess or beloved as for I do not feel such love towards anyone. Got it!" she raises her voice in an raspy tone.

Everyone was quiet, even Chloe who was being held back by Sabrina, giving the eyes of "that is enough Chloe" kinda plead.

Zack seems to be satisfied as he heads back to his seat without uttering a word, leaving Adrien and Marinette staring at each other.

(Princess?) he thought as he let go of his balled up fist. Before he could say any word Ms. Bustier came in announcing her presence and demanding everyone to take their seats.

Marinette casually took her seat which left just Adrien the only one standing being told repeatedly to sit down by the teacher.

After being told consistently to be seated, sooner or later Adrien sat down and the class continued on as usual with some lingering tension between Zack, Adrien, and Marinette.

When the bell rang signaling it was the end of the day, the first one to bolt out of the classroom was surprisingly Marinette followed by Alya who was desperately cramming all her books and pencils inside her bag to chase her afterwards.

Adrien and Nino slowly followed behind after outside of the front school to only find a panting/exhausted brunette.

"Yo babe, what happened to Mari?" Nino questions first. "I don't know. This is the first time I have ever seen her act this way" she chokes up in her response.

Nino offered his bottle of water in which she kindly takes up on for and as she downs it like a waterfall. A refreshed Alya is now back in motion. Adrien now took this opportunity to get some answers.

"Alya, What was Chloe talking about Marinette having a special someone?"  he asks which really shocked her. "Wait you didn't know?" (but I thought it was-) (but he acted so out of character for her sake) she thought to herself as she observed the blondie which looked like he was genuinely confused. (So it is not you) coming to a conclusion which now sets her suspicions back to square one.

"Don't tell Mari but I have a feeling that she is seeing someone" she claims which surprised both Adrien and Nino.

She then darts a quick glare at Adrien before continuing on "she claims it is an old friend and that we haven't met him before so it might be like a childhood-friend coming back to claim what's his kinda trope."

That idea was so ridiculously funny that he burst out laughing unintentionally leaving the other two quite in awe. Seeing his surroundings has forced himself to stop laughing and politely ask Alya to proceed with her observation.

At this point Adrien knew who the mystery guy was but knowing that she used those types of excuses really entertains the young boy.

"Anyway, I believe someone of the past has come back and taken my best friends heart and I'm getting to the bottom of it" Alya claims in an inspirational tone.

They boys, being supporting friends as they were, fully backed her up and held her to high regards (Nino holding her higher than most).

Soon Alya and Nino bid their farewells as Alya suggested Nino to come over to her house to continue on with their "projects" leaving Adrien to his afterschool club activities and lessons.

After a long and unusual day has come to pass. The day settles and the night sky has once again taken over the skies. Marinette who just got home roughly around 8:30 is being seen carrying a large amount of fabrics and other materials in plastic bags.

Marinette's father lent his big, strong, meaty, muscular strength to help out her daughter. Finishing delivering the last of the fabrics to her room, Mari kindly thanked his father and gestures his humility by nodding with a big smile across his face, wishing her good luck on her next fashion project.

As she sets up her station and organizes her essentials, Tikki flies out of her bag with a sign of concern plastered on her face. "Marinette are you okay?" she asked in which she silently nodded yes. 

Tikki flew face level ton confront her but she was still faced down ignoring her "Marinette, the way you acted at school was something I am not used to. I'm not used to you being this scary" she says slightly nervously.

Marinette stopped what she was doing and looked at her poor kwami with a look of distress. "I'm sorry Tikki, my emotions got the better of me and I acted in a scary way" she tries to comfort her.

"We humans express things we are not usually accustomed to. When Zack called me princess, something in me started to surface...something unsettling and I just acted cold and rude to him without knowing. Same when Chloe started blurting out nonsense has started to push on my buttons, almost to the point where I act out of my emotions" she explains.

Marinette slowly approached her frightened friend and patted her head to comfort her. It seems to work because Tikki started to slowly open up to her again and before they knew it. Both of them started to giggle at eachother like they used to.

Marinette finally finished her setup and properly placed everything in their respective stations. "I can finally start!" she tells Tikki, unable to contain her excitement by just the thought of the final product that she envisions has really driven her patients.

That however has been short lived when Tikki reminded her that she got some certain duty to attend to.

"Marinette, remember we have to do night patrols with Chat Noir" and that immediately killed her mood as she drops her head down in disappointment.

"Can we skip this one night for just this once...please" she pleads, eyes innocently towards her kwami.

Unfortunately that didn't faze her at all as she flew her ground, even crossing her arms with a serious look in which retrospect scared Mari a little.

"Were going" Tikki demands and with a defeated bluenette, complies without uttering any word. It was at that moment Tikki broke character and both of them started laughing to themselves uncontrollably. "Alright let's get this over with so I can start on something I really want to do" she rolls with it. Marinette to stance and called out her signature phrase.

"Tikki. Spots On!"

Now standing in Marinette's room was the strong willed Ladybug, a miraculous superhero who could do anything. (Alright time to go meet up with Chat and get this patrol over with) thought to herself but in a way seemed let down because of it.

Marinette didn't know what to make of this feeling, whether she wanted to stay with Chat longer or if she just thinks of this as a waste of time and should better prioritize her interest still baffles her. Seeing the time, she leaves her hatch and disappears into the night sky, eager to meet Chat.

On the other side, Adrien just came home from his afterschool practices. Plagg zooms out of his pocket and without wasting time immediately confronted Adrien face on.

"Adrien we need to discuss what you did today" he states but Adrien didn't seem to listen but instead tossed a camembert his way, hoping to divert his attention elsewhere.

Instead Plagg intentionally dodge the cheese and splattered on the floor, Adrien heard this and turned to face the angered cat shocked. "Now Adrien '' he urges. "What's there to talk about" he retorts trying his best to act as oblivious as he can.

"Adrien. Your careless action today was taken too far" he claims while all he was doing was sitting down taking it all in.

"You acted too far out your line and even escalated conflict with Zack and Chloe that could possibly became violent. Not only has your actions scared your fellow classmates but also surprised me as well. And to put matters into worse. When your emotions and anger got the best of you, you almost called out my name. You almost exposed your identity as Chat Noir and possibly intended to hurt Zack which is no way was my power meant to be used"

Plagg continued scolding Adrien as he sat there taking all the hits, head down in shame as he agrees with every aspect of his points.

Now that Plagg was able to calm down, looking into it Adrien does seem disappointed with himself and that gave him the signal that maybe he went a little too far. Necessary but a little too excessive for the young boy.

"I'm sorry Adrien, it's just that you were acting out of character that it was just surprising is all. "Am I not allowed to act this way?" Adrien retorts with a sense of anger in his heart.

(I angered my princess)

"I understand your anger but violent confrontation won't solve it. If you truly love the girl then you also have to consider what is best for her, not just you" he assures. Adrien nodded in agreement and they smiled at each other in comfort.

Adrien stood up and stretched his muscles "let me make it up to you Plagg. I promise to use my power the right way." He nodded in agreement and Adrien took his stance once again.

"Plagg Claws Out!"

And a couple seconds later, Chat now took the spotlight. Black as leather but gleaming light with his green eyes. (Alright, time to patrol) he reminds himself, prepping up his mood as he heads on out to meet Ladybug.

Chat was last to appear to see Ladybug sitting on the corner of the building, patiently waiting. "Hello M'Lady sorry for the long wait" he greets the air-headed bug. "I wasn't waiting that long Chat" turning to face him level-headed.

As usual, they run down the daily greetings like "how was your day?" and "how ya been lately" or "anything new happened today." The answers were pretty standard and they didn't hold up the conversation for long, at least Ladybug isn't.

Ladybug's heart once again started racing by just being near him and she acknowledges that. acknowledging that whenever she is around him, Ladybug or Marinette, the uneasy feeling she has been the same throughout.

Almost as if she used to be around Adrien. At that point, piecing together the feelings she used to have for Adrien and the one she now has for Chat.

It was clear that she liked...loved him. And that hurts.

As much as it pains her heart now to cut the conversation short, Marinette wants to start on designing his gift as soon as possible and since it's the weekends starts tomorrow, Marinette is willing to pull an all nighter.

That also means she has to forbid him from coming over for a couple nights which just by looking at him, looking at Chat seemingly happy really takes its toll on her heart.

At this point Ladybug/Marinette knows her feelings and it is towards this cheeky cat but she needs to close it off for now, at least until she is finished designing his clothes. Her intention is to gift him his present along with her honest feelings.

Her intention is to confess her love for him.


"Well you ready to start Chat?" she asks nonchalantly in which he responds with a slight nod sending a small smirk her way, swaying her vulnerable heart.

And just like that Ladybug zipped through taking one side of Paris as Chat stayed behind for a second watching disappear off to the night.

(I'm Sorry M'Lady) smiling as he aimed his baton downward to extend his way through the building, covering his side of the city. As they vanish to the night, far off to the top of the Eiffel Tower stood two silhouette figures, watching the heroes of Paris as they scanned through Paris.

"Were on the go Hawkmoth."

I'm so excited for the next chapter because everything will go down and will only get worse from here. In the best way possible. So hope you enjoy this chapter and stay tune for more to come.