
This chapter is 7,000 words altogether and that is pretty insane. I want all of the events to happen in one chapter so it will flow a lot easier into the next. Needless to say, buckle up ladies and gentlemen because this one is gonna be a doozy. Hope you all enjoy and see ya later.

Ladybug was almost done with her nightly patrol, all that was left was the neighborhood near her home and at that point, she could meet up with Chat. As she zipped through her balcony for a split second, she saw a dark figure hiding behind a chimney, almost as if it was staring at her.

Ladybug noticed the odd figure and therefore landed on a building adjacent to the building the figure was standing out. "Hello?" She called out but the guy did not respond. She continues to call out the unidentified figure, demanding for it to present itself but all the dark silhouette was doing was...nothing. Standing still, doing absolutely nothing. The longer the tension went, the more uncomfortable it became for her.

Ladybug then decided to pull up her yoyo in an attempt to call Chat over for help and that was when the silhouette moved slightly forwards, startling the frightened hero. During that split opening of Ladybug's hesitancy, another figure sneaked up behind her and put her arms into a lock and unable to break free.

(Another guy came out of nowhere and he's strong to add)

Ladybug aggressively tried to break free but there was no sign of him backing down. On the contrary the big figure tightened his grip on Ladybug, very painful cries echoed the night as he continues to bend her arm further. The first figure all of a sudden appeared in front of the distressed hero. He looked down and started to analyze the captured girl.

After assessing the situation, a butterfly symbol appeared on his face and grabbed his attention away from her. "We easily captured Ladybug Hawkmoth '' he informs him and by the way he smiles as he reports, she's guessing that he was pleased with the outcome. As the skinny figure speaks with Hawkmoth and the other holding her down, Ladybug quietly observed her enemies and surroundings.

(One of the akumas is a skinny, medium sized man and by how much he's  doing the talking, I'm guessing he's the brains of the operation. Based on his physique and how quickly he maneuvered from the building across from me to here in a short time. His power is probably speed or teleportation. The second akuma behind me is a very huge, muscular man with visible white hair. He does not appear to talk much and strength seems to be his specialty and he approached me very quietly).

Looking at both of them, their appearance seems so casual. Both are matching a black tuxedo with spikes coming out from their shoulder blades, Green inner shirts, a black bucket hat, and wearing gloves with spikes on its knuckles. Both of them were wearing really odd masks, almost traditional Japanese masks. The skinny guy wore a  white kitsune fox with red outlines and the big one is wearing a deep red tengu mask.

Ladybug came to the conclusion that these akumas were in a different league compared to all the previous akumas they encountered. These akumas radiates negative emotions that even sends shivers down Ladybug's spine. The Hawkmoth sign vanished from the lanky guys face and instead directed his attention towards Ladybug, slowly creeping to the defenseless girl.

"Hello Ms. Ladybug. My name is Celeritas and my partner here is Viribus. Go on Viri say hello" he insists but he stood there quiet, not uttering a word. A disappointed Celeritas let out a deep sigh and continued on "anyway....sorry for what he is doing to you but we ask for the miraculous of destruction so what I need now is you to call out for your partner. Can you do that?"

Ladybug kept quiet, ignoring his request so he started to persist. Celeritas grabbed her yoyo from her waist and toyed with it for a bit, trying to see how it works. Obviously the yoyo doesn't respond to any commands but Ladybug so he then asks kindly if she could call him over to again no response from her.

Celeritas looks up to Viribus and then without a word, he suddenly lifts up Ladybug's head and quickly smashes her face first to the cement building. Ladybug coughed up blood and let out a little whimper from the impact.

"If you don't want that to happen again Miss Bug, all I ask from you is to bring your partner here" but she stays quiet and instead glares at him in disgust. Celeritas however did not sound faze at all but instead sound a little stoic. "Well Ladybug" throwing her yoyo off the roof "we got many other ways of making something as small as an insect scream"

Chat arrived at the original meet up first and has been waiting for some time for Ladybug. Chat worries that she may be in some form of danger. Without any reports and the fact that he arrived first before sends some worrisome signals.

It was then that, because of his super hearing Chat heard a loud distant scream coming from the side of where Ladybug was patrolling. Without any hesitation, Chat quickly extended his baton towards the distant cry. He rushed as fast as he could to help the civilian... yes a random civilian is what he kept telling himself because despite the familiar cry, he prays to god that it was someone else crying for help and not her Lady.

He could tell he was getting closer as the screams got louder, almost to the point where it could wake up some neighbors but it was only then by what he saw that stopped him short. Chat landed in front of an abandoned yoyo, on the floor without Ladybug. All his senses became clear, his worries and anger swelling to the surface as he forcibly extended his baton to unbelievable heights.

(I'm coming Ladybug)

Chat arrived on top of a building where he confronts two figures and a beaten Ladybug. One of them was a short figure and the other was a slightly bigger holding Ladybug with one hand. Upon seeing Ladybug in state widened his eyes in shock.

"Let her go."

"Greetings Chat Noir."

"Let her go."

"My name is Celeritas and this big fella is my trusty partner Viribus."

"Let her go."

"Now what I ne-" before he could finish his monologue, Chat dashed forward past Celeritas and straight for the bigger one. Celeritas looked back somewhat surprised by his sudden boost of speed (He passed me?)  while Chat extended his baton, giving all his power to this swing from above.

"LET. HER. GO!!!"

Dangerous signals flooded his entire body, forcing Viribus to let go of Ladybug to defend himself, dropping her. Seeing this as an opportunity, Chat took advantage of his momentum and maneuvered himself around his arm, pushing himself downward to Ladybug and picked her up bridal-style and zoomed off. Attempting to escape the two akumas.

When Ladybug came to, she found herself in the arms of Chat as he desperately tried to create some distance between them and the akumas. "Chat?" she spoke weakingly in which he quickly glanced at the poor girl. "Hey M'Lady, don't move. I'm going to take you somewhere safe"  he assures her. (Somewhere safe?) tears start to well up in her eyes as she holds onto him more tightly. Chat took notice as Ladybug kept muttering and apologized to herself as she clings close to his chest which angered him a bit. Never has Chat seen her like this. He prefers the cheery, strong willed Ladybug that Paris needs.

(Those guys will pay)


(You will be safe)

Chat settled Ladybug off to a nearby bench for her to rest. He told Ladybug that he would come back for her right after dealing with the enemies in which she grabs onto him quickly. "Wait! Let me come with you. I'm almost done healing and I can help" she pleads but Chat made it clear that he doesn't want her to get hurt any further. Ladybug had fear in her voice when she explained that these pairs are on a different level from the past akumas and it must have affected him a bit as he shows a little sense of worries in his face.

"I will be fine Bugaboo. I still have my Nine Lives in me so let me take care of it" he reassures the frightened hero as he gets closer to an embrace. "Everything will be fine M'Lady so stay calm and strong. For me '' he whispers to her ears. The blushed teenager felt calmed when he said that and for a brief moment, she would have believed her if it wasn't for the figure directly behind him, Chat was oblivious to his presence and that was very dangerous as he begun to wind up an attack.

"Chat watch out!" as she throws herself and Chats body away from a drastic blow from the big guy. Barely missed it, they both looked back as the bench they were both sitting on has vanished, dusted away into little particles.

"Well done you two, you dogged my friends attack" the other figure steps out from the shadow slow clapping. "I probably should've told Viri to hold back a little. Besides we still need those miraculouses" he sarcastically apologizes. The two heroes recollected themselves and took battle stances. "It seems you two want to keep brawling huh? Very well" Celeritas claims turning to Viribus.

"Yo Viri. You take on the Black leathered furry over there. Keep him occupied and if can, try to take his miraculous with any means necessary. While you do that I-" taking his attention away from him and glares at the red suited girl. Ladybug was taken aback when at one moment he was 15 feet away easily closing the gap as he appeared in front of her, grabbing her by the neck.

"I'll take miss bug here" as both of them vanished from Chat's side. "Ladybug!" he cries out, searching from corner to corner of the park. Viribus took advantage of the distracted cat and bolted toward him for a connected punch but luckily, Chat dodged it at the last second, seemingly to still be preoccupied with where her lady could have gone. Chat later found them fighting near the children playground but they were still distantly far from each other.

Moving onto Ladybugs fight. She did her best to stall the fight for as long as she could, trying to find a weakness to expose but Celerita made it really hard to pinpoint any openings with his constant moving.

Ladybug blocked most of his kicks thanks to her yoyo and even got some couple punches in but most of them are missing. Being pushed to a corner, Ladybug began to panic as the fight drew out more which is probably what Celerita wants as he laughs out loud. It was then Ladybug remembered what Chat told her.

("Everything will be fine M'Lady so stay calm and strong. For me") she kept referring back to which tells her body to calm down and the mind to think more rationally. Ladybug kept her composure and prompted an idea that she would utilize her enhanced senses to her predict the enemies next move. Hearing of feint tapping of his shoe, feelings of the feint steps he took, the reek smell of burnt rubber. She predicted that the next place Celeritas would pop up and swung a hard right hook to the side of the mask, clocking him in the jaw and sending him flying.

"Not too bad little bug" fixing up his jaw. Ladybug seemed satisfied with the results as it seemed Celerita took some damage. "I guess I just got to go a little faster" telling himself before he vanished before her sight.

(Keep calm Marinette. Use your senses and predict)

Easier said than done because now Ladybug can't smell him anymore. Now she needs to rely more on her last two senses and that alone isn't enough because first the noise is too fast to keep up and second is Celerita steps are too light to make out. Despite the cons outweighing the pros, Ladybug managed by a hair to make out his oncoming attack and barely blocked it before it made contact to her waist. Ladybug soon caught the follow-up punch and that put them both on a standstill of strength.

"I know you don't want to do this so let me help you. Just tell me where the akuma is and I will fix everything" she pleads.

Upon hearing that Celerita busted out laughing, a very unnatural response from an akumatized victim. "You heroes are so gullible. Ladybug, do you assume that every person who becomes akumatized are victims, uncontrollable to their emotions?"

That question silenced the girl and that opened a chance of attack. Seeing this, Celeritas did a side sweep kick to the feet, unbalancing the hero. Once she fell to the ground, he followed it up with a kick in the stomach sending her flying to a nearby gate, bending on impact. Ladybugs cries of pain was cut off as Celerita wasn't done and pinned her to the gate.

"What makes you think I want to be fixed?"

Celerita tightens his hold onto Ladybug, pinning to the floor.

"Little known fact miss Bug. Me and Viribus, or more of a proper name...Fred. We both were willingly akumatized by Hawkmoth." Shiver was sent down to her core upon hearing that because nothing like this has ever happened before.

"Fred was an abomination in his civilian life. Abandoned at birth and hated in his childhood, he was neglected by society his entire life and with ever things got bad was never there.  During his upbringing, violence was all he ever know. One time the bullying became so bad that Viribus retained some permanent damage to his vocal cord, leaving it to be almost impossible to speak. Without any light to shine upon his tragic life, pain and suffering was the only things he's known.

"And as for me, I was betrayed by my significant other, my kids sided with her because of the bond they forged while I was at work 24/7 working my ass off to put food on the table. I understand they're young and they don't know the concept of adultery but what she fed to my kids, what she told them....THOSE LIES!!! Needless to say because of it my kids despise me without giving me a chance to explaining my side of the story. Now She lives off happily with the man she left me for with my kids who despise me because of the trash she filled the kids with."

Hearing his story, she understands his standpoint of why he willingly becomes akumatized. Celerita tries to maintain his composure. "I was done" he continued to monologue.

"I was tired with life and God was never by my side otherwise these series of unfortunate events would not have happened to me and it even made me consider a time when death felt like a comfy bed to rest upon. Hawkmoth appeared at our darkest times and offered me and Fred a new life. A new beginning. He offered power in a small exchange of yours and Chat Noir's miraculous."

Celerita slowly let go of her and stood up and took off his mask to reveal a normal face. A face of an untouched yet pained akuma.

"Hearing about our past miss bug, my pain. Do you still decide to stand against me?"

Staring at him. He had bright brown eyes full of pain. "Hawkmoth's intention means to destroy our world. Change the very thing we stand for. I'm sorry but I cannot. I'm sorry" she answers. Celerita displayed a displeased expression as he put his mask back on. "A shame it is. I'm sorry too Ladybug."

"Hawkmoth is evil Celerita!"

"Life is evil Ladybug. Todays society is an incurable plague and Hawkmoth is nothing more than a friend I can rely on."

Celerita disappears to only  reappear behind her and gave her a little push to the floor.

"Be afraid little bug as you are facing someone with nothing to lose.... and those are a force truly terrifying."

Ladybug finally realizes his intention and resolve makes her realize her duty as the hero of Paris and how dangerous he can be. "I'm sorry. LUCKY CHARM!" and what popped up is a double sided mirror. Unable to figure out what to do with it, she holds it close to her as she continues her fight with her opponent.

Meanwhile Chat faced Viribus, he tries to attack him with verbal insults in hopes to insinuate any form of emotion from him but none of it seems to work as he just continues to throw powerful punches at him. The strong thrust that vibrates waves around the arm, throwing the cat off balance.

(Despite his punches being monstrously strong. He knows how to throw one based on how he puts his back into it and his aim is straight and precise. He knows how to punch)

Another factor to this is that despite the giant opponent before him, most of his attention is towards Ladybug as she struggles to fend off the speedy bastard. His concentration is being thrown off because of his constant worry for her, anger towards these two for putting her in any harm, and most importantly anger towards himself for not being there in time to save her from the torment.

The ticked off Chat had enough of the constant punches so he extends his baton to it's longest potential and winds up the attack to counter his punches. As he readies up the swing and Virbus lifts his fist, both the punch and the baton makes contact with each other resulting in a huge shockwave and intense wind surrounding both of them. Viribus was taken a back a little from the impact while Chat was sent flying backwards towards Ladybug's way.

Chat landed on the floor right next to the preoccupied bug and as they made eye contact with each other, they both casually greeted while they kept their guard up, ready for anything.

Chat and Ladybug had to regroup and come up with a strategy to win but Ladybug informs him that her miraculous is running out of time. He understood the situation and insists that he alone will keep them both in company while she leaves and regroups with her kwami and if possibly come back with more help.

As much as she detest the idea of leaving him alone with two very powerful foes, she has no choice as this fight is being dragged out for too long and her time is running out. "I'll come back for you as soon as I can" as she zips out of the battle and zips off somewhere far away from them.

"Hey! Ya little insect. Where do ya think you are going?!?!" Celerita yells somewhat irritated. He was getting ready to chase after her but luckily Chat stepped in the right time.

(Before he accelerates, Celerita has a 1.5 second opening, exposing a tiny weakness. And I'm gonna use that to my advantage)

"CATACLYSM" Chat yells out as he aims for the floor. Chat disintegrated a large portion of the floor surrounding the two until it made a full wide perimeter. Celerita couldn't stop his speed and he fell down the broken floor, far down past the sewers while Chat was left with Viribus to take care off.

Chat looks off to see Ladybug disappear to the night with a light smile plastered on his face.

(Stay safe M'Lady)

It did not take long for Celerita to come out of the huge ditch, all dirty, wet, reek of sewer water, looking very angry. "Wow Celerita, you lookin a little PISSed off today. You good? lol" provoking the skinny man.

"WHY YOUUU!!!" as he gets ready to bolt at him but was stopped by Viribus. Both of them once again made contact with each other and without saying a word, Celerita complies and heads off in a different direction.

Ladybug's direction.

"Hey!" Chat calls out about to chase after him but was stopped short by an oncoming punch. He dodges in time but in doing so let the other akuma escape, leaving Chat with just Viribus to take on.

(Not good. Ladybug is soon to de-transform and become vulnerable. I will not be there to protect her)

He looks at Viribus who was cracking his knuckles, signaling for another round. An uneasy feeling started coming up in what was about to go down for both of them. As much as he wants to escape away from Viribus and go asist Ladybug, it does not look like he is as willing to let him go scott free.

Ladybug landed by a nearby alleyway to de-transform. Marinette opened her purse and handed her a strawberry macaron to eat. "Here Tikki, we gotta hurry and go back to help Chat Noir" she pleads, tossing a macaron her way. Tikki ate her macaron as fast as she could while Marinette is fidgeting constantly. Tapping her feet, rubbing her shoulders with a worry expression on her face is very concerning. "Don't worry Marinette, Chat Noir is strong so there is no reason to worry."

Mari ignores her assurance as for all she was thinking about is Chat and how guilty she feels for leaving 2 powerful akumatized villains by himself. After she finished eating her macaron, Mari was relieved of the news and pulled her kwami by the arm and ran towards the destruction in a hurry. Once they were close to out of the alleyway she was ready to transform back to Ladybug.

"Alright, let's do this. Tikki spo-"

"Hello little one"

Mari stopped her mid catchphrase when she turned around and saw an unpleasant sight. "Excuse little girl but what are you doing out here so late at night?" he asks but the girl stood there silent. "Hmm, this feels familiar and by the use of common sense and by the process of eliminations."

"I know you are the superhero Ladybug."

Mari choked upon her own spit as her identity was found out. "S-s-so what if I am" she nervously retorts. The identity crisis flew out the window as soon as he put the pieces together so there was no point in lying to him, on the contrary she feels like if she did lie the situation will only get worse.

"Perfect!" he rejoices in glee. The confused bluenette stood there in shock at his response. After calming down a bit, he starts to retain his original composure. "

Apologize miss...bug but no need to worry. He still doesn't know your identity" he clarified. "Hawkmoth gave someone with nothing a level of trust and in doing so. I am able to tune out his radio so right now he can't see or hear what I am doing. Courtesy of a willed akuma."

Marinette felt slight relief of it but not once has she dropped her guard down. "Even still Celerita. I can't simply give you my miraculous" she states. Celerita grew displeased upon hearing that and in response backhanded her face, causing her to fly back a few feet outside of the alleway on the streets. The backhand felt a lot more painful in her civilian form and tears starts welling up in her eyes.

"Do not do this little missy, if you drag this out more I will be forced to use methods inhuman of me." As she steps closer to the teary eyed bluenette.

"And I do not want to hurt the people close to you."

That broke Mari to tears of fear.


"First I will break your partner Chat Noir."


"Then I will find out about all your close relations. Family members, friends, cousins. Even random pedestrian's you pass by in public."


"I will torture every person you love in front of your eyes. Leave them alive to rot, begging me to finish them off."

(No more)

"And leave you last and forcibly take your miraculous regardless."


"Heed my warnings Ladybug. I am not as patient nor as nice as I used to be so I will leave you battered and Broken."

As Celerita reaches his hand out to her earrings. Mari was in absolute fear, every single muscle in her body is unable to move and her voice is getting harder and harder. In one last moment of desperation, if she can't fight for herself, Marinette made one last plea of help, one last cry for her savior to come save her. One last call.

"CHAT NOIR!!!!!!"

All of a sudden Celerita was sent flying to a nearby car. Mari looked up in awe that her prayers actually had been answered. There stood in front of her was someone she longed for and in a sense, all of her worries and fear was swept away.

"Sorry to keep you waiting purrincess. Your knight in darkened armor is here to protect you" he boastfully cheers. Marinette has never felt such happiness upon hearing his puns.He turns to her lying on the floor. "Are you okay? You look hurt?"

Mari told him she was fine and that made him somewhat relieved but not fully as he still has some concerns left to ask. "What are you doing here Mari? It is not safe here because we got 2 really powerful akumas to deal with" She couldn't possibly say her reasons but at the same time she could not come up with a good excuse either.

"Y-Y-You didn't c-come over to my place tonight. And i-it was getting somewhat lonely" she blushes and stumbles on her own words. Chat was taken aback in shock and happiness.

"I was worried something happened to you so I came out to find you" she whispers to herself but he heard it all as he came close to her, wrapping his arms around the waist, pulled her close and gave a tight hug.

"I'm okay princess. In a desperate situation like this, you have no idea how happy I am to see you. To hold you."

(My Kitty)

Mari holds onto him tighter as she could feel his heartbeat slowing down. Almost as if she would not be able to this ever again. Chat felt her shaken body as she gets closer to his body. He had used up all his strength left in his body to prevent him from kissing her right then and there.

"I missed you Chaton."

"Missed you too princess."

During this intimate moment, Chat felt a sting in his body. Almost like a sixth sense, Chat could feel a sense of danger approaching and it was coming really fast. Chat held onto Mari tightly as they both leaped off the ground dodging yet another powerful punch from Viribus.

Chat laid Mari against a wall for her to rest. "Stay here princess. I'm gonna hold off on these two until Ladybug comes back okay" he assures her with a wink of confidence. That however gave the opposite effect as her fear and guilt comes back to haunt her.

(But I'm Ladybug)

Watching from the sidelines on how much he's struggling to fend off the giant, Marinette had to make a decision. Risking everything on this moment she has to decide which one she values more. Her secret identity and the promise with Tikki to fulfill or save the life of the person she fell in love with.

The decision was unanimous. At this point Chat was everything she needed, someone to rely on and she could not live a life without the person who was beside her throughout the nights. As Marinette was about to transform, a hand flew over past her mouth, covering it.

"Ssshh. Can't have you complicating things" Celerita whispers.

(Damn it. I forgot about him. I let my guard down for a moment and he took advantage of it.) struggling to get away from his grasp but more importantly trying to grasp for air. "Just sleep missy and all of this will be over shortly." Mari was slowly losing consciousness as her tears started to blur her vision.

Chat occasionally looked behind her and he was terrified as he saw the other akuma holding an unconscious Marinette. "OH NO MARINETTE!" negative emotions of anger and fear took over his body as he aggressively dashed to Celerita. Unfortunately, because of his rash actions Viribus saw an opening and delivered a strong right swing to Chats waist.

Chat, once again was sent flying and impacted to a brick wall. *SNAP* Coughing out blood, he landed on the floor unable to move his body. Even still Chat never took her sight off Marinette and Celerita as he saw he was about to take something from her. Chat tried desperately to move his body but because he sustained so much damage to his ribs and right arm, moving his muscles and breathing became a difficult task. Viribus walked closer to the defeated hero, laying on the floor.

*Beep* *Beep* signaling  himself that he is running out of time 

(Come on Chat Noir you need to move)

He looked at his ring as it started beeping but what he saw surprised him. The miraculous was cracked. Part of the ring was snapped off and a crack can be seen across the green paw. His miraculous is damaged. He couldn't comprehend how a miraculous could break and the situation he was in. His body was hurting everywhere, the miraculous seems to be damaged, and Marinette was in mortal danger without him protecting her. He cursed himself of his weakness.

He began to plead with tears welling up, begging his own body to move, to protect Marinette. At that moment Chat's emotions were on the verge of exploding. Emotion of anger towards his weakness, guilt towards the idea he can't protect his beloved princess, and a sense of sadness knowing that he did not have a chance to confess his feelings to her.











All of a sudden a bright, white light surrounded the wounded cat blinding both Viribus and Celerita. "What the hell was that?" Celerita calls out to Viribus but he does not know either. A sense of uneasiness fills his body as nothing happened for 5 minutes after the light.

(Somethings going on) he grows more worried so when he was about to quickly take off the earring, his hand was stopped short by someone grabbing him by the arm. "Who the hell?" calling out in anger.

Celerita was surprised to see Chat Noir...but it's not Chat Noir. This person has the physique of Chat Noir but his color is all off. Instead of black, his suit is all white (even his hair is white),  pale skin, bluebell eyes with dark pupils.

"Who are you?"


"Is that you Chat Noir?"


The way he behaves is off, he tilts his head and observes his entire body. Almost like a curious  beast would when discovering something new. Fear began to spread throughout his body. "Let me go" he swings a punch at him but he looked unfazed, instead he looked somewhat annoyed. In that moment his arm that Chat was holding onto started to rot away, disintegrate it into black dust. Celerita screamed in pain as his right arm was now gone.

"What have you done to my arm? You bastard!"



He didn't say anything and the silence freaked him out. Chat got on his fours and approached him closer which freaked him out even more. "VIRIBUS HELP ME!" Celerita cries out in which he responds to his call. Viribus took a swing but Chat easily dodged it in an animalistic movement. "Viribus. You must protect me at all cost" he ordered.

(I didn't think this was gonna happen, This maniac has gone too far). He began to sprint in an attempt to get away.

When Celerita thought he was a good distance away he relaxed for a moment. That was when Chat appeared in front of him dragging a body of an unconscious Viribus. He looked in utter disbelief "No way you defeated Viribus so easily on your own"



The first words Chat spoke when taking on a new form. He then had this twisted smirk on his face as he once again uttered the word.


Fear took over Celerita's body as he activated his "fight-or-flight" mechanism and risked everything on his speed to beat him. Celerita dashed at him with his utmost speed he could muster up and at first the cat looked oblivious which gave him a moment of triumph but suddenly. For a brief second in his own speed, Celerita saw Chat moved his eyes towards his direction.

(Wait. He can see me? Nononononono not even that. He can keep up with me?)

Chat's cold stare shot through his eyes, petrifying him. He then reached out his arm and grabbed him by the mask stopping his speed in an instant. Chat then threw him far back to square one in his escape. Celerita came to and found himself next to the unconscious bluenette.

(He threw me back to where we were?)

Celerita was dumbfounded as he watched the white figure slowly walk up to him. As he walked, he still dragged the giant Viribus with one arm behind. Celerita was utterly speechless as he found out that while Chat was dragging him on the floor, he gained more speed. Almost as if the weight on him is slowly being lifted off.

And that is exactly what it is.

As Chat was walking, he activated his cataclysm power and has been slowly deteriorating Viribus. From his feet starting to disappear to nothingness, his body is slowly fading to black dust as he got closer to Celerita.

Chat finally walked up to him and by that time, he lifted up his right arm to reveal the head of Viribus. Traumatizing the poor man, his body functions were not responding as he watched the last part of Viri evaporate to nothingness. Chat smirk once again formed in his face.


Celerita was out of options and he needed to do something. He then darts his attention to Marinette. (If I use her as a hostage. I could probably escape) as he darts towards her with all the speed he has left but was stopped short by a faster albino kitty cat, zooming in front of him and quickly kicked his face away, chipping a  piece of the mask off.

Hawkmoth tuned in as a symbol of a mouth came to view "What is going on Celerita, Where is Viribus? I lost contact with him. Answer me!" he shouts but all he is getting in return is him screaming the word.


Marinette finally came to consciousness to find two figures. One of them was a beat up Celerita and the other was somebody she didn't... know? A white figure stood in front of her and although he looked like Chat Noir. His color and aura are all off.

"Chat?" she calls out but it was ignored.

Celerita then called out to Marinette for help, surprising her and in response Chat dashed towards the broken man, grabbing him by the head and smashed his face-first to the ground at terrifying speeds. Breaking the mask more.

The confused bluenette did not recognize him but his form was all too familiar. "Chat, that is enough!" she cried out and for some reason, he did stop his brutal attack and stared at the shaken bluenette.

"Chat put him down please."

He seemed confused as he looked around his surroundings until he landed on the man he grabbed on. Chat did hesitate for a second to only viciously slammed him to the ground one last time before letting him go.

Marinette was scared stiff, right now she sees him but it's...not him? He looks the same from a distance but his colors, his personality, his actions, his attitude, their all different. This one's  more ruthless, more violent, more...cold and this terrifies her.

Chat eyes Mari with light blue eyes meeting her darken ones. He never took his eyes off her as he crawls closer to on his fours. He got closer and closer to almost the point of them being about face-to-face distance away.

As he was about to reach out her hand for what she thinks he was about to hurt her, Mari closed her eyes and let out one last plea for this nightmare to end.

"Chat Please Stop!"

For a moment he actually did listen and hesitantly pulled back his hand and waited a couple seconds, Mari slowly opened her eyes to find the cat sitting idly in front of her. "Chat?" she calls out one more time and again he reacts in a way where he tilts his head to the side, seemingly like he is not aware of the name.

(He looks confused)

Marinette calmed down a little because as far as she was concerned, he has not done anything to cause harm. All he's been doing is staring, closely to her soul. The kitty too relaxed a bit, still silent.

Marinette noticed his pupil in his eyes dilated from big to small which a cat does from going hostile to neutral. As a matter of fact all his actions he's taken was animalistic. From the way he was observing her body to unnatural performances.

It was then she knew exactly what was going on and who he was. This wasn't Chat Noir anymore but someone new entirely. Like a newborn baby kitty, he has curious tendencies, interest, dislikes, and will be hostile towards people he deems a threat.

He's learning.

The albino kitty was about to reach his hand out one last time to attempt to touch her. Mari was hesitant at first but she still clings onto the hopes of getting his Chat Noir back at any cost, even if it means getting on his good side.

"Help me!"

It was then Chat stopped and Mari noticed his pupil started to contrast itself again. Both of us looked back to see Celerita still alive and doing it's best to crawl away. Blood was leaking from his missing arm and bruised legs.

Chat looked annoyed as he stood up and walked to the limped man. Celerita looked behind in fear as Chat walked closer to him and that was when he started to desperately beg for mercy. Naturally he did not listen and tried to grab both of his legs and dragged him closer. Celerita instinctively kicked away one of his hands and by the dislike facial expression he showed. He activated his power and disintegrated the other leg he was holding onto.

The excruciating pain he felt was indescribable. He then started to cry and grovel on the floor, begging for someone to save him.

"Hawkmoth, help me. Give me more power!!!"

"Jessica please save me!!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Mommy....Daddy. Where are you? Come save me."

Marinette couldn't stand it anymore and he called out for the white cat to stop. Once again he looked back to see a sadden little girl with tears leaving her eyes.

"Chat. S-Stop this already"

A frown displayed on his face as he reluctantly let go of him. Chat looked around his surroundings, all the damage, all the destruction. He couldn't care less honestly but when he saw a little girl crying. An unknown jolt of pain etched into his heart and he does not know where it's coming from or the reason why it is happening.

Marinette watched helplessly as he disappeared from her sight and as much as she wanted to pursue him, Tikki was still unconscious and every part of her body was in pain because of the fight. In that moment in time a sense of loneliness has came back around but only this time has the pain never felt worse.

The only time she was confident in her well being, the only time where she finally found someone to open up to and is willing to take the next step into a relationship she hopes to have. He was gone.

(He's gone. He wont be able to come over every other night keep me awake. I won't be able to open up and talk about personal stuff with. I won't be able to watch movies with him anymore. I won't be able to see his smile, his green eyes, feel his soft hair, touch his leather suit, smell the lingering camembert cheese. I won't be able to give him the gift along with my honest feelings to him. I won't be with you).

Marinette balled herself up into a wall and cry her heart out to the person she wanted to give it but was unable to take.

(And I don't want that)

Hello guys. If you made it this far I congratulate and thank you as for this was tedious yet fun chapter to write. I have so much more ideas coming in the near future but I will try to expand my vocabulary so some parts doesn't seem so repetitive at times so bare with me on my first ever story. I love the concept of Chat Blanc with a little twist on my own so hope you enjoyed and let me know what it is you liked and possible constructive criticism to help me grow as a writer.