
Hello readers, have to address that I have introduced a new method that I feel like can portray back-in-forth conversations between two characters so let me know if it is understandable, useful, and should be used in future chapters. Anyway, now that I got that out of the way I hope you enjoy today's chapter.

"We can save him Tikki?" asking the question for the 100th time in which she once again nods her head in agreement for the 100th time.

Out of excitement, Mari immediately dashed to the bathroom to shower, clean up, dressed up, then bolted out to the kitchen to greet their parents. Upon seeing her parents, Tom and Sabine were about to greet their daughter before she would suddenly pull them aggressively close together. Into one giant hug.

"Thank you mama, thank you papa for last night" tearing up while holding onto them tightly. Both of them were relieved she was safe and did not appear to show any signs of sickness. But most importantly, it appears that she is back to the way she was.

For the past couple days, Sabine and Tom were both worried sick for their daughter because of her total isolation in her room and lack of communication between each other so when they saw their daughter laying on the balcony floor, freezing to death, both of them were scared to assume the worst. Now seeing her this energetic, so full of life is a great welcome in a wonderful morning.

Tom was the first to break the warming group hug with concern plastered on his face. "What were you doing out there little missy?" crossing his arms together. Sabine was once again standing at the sidelines as she too was curious onto why she was alone on the balcony. Marinette didn't want to lie to their parents any further but she also cannot say Chat Blanc visited her last night.

Mari drops her head in shame, at a loss in coming up with excuses for them and it can be seen through her mother's eyes. That was when Sabine decided to interject in this conversation, "are you okay sweetie?" a more appropriate question considering they have not seen her daughter as often, let alone this happy. Their daughter finally lifts her head with a weak smile, so small it would not even be considered to be a smile.

"I wasn't fine before."

The parents were speechless as they stared at their daughter. With no-one to say anything, Marinette decides to explain further, It felt right for them to know. "I was not myself for the last few weeks. I fell into depression that I did not have the strength to get out of.

From morning till evening, I was tired. Tired of crying, tired of trying, tired in believing. I even lost interest in my passion for fashion designing. All because I was given an opportunity of a lifetime.....and I wasted it. My chance with it (him) was taken away from me before I knew it."

Sabine was the first to approach her vulnerable daughter and engulf her in her loving arms of a caring mother. Marinette felt her warmth and that gave her the strength to continue, "I'm slowly getting better now because that same opportunity I wasted before is being given to me again. Now, I have a chance to get it (him) back and I am willing to do anything to save it (him) no matter the cost."

The fire in his daughter's eyes radiates determination and compassion, for all he knows... he doesn't know. Seeing how it was a touchy subject for her to talk about, Tom decides to not press on any further because just seeing her daughter happy was all that matters to him, Sabine alike.

As far as they are concerned, Both her parents believe she was talking about missing an opportunity, a chance of a lifetime that has to deal with fashion but it was not all true.

It was true she lost her interest in fashion for a moment but that was only because she lost the source of her motivation that drove her to pursue her passion. Yes, it was all for him.

All because of him, Mari experienced joy, companionship, trust, fun, anger, envy, even sadness and pain. But now she has a chance to get back what she knows to be hers, with the help of Tikki and this miraculous guardian, she will be able to save him, recollect her source of motivation, and all those emotions once again.

After all the confusion and concern has been cleared out, Tom offers her daughter some wonderful morning breakfast to start her day off well.

The bluenette kindly complies and is being greeted with French strawberry toast, rice, bacon, eggs, and apple juice for nice refreshments. The family took their time and chatted at the table, catching up about stuff they could not discuss prior.

After a wonderful breakfast, Marinette thanked their parents for the food with a kiss on the cheeks on both of them and dashed towards back up to her room, waving them off. The pleased parents went off with their daily life, only this time feeling more happy than usual, thanks to their wonderful daughter.

Marinette came barging in her room to find the weakened kwami laying on her makeshift bed. "Tikki, are you okay?" echoes through her voice. In response, she nods her head with a weak smile, "Don't worry about me Marinette. I can hold on for a little while longer." Mari does not feel convinced at all, darting to her clock that shows it is only 11:00 a.m.

(I still got an hour left) and that hour could not pass any slower as her impatience started to wind up, tapping her feet and crossing her arms in anticipation. She needed something to do to pass the time, to lift up this uneasiness but finding something to do around her room was difficult, being how messy it is. She continues to look around until her eyes landed on her workstation.

Recollecting her past conversation, she told her parents that she finally found her drive for fashion and she intends to stick true to her words. Soon enough, Mari got to work on her design, finally feeling like she will be able to give it to him when she is done and he returns to her. The thought of giving him this along with her honest feelings has never made her happier and Tikki watching from the sidelines can see that.

It didn't feel long for Marinette when she started working on her design but an hour did pass by and Tikki had to call out to her. Knocking out of her trance, Mari bolted her attention to her fellow kwami pointing at the clock showing to be 12:02 p.m. Excitement feels her eyes, "we can go now?" excitement fills her voice in which she nods in agreement.

The bluenette jumps in joy as she quickly/carefully picks up her kwami friend and bolts out her door, passing by her parents and leaving kisses on their cheeks as she bids farewell for now and zooms straight out the door. Tikki had to guide her where to go and with the help of modern day transportation, it did not take long for them to reach their final destination.

Upon arriving, Mari scanned the building with a sense of doubt in her mind. "This is an old apartment complex. You're telling me the guardian of the miraculous, caretaker of the strongest beings of the universe.... Lives in this rundown, sketchy apartment complex?" Tikki nods in agreement, letting out a small giggle to her doubtful expression.

Of course Marinette knows Tikki is not one to lie but it seems so sketchy for some guardian to live in a place like this. Nonetheless she proceeds to enter the apartment. Tikki guides her friend to the 2nd floor, room number 19.

At first Mari felt nervous, hesitantly trying to knock on the door. Clearly there was still some lingering doubt in her mind in whether encountering this person opens up a chance to save her kitty but she can not help but feel a little skeptical.

Thankfully her little kwami friend was there to reassure her, with eyes of determination, it was enough for the young teenager to take the next step.

After a couple knock-ins, the door opens to see an old man. A small chinese elder greets the bluenette, "Hello miss, is there something I can do for you today?" (He looks familiar) Marinette was somewhat nervous at first but getting Chat back was a priority too important to her.

"A-Are you the guardian of the miraculous?" stumbling on her words. The question seemed to struck him as he began glaring at the girl. Upon hearing it, his personality changed and his act of being a stereotypical old man soon vanished and now he's more apparent and intimidating.

"How do you know about the miraculouses little girl?" not once letting up her intense glare at the little girl. Mari's tough act she tried to put up was slowly being torn down by his intense glare and she did not know what to do, let alone what to say.

That's when Tikki flew out of her purse to make her presence known to the man, "Master, it is me Tikki. I return with my friend Marinette also known as La--" before getting cut off by Marinette holding out her hand in front of her mouth. "Ssshhh, you can't reveal your secret to anyone without my consent. What if this is not the one we're looking for?"

It was then, during those two bickering is when Mari heard the old man laughing. Now both of them were eyeing the elder laughing to the brink of tears. "I know who you are Marinette ya silly girl, I was the one who acknowledged you and gifted you the miraculous of creation in the first place" wiping his teary eye to see her better.

The bluenette stood in confusion as to where the intimidating elder she was facing just a second ago gone to. Now just stood a chilled out man, seemingly enjoying his life with little self-awareness. "I'm sorry elder but how do you know me. Have we met before?" in which he responds with another question, "Where have we not met? Try remember to the day where you saved a poor old man from a potential car accident."

It was then she finally remembered his face, he was the same old man she saved from a car crash years ago. "You were the one who took one of my macarons without asking" she proclaims which made him laugh louder in agreement. "And I do not regret that day. The day I deemed you worthy of being the superhero Ladybug and as far as I'm concerned, you have not once disappointed me."

The man invites the bluenette in, in which she reluctantly does so and soon enters a spacious Chinese-style room with paper-slide doors, pillow floors surrounding a big table and an old phonograph. "You lived here this entire time?" she asks curiously and he responds with a slight nod in agreement, "yes. Ever since I gave you the miraculouses to Ladybug and Chat Noir, I have been monitoring you for a long time"

As soon as Marinette got comfortable on the floor, the elder kindly offered her warm green tea as they began their conversation. "I believe an introduction is needed, my name is Wang Fu but you can refer to me as Master Fu or any of the sort you feel comfortable with" he kindly suggested. In her mind, she felt it was right to respectfully refer to him as Master Fu, seeing how she seeks him for guidance and help.

Master Fu continues, "Yes I am the guardian of the miraculouses and personally gifted both of you the strongest kwami's I could offer. The kwami of creation to you Marinette-Dupain Cheng and the kwami of destruction to A-I mean Chat Noir and as far as I'm concerned. I have made the right decision."

Mari was too busy thinking of Chat that she didn't notice his sudden slip but that's not what is important right now. "I see. I have a favor to ask of you master Fu if you please listen" she pleads, grasping her hold onto her green tea tighter. "Is it about Chat Noir?" he interjects, shocking the teenager, "How do you know?"

"I have a special connection to all miraculous holders, it is a connection between auras and I lost my aura connection to Chat Noir. His body is present but his soul is gone, well not exactly to say it is gone, but more like his soul has changed to something cold, something sinister. His aura has changed." Mari's lips quivered, calling back to her late night interaction with him. "Chat's miraculous broke and his power corrupted both Plagg and Chat Noir, master" Tikki interjects. Both Master Fu and Marinette's eyes widened and by the way Master Fu breathes intensely, this problem is a lot more serious than what she has anticipated if it makes someone like him scared.

"This is bad" he claims, causing Mari to once again dart her attentions to him, "is there a way we can reverse the corruption, to save him. Master please tell me we have a way" she begs.

The elder stood up and made his way to his book shelf in what seemed like he did have a possible solution but the more he rummaged through the plentiful books, the more impatient the bluenette became.

"Ah, found it!" pulling out an old, leather covered book. Placed on the table, Mari observed the book more closely and the first thing she notes was how unbelievably thick it was. She wonders how much stuff was put into this book to make it so big. "What is this master Fu?" she questions and in doing so, he lifts up the cover to the first page.

"It is the Miraculous Origin" he calls it.

"Everything my masters and their masters before them know has been stored into this one book and now it is I who finally holds ownership." Mari widens in shock and fascination of the book but her priority has not once left her mind. "Is there anything in there that can help Chat Noir?"

The old man brushes his beard gracefully as he flips the pages many times, "I think I may have a solution." After many pages being flipped, he finally stops and lands on a page that's titled 'Awakening', "ah found it" he calls out in joy.

Marinette speculates on how this 'Awakening' gonna help them in saving Chat Noir. "How is this supposed to help Chat Noir?" she asks in which he responds with a question of his own, "depends on you young Marinette, how far are you willing to go to save him?" Mari did not hesitate with her answer as she knows from her heart that she is willing to go through hell and back to get him back, to confirm something. Mari stood firm and answered him with such determination and strength that even surprised him.

"I will do anything."

(Good, but that will not be enough) With a worried look in his eyes but even still, master Fu warns her that this method is extremely dangerous and it all depends on how determined and strong willed she is to even pull this off. The bluenette strucks it off and sticks to her word.

(No matter the cost)

Not yet convinced, master Fu can now go into the plan as he calls out for Tikki. Tikki flies out in response to his call and sees him pointing at the word 'Awakening', "do you remember this Tikki?" in which she responds with a slight nod. Leaving Marinette in the gutter, master Fu informs her on what this is.

"This is called awakening. Awakening is undergoing a transformation with both the kwami's and the miraculous holders. In other words, you unlock more of their original powers and in return grow stronger, or more like restoring the powers they once had. With every new Ladybug, the power resets itself and you start back to base 1."

Marinette was confused but understood some as to what he was saying. She even got the jist on the part "you become stronger" which interested her more than others. Master Fu adds on "If you awaken as Ladybug, you will unlock more possible abilities and even new weapons to help you in battle." The excited bluenette hope's goes up as he continues, "and we will need one of her awaken powers to save Chat Noir. The power is called "Miraculous Heal."

"Miraculous Heal is the power to not only restore material things but also spiritual as well, even as far as the human soul." A sudden look of concern appeared on his face which Mari got worried about. "This power is too young for you to even consider doing. With the previous Ladybug and Chat Noir miraculous holders, it was not till they were in their mid 20s when they were ready to awaken this power but you... you're only eighteen young Marinette. You may not be ready."

"I am ready, Master Fu. I've been Ladybug for almost 2 years now and fought constant tough opponents. I need to take this chance" she pleads with pain in her eyes. Master Fu silently nods as he meets her gaze, "Everything you said is true, Marinette. You have been in the Ladybug game for a long time now and even established a strong relationship with your kwami." Mari started to burst in anger, "so if I met your proper requirements then why won't you let me?"

Argument Perspective.

1. Master Fu.

1. "I am still uncertain"


2. Marinette

2. "Why? You know my capabilities as Ladybug."


1. "That's true and you already meet 2 of the 3 requirements"


2. "So all I need is the last one? Okay, just tell me the final test for me to awaken."


1. "The last test is hard Marinette, you are not ready"


2. "Stop telling me that. How am I supposed to be ready for a damn test if I do not know what it is all about?"

Master Fu slammed his hands on the table that sends both Marinette and Tikki aback, "Because it is your heart!" Mari stood there silent as master Fu tried to compose himself before continuing, "Your current relationship with Chat Noir is leaving your heart in a twirl. Your heart is vulnerable, hurt, in pain and I can't risk you going to the next stage with your emotions so unstable."

Marinette thought about it for a second and what he says is true. For the past weeks, she was emotionally unstable because of the big fight and losing Chat. With the constant crying and pain in her heart, It was no surprise how easily she fell into depression. But even then, she still clings onto the hope of saving him. With him as her light, it guides the way to unknown happiness and she knows that with him, with Chat Noir, she will be happy once again. What Chat Blanch said to her still rings to her head, swaying her emotional heart, she eyes back the old man with so much energy and life that it rivals all the previous successors of Ladybug.

"Chat Noir loves me" she spoke loudly, "My love for him comes from my heart, screaming in pain, it's true, I am not right emotionally but from that pain comes unbelievable strength to push forward. I will get him back with or without your help."

Master Fu is in utter shock as no previous Ladybug's has had the same strength as hers, not in his lifetime of being the guardian. As much as he wants to deny it, he has to acknowledge her determination, "Very well Marinette, I deem you ready into entering the process of Awakening." Marinette jumps in joy with Tikki but was sadly short stopped by him interjecting, "you may be ready but doing this alone will be really difficult, next to impossible in fact."

Mari asked as to why in which he answers, "As you know Awakening is a very powerful process and I suspect that this Chat Blanc you speak of has also awakened the power. Although not through the process you will be undergoing but through a negative source. I believe that is why his soul became corrupted and right now he is as dangerous as he ever was."

Marinette stood there silent at the thought of it and that is where master Fu final warning comes in, "Through Awakening his power through negative emotions, his soul will not be able to withstand the power and will soon break him from the inside."

"Chat Noir will die."

The scared bluenette started to freak out at the thought.

Argument Perspective.

1. Marinette.

1. (Chat will die?)


2. Master Fu

2. "Marinette?"


1. (Chat cannot die)


2. "Marinette, listen to me"


1. (I don't want him to die)

"MARINETTE!" Master Fu raises his voice, snapping her out of her trance, "we can still get him back." The teary eyed girl tried to pull herself together as he goes on with the plan, "we can still pull this off but I alone will not be enough to help you. I am but old and past my prime so all good I could do is at least protect you from danger but that will not be enough."

"We need to pull together a small team to capture Chat Blanc and from there, you can use your power to purify his soul. We need to attack when his guard is down and we only have one chance so we can not mess this up. Were gonna need someone to distract him and another to subdue him. From there, when he is at his most vulnerable, that's when you come into play."

Marinette thought about the right people to ask to help and when she finally came to the conclusion of the three people, Mari grabbed a nearby pen and paper to drop down their names and give it to the elder.

"These people will be useful, without a doubt" she reassures the old man. With a quick glance, a satisfied look plasters to his face as he now informs her to be ready. "From 2 days from now, I will prepare the proper miraculous that will help us so when night hits, we will initiate our operation to get him back. Train yourself to control your emotions and soon we will undergo operation."

"9 Lives"

Hello readers, hope you guys are having a wonderful quarantine time like I am. Well thankfully because of the corona virus situation, I now have a lot more time to work on this story and hopefully bring out a lot more joyful chapters in the future.

Marinette and Master Fu are putting together a team to combatant the dangerous Chat Blanc and keeping in mind he doesn't know them personally, well no holds bar for him. Anything is possible.

Well anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and let me know your opinion on this new way of portraying back-in-forth conversation. As always stay safe, like, and comment what you liked and dislike about the chapter.