
It was time. From what master Fu says, the plan was supposed to start in the 2 days from when they met but Marinette needed more time to train for what was needed to awaken so she was allowed to extend one more day. Any more delays will only make Chat grow more unstable, more dangerous, and more powerful. To the point of no return, Chat Noir will be gone forever.

It was almost time as the sun settled and the moon rose. Night time approached, Marinette and Tikki were on standby in their rooms, waiting for master Fu to call her. Mari spent her time working on her design, about 80% of it was done. All that was left was to stitch up the fur, clean out the dust, and attach it to the hoodie.

Mari learned that the best method to control her emotions was to focus her time in the hobbies she finds calming. Knowing that when she gets him back and finally being able to give him the hoodie has made the girl quite giddy, "are you ready Marinette?" Tikki flying into view.

She has never felt so ready in proving master Fu that she is capable of awakening, "I've never felt so ready in my life Tikki" she says in a triumphant voice.

December 18th, 2018. 8:30 p.m.

When Mari was fixing up the final touches on her design, ringing from her phone can be heard across the room, both catching the attention of the bluenette and the little kwami. Marinette was first to act, dashing to her phone into a dive and answered the phone. Master Fu's voice came through the speaker.

"Hello Marinette. It's time."

Marinette hung up the phone almost immediately after hearing that and darted her attention to her little kwami friend, "were doing this Tikki" she said excitedly. A concerned Kwami had to interject as Marinette started to get dressed, "Marinette, I need to know if you are ready" looking at her friend. Marinette casually nodded her head, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Everything will go back to normal he's here and safe."

Tikki only frowned as that was not what she meant, "Marinette, I know you're dead-set on saving him but what I'm asking is if you are ready....ready for the worse." Mari stopped what she was doing to eye her friend, "What are you talking about?" frowning upon her question, in fact, feeling somewhat mad at her for asking such a thing.

Back-in-forth conversation.

1. Tikki

1. "Chat Blanc is a

very powerful opponent,

far stronger than any

past akuma

villains we faced."


2. Marinette

2. "That's right, so?"


1. "What I'm

saying is if we

are not able

to get him back-"


2. "We're going to get

him back Tikki.

Why do you doubt

me, you think

I won't be strong

enough to save him?"


1. "No! I hope we succeed

but what I am saying

is that if things

do not go as plan and-"


2. "If that is the case,

then everything

will be fine so

believe in me."


1. "Marinette please!"


2. "ENOUGH!!!"


1. ....


2. "Tikki, Don't beat

around the bush.

I know what

you're asking of me."

Marinette approached the trembling kwami as she stood still. Tikki has never seen Marinette so angry before and she worries that her emotions are being taken over.

"When the situation is getting worse and we fail. Are you asking if I am prepared to kill Chat Noir?"

The silent kwami just kept shaking her head in denial, "no of course not. What I'm saying is that we need to get the miraculous back at any means necessary to protect the people of Paris. Our primary goal is to retrieve the ring miraculous and heal the corruption in Plagg so-"

"So it's Plagg."

Kwami could hear a distaste feeling in her voice, "so this is what it is all for. Plagg, the kwami of destruction and your other half. You desperately want to bring him back and you even consider the idea of ripping the ring miraculous from his dead body." Anger continued to rise as her voice grew louder, "you couldn't care less whether the holder of the miraculous survives or not as long as the ring miraculous is safely secured. Am I wrong?"

Tikki continued to deny all of her accusations which really ticked her off. Who would have thought that one of her best friends held a sense of doubt in her abilities....abilities to save someone precious to her. She felt betrayed, lied to, and most importantly alone.

(Does master Fu feel this way?)

(How could she do this?)

(Is he really that far gone?)

"No" Marinette mumbles to herself in which Tikki caught upon. After a time to self recollect and evaluate the possibilities, Mari glared at her friend, "I will not accept any other outcome other than Chat Noir coming out of safety and ALIVE." Tikki argues, "I feel the same way Marinette but if worse comes to worse and Chat Noir proves to be too far gone, beyond saving. What will you do?"


Marinette contemplated it. After a clear thought, she understands master Fu and Tikki's priorities of securing and fixing the miraculouses but it's not about them. All this trouble, all this pain, all this suffering, is all for him...just him.

Marinette's priorities were clear as day as she envisioned her favorite black cat sending a gentle smile her way. She eyes her little kwami with a weak smile, "If tonight really is a failure and he is beyond saving."

"Then so am I."

Tikki stood speechless as she saw one tear drop fall upon her right eye, "I'm tired Tikki. I'm tired of the responsibilities, the lies, the secrets, and the deceit to my families, friends, and Chat Noir. Everyday I put on the Ladybug costume and save the citizens of Paris and sure the deeds I do are good but that is not me who takes the credits. They don't consider the toll of my double life but only see the pros of a hero life than the cons. This extension persona of Ladybug restricts me from pursuing my real dream of fashion, baking, and my romantic desires. I know Chat loves Ladybug but I can't help but feel that whenever I am with my kitty is where I am at my utmost best, where my happiness really lies and I will make him feel the same way about me. Even more so than Ladybug."

"I will never be the same, knowing that he is not here with me."

Tikki had nothing to say which led Marinette to think what she said might be proved to be true, "well regardless, we have to go" as she packed up her stuff and gently placed her kwami in her purse.

"I'm thinking of quitting the Ladybug life Tikki," Marinette claims. Tikki eyes widened but unable to say anything as of right now, with what just happened, she felt no right to argue with her.

Marinette approaches the front door of master Fu's apartment and with a deep breath, opens the door to find master Fu patiently waiting with 3 people on standby. "Greetings Marinette, these three talented individuals here will be your allies and will prove to be helpful for the upcoming event."

Marinette darted her attention to see Alya, her best friend in the world, Luka, another close friend, and Chloe. Yes, as unbelievable as it sounds, Marinette recruited the obnoxious Chloe to help fight Chat Blanc. The three saw Marinette walk in and the first person to speak out was Alya, "Marinette, you're here too?" bringing the bluenette to a close hug.

Luka walked closely behind, "it appears we were chosen by this miraculous guardian person with a task. Do you know anything about it?" Mari claims she has no idea what is going on when in all reality, she was the one Mari suggested to master Fu in putting a team.

"Well whatever it is, the old man had the gull to call me over so late at night. Do you have any idea how much this is gonna affect my beauty sleep ya old geezer? Ridiculous I say, Utterly Ridiculous."

The more the banana monkey yapped her mouth, the more Marinette regretted choosing her for this very important task. The atmosphere of confusion soon dissipated once master Fu started, "okay everyone is officially here."

"Now we can get started so everyone please make yourself comfortable." Everyone soon sat on the floor near master Fu except Chloe who was hesitant at first but with enough convincing, also gave in.

Master Fu gave a brief summarization about what was going on and the enemy they were about to face. At first everyone was not onboard but that was when master Fu asked Marinette to tell her personal experience in encountering Chat Blanc.

Everyone eyes darts their attention the sweating Marinette, "I-I met him o-one time and he was different from the Chat we know. He was more cold, more scary." Alya interrupted, "I remember you were there during the incident where Ladybug and Chat Noir were battling the two very powerful akumas and you seem to be caught up in the middle of it."

"You were crying."

Marinette widens her eyes at what she said, "You were there?" Alya nodded her head, "only shortly after the battle. I saw Chat No-Blanc leave your side and flee the scene and you were holding out your hand, almost as if you were calling for him but. I never seen you like that before and I wanted to talk to you about it in school but you looked like you weren't yourself." The guilty brunette was comforted by her best friend. "Thank you Alya but I am okay now."

Marinette was first to break off the hug and eyed Luka and Chloe as well, "I want to save Chat Noir because I know Ladybug can't do this without him. We need Chat Noir to keep Paris safe (to keep me safe) and I know that without him. Ladybug would be nothing."

(I would be nothing)

As Marinette was about to break down into tears, Alya brought her in to a hug with Luka slowly following behind and brace both of them into a hug.

"Fine, count me in" Chloe was the first to speak up which really shocked everyone, "Paris needs their heroes right? And if it means I can help Ladybug anyway I can then I am more than willing to do it. Besides I can hold this up to Ladybug saying "I did this for you" in a boastful way."

Marinette never expected Chloe to be so willing to do this but nonetheless, she was grateful and might change her opinions of her. Alya also stepped in, "count me in as well master Fu. Ladybug can't save Paris without Chat Noir" with a giant smirk on her face. "I'll also do it Marinette. If it means that you will be okay and go back to normal" smiling gently at the bluenette, blushing upon his offer, "t-thanks Luka."

"You kids are so strong but I will warn you. It will be the toughest battle of your life so be vigilant. We're going to face off none other than Chat Blanc" as he opens the box to reveal the miraculouses. Master Fu saw the fire in their eyes, the strong will in their souls can be felt across his body and for some reason, he feels a sense of excitement for what's to come.

Master Fu quickly tossed the miraculouses to the teenagers. The bee one to Chloe, fox miraculous to Alya, and the snake miraculous to Luka. "Suit up, were leaving in an hour" he states as he walks up to Marinette and gives her a miracle personally.

"Wayzz, can you explain the plan to the other kids as I talk to Marinette alone?" he nods in agreement and flies to the other kids, scaring them and leaving Mari and master Fu alone.

"This is the miraculous of the Lion. This miraculous grants you extraordinary strength and enhanced senses, far superior than any other miraculouses and what makes the lion so special is this miraculous doesn't have one use but contains many passive abilities so you can use its power as many as you want so long as you stay in the form unlike other miraculouses which only have a one-time use."

Marinette grabbed the miraculous from his hand but not without his concerns, "Tikki told you my priorities correct? Are you willing to do it?"

(Again with this question)

Mari groans displeased with his request, "We either get him back or we fail. There is no in between and there will be no "killing" got it?"

"Ladybug has saved countless people for their sake so is it wrong for Marinette to be selfish this one time?"

"As you wish Marinette but I need you to know what my priorities are as a guardian. Anyway, let's get you into the process of awakening. Where is Tikki?"

Mari lifted her purse to open a weakened Tikki so master Fu lent her a little snack. The color was darkened red with balck lining as he explained, "I've put the awakening ingredients into this macaron so you will transform into an awakened Ladybug for a short span of time so use it wisely understand."

Master Fu briefly explained the abilities she could use in her awakened form in which Mari continuously nodded as she understood. As she walked to her friends for some sense of reassurance, that's when the elder called out to the team in preparations.

"Were on the move."

December 19th, 2018 12:30 a.m.

Everyone suited up except for Marinette as they finally arrived at an old abandoned warehouse, "Where is Marinette?" Alya asks with a faint of concern but master Fu says that she is the key for this plan to work so she is hidden.

That only sprung another question from her, "Where is Ladybug? Don't we need her for this kind of thing?" in which master FU also had to explain the concept of yin and yang and how weak she is right now.

After all the commotions have cleared up, master Fu directs their attention as they watch the bluenette enter the warehouse alone with the team on standby. Marinette was first to enter the warehouse to find a lonesome kitty, chilling up on a box.

"Are you still trying to kill me?" the albino kitty suddenly asks, scaring the girl. "N-No of course not. I'm here to save you. I-It's m-me Chat, Marinette" trembling by his presence. The cat eyes her for a second.

Back-in-forth conversation.

1. Chat Blanc

1. "Oh, it's you.

Sorry, thought

you were one of




2. Marinette

2. "What makes

you think I'm one

of his akumas?"


1. "Because those pests

constantly came

attacking me."


2. "So where are they

now? What did

you do to them?"


1. "I did what

everyone does to

those pesky critters.

I dispose of them."

Shivers were sent down her spine as she eyes the albino's blue eyes, the poker face he's shown makes it really hard to make out whether he is lying or not. "Y-Y-You killed them?" choking up on her words.

The cat was not hesitant as he nodded in response, "yes I did." All of Mari's senses went off upon hearing his cold response, "How many did you kill Chat?" The cat contemplated on that question, caressing his chin.

"I do not know Marinette and I do not care. I stopped counting once it reached over 30."

Not only Marinette stood silent but even the team in the back heard and they could not believe what came through his mouth.

Back-in-forth conversation.

1. Marinette

1. "You killed so many

innocents, Chat."


2. Chat Blanc

2. "It is not by my

choice and frankly,

I don't care They

choose to attack me."


1. "And you think they

had a choice? Their

emotions were played

by Hawkmoth. It is

not their fault."


2. "If that is the

case,I will kill


to end this."


1. "No you can't, that is

Ladybug and Chat Noir's

job. To bring him to

justice the right way."


2. "And in doing so

Marinette, you

put the lives of the

citizens at risk.

How long do you

think it's gonna take

for them to bring

him to justice?"


1. "As long as

it needs to be"


2. "Then you

are a fool."

Chat Blanc hopped off his box as he slowly approached Marinette, "You will not stand in my way in achieving freedom. Not by you or by Chat Noir. You have to accept that he is gone." Mari refuses to listen as she grabs a pair of gloves from her purse, "NEVER!" A disappointed Chat only lets out a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry Chat Blanc but the world needs Chat Noir, Ladybug needs him" as she tightens the gloves on her arm and takes a fighting stance.

"And I need him."

"It's a shame. I'm sorry Chat Noir for doing this even though I promised to spare her life but I'm gonna have to kill you" as he dash towards her at lightning speed. Mari in her state would have died if it wasn't for master Fu quick thinking and putting up a shield in front of her, stopping him in his tracks. Chat Blanc took a couple steps back as 4 new figures came into light. Rena Rouge, Viperion, Queen Bee, and master Fu's version of carapace.

"You got your little friends to save you huh princess?" chuckling to himself. Anger welled up in her as she called out "Leo, Rise Above" and during her transformation, her hair rolled up into two buns with cat ears popping out, a long cloak appearing and covering her torso with a string tying it together in the waist. Boots appeared with claws popping out from the front and her gloves also grew claws, expanding out like wolverine. Her color scheme changed to a more savannah theme with yellow and brown colors correlating together and lastly a long tail growing on her back.

Now stood a very much angered lion superhero as she walked in front of everyone and taking lead, "do not call me princess Chat Blanc. I will not forgive you." As she glares at him intensely. The aura radiating off of her throws Chat Blanc off for a bit and grows frustrated to her power. "My name is Leona. With this power and my friends by my side, we will bring you down."

"And we will save Chat Noir."

I don't like it when I publish through my computer because it counts as a reader's view. I really just want to look at the statistics of my viewers and knowing that some of them are from me really give me some doubts.

But nonetheless I hope you enjoy this chapter as usual and comment what you like and don't like from this chapter so I can improve as a writer.

I'm also still experimenting on the back-in-forth conversation so it still might not make sense to some of yall but I will do my best in a way that it makes it more understandable to follow.

So again thank you and stay tune. Might wanna make the next chapter extra long.