You Against Me.

"Beat me huh?" Chat Blanc's eye pupils shrunk as he took a fighting stance. Leona and the team also took stance, preparing for what was to come but silence only filled the air. Chat and Leona specifically were in their own world as they both faced off in an intense staring battle.

"I like to see you try".

The cold, light blue eyes glaring at the fired, red ones are so intense that just a slight move could initiate unknown actions. "Viperion, set your miraculous to this point okay?" Leona orders in which he does almost immediately.

"Second Chance."

"Were on the go Leona" Viperion tells Leona which she felt slight comfort from, knowing that if they mess up, Luka would be their last resort but not once has she taken her eyes off him as he inches closer.

(We have to protect Luka at all cost so I gotta keep Chat Blanc focused on me. The goal is to wear him out to properly pin him down).

Leona, with slight caution, took one tiny step forward and that was when Chat vanished from sight, causing the team to let their guard down for a second. In that second of vulnerability, Chat appeared right behind Leona, surprising the team as he winds up a powerful punch.

"Let me deal with your team for a bit, so stay back for now" as he clocked her waist hard, sending her flying to a patch of wooden boxes. Master Fu was first to act as he tried to contain Chat Blanc in his shield but Chat acted on instinct and cataclysm the shield, destroying it and causing a surge of wind to blow back both Chloe and Alya.

"He's strong!" Chloe calls out, trying to scramble herself up to her feet. Chat appeared right behind her and wrapped her tightly around his grasp, "you look like one of those akumas that Hawkmoth keeps sending after me" tightening her hold on her mouth, silencing her. Chloe tries to call out for help as tears start to fall but it was useless. Leona was first to notice and jump to action in an attempt to save her but Chat grinned as he met eyes with her once more.

"Queen Bee NOOO!!!"

"You're too late Marinette."


And in a blink of an eye, Queen Bee began to wither away in front of Leona. (You killed Chloe? So easily, as if she meant nothing to you ) "How dare monster" Anger welled up in her as she watched Chat brush off the lingering dust on his gloves and with a smirk plastered on his face. "You're next," Chat spoke, dashing towards the anger Leona.

Leona countered his speed as she quickly grabs his arm and with her legs, launches Chat right past her to some nearby boxes. "Viperion, I need you to activate 'Second Chance' NOW!" she calls out. Viperion understood and activated his miraculous.

"Second Chance" an in instant, a blinding light engulfs the area to only dissipate back to the point where Leona and Chat were still in their stare off. Atleast, that was what was supposed to happen. But Chat acted differently this time, "what happened? What is going on?" shaking his head in confusion. Viperion took notice of this and was shocked.

(Wait. What? Does the memory of a second chance not affect him as well? What is going on?)

Leona took advantage of Chat Blanc being distracted and dashed at him at lightning speed. Leona went for a right hook to the dome but Chat dodged it in the nick of time, grabbing her arm and reversing her momentum, pinning her to the ground.

"Cataclysm" Chat calls out and Leona's arm starts to rot away. Leona let out a scream in excruciating pain. Rena Rouge and Carapace jolted towards Leona to assist her while Queen Bee stood back, horrified in seeing actual distress coming from someone she knew.

"This can't be happening, no Marinette" Bee calls out but is cut short by Chat Blanc once again appearing behind her and binding her arms together. "Let's try this again shall we? Cataclysm" activating his power and killing her once more. Viperion tries once again to activate his power. (Gotta tell Leona what's going on).

"Second Chance."

Back to square one, Chat once again discombobulated once again, "what is going on? What was that? Who's doing this?" shouts in anger. The team looks at him confused but Viperion knows what was going on and calls out to the team, "Leona, it appears Chat Blanc retains his memory every time I activate a second chance. This is not looking good."

The team looked at Viperion with widened eyes, unable to believe what they were hearing. "It must be Chat Blanc's awakening. He is growing stronger by the minute" Carapace adds in. "We can not rely too much on a second chance as he will grow more aware and therefore become much more of a threat" alerting the team. Leona steps up, "then let's make this one count, let's go!" as the team behind her screams in agreement.

The team charges at Chat, together and in full force while Viperion stays back for a bit and observes the battle. Chat snapped out of his confusion and effortlessly dodged all of the upcoming hero's attacks, not once letting up his eyes on the lone hero in the back. "So you are the one who is causing this!" he hisses at the scaly hero.

Chat bolts at the hero while cataclysm is activated in hoping to wipe him out in one go, "gonna have to take you out first" as he reaches out to touch him. In that last moment, Carapace sprung into action and set up another shield around Viperion, protecting him and causing Chat Blanc to face-first impact the shield and bounced right off and Leona took that chance to follow it up with a diving kick to his side, sending him flying across the warehouse.

The team re-grouped together, "Are you alright Viperion?" Leona asks in which he nods in agreement. "What are we going to do Leona, Chat Blanc is growing stronger and more pissed off" Queen Bee cries out in a panic. Leona looks back to the team who seems to be in a panic mode.

Can't blame them honestly, being put in a risky situation where someone could potentially die would terrify anyone but she has no-one to rely on at this point. Marinette needs them in order to succeed.

Leona sent a calm look their way, "everything is going to be alright okay? If you believe in me and stick to the plan, everyone is going to come out of this alive. I swear it" reassuring the team. Rena Rouge was first to respond to her in a triumphant voice, followed by Viperion and soon Queen Bee.

Chat emerges from the broken boxes and let out a demonic scream, catching the attention of everyone in the vicinity. "ENOUGH OF THIS!" he growls as he runs towards them in a reckless manner. Leona was first to step up as she clashed head-first to Chat Blanc, pinning him down. With the power of the lion, Leona was barely able to equal Chat Blanc in strength but she could sense that he would soon overpower her.

"Rena Rouge, get ready!" she calls out as she is slowly losing to his monstrous strength. "You made a terrible mistake Marinette. Catacl-" before calling out his power, Leona let go her grip on his hands and did a full 360 degree high kick to his face. Chat backed away in pain as he rubbed his cheek in comfort and that was when Rena Rouge saw the opportunity.

Flashback to before the big fight.

"Take these!" Wayzz hands the team what seems like a bag of cookies. Alya spoke out on this unusual gift in which he responds, "these are power up snacks. It is not as strong as awakening but with this, at least you will be able to use your powers more than once so use them wisely."

Present time.

"Rena Rouge Now!" Leona calls out and that was when she activated her powers. With a quick melody played on her flute, Alya imagines her illusion, "Mirage" and her power engulfed the entire warehouse space. Once Chat Blanc came to, he found himself not exactly where he thought where he would be, "where am I?" he asked himself. Being surrounded by bright colors, it was hard for Chat Blanc to navigate through the field. Chat Blanc scanned his surroundings and what he saw was Leona running at him full force and alone.

(You're opened and vulnerable everywhere) he scowls in irritation. The albino attempted to reach out to kill her with his power but what seemed like he thought to make contact, he passed right through her and landed on the floor hard. He picked himself right back up to find even more figures of Leona standing before him, "what is the meaning of this?" but no-one answered but instead, Leona came charging at him all at once.

From outside of the illusion, Rena Rouge tries her best to retain the mirages, "You better act now Marinette. I can't hold an illusion of this scale and he's destroying too much of my mirages" sweats, falling down her forehead. Leona understood the situation and was grateful for that so she now pans her attention to Chloe, "you're next Queen Bee. Follow me" she gestures as Leona and both Carapace and Queen Bee follow her inside the mirage.

Once inside and hidden from Chat's vision which was too busy fighting the dozen mirages. Leona explains to Chloe, "okay, Chat Blanc is currently preoccupied so when I give the signal, you will come in and freeze him in his tracks. Got it?" she asks in which she nods in understanding.

Master Fu stood back as backup as Leona jumped into action with the mirages. With the mirages still dashing towards Chat, Leona sneakily joined in the group and took the opportunity to land a cheeky hit to his face and immediately retreating back into the mirages. Leona continued to do this, hitting him from all sides and with him not being able to keep up with what was real or not, Chat Blanc eventually fell to his knees.

"This is too much Marinette. JUST LEAVE ME BE!" he screams as he recklessly swings his arm around. His attacks are passing through dozens of mirages until it was unexpectedly caught by her, "Not until I get what I want" and with that, winds up her right arm and with all her power, punching him towards the ground and on impact, causing a huge crater.

Both seemingly tired and Chat trying his best to stand up once again, she stares at the poor figure. Chat, desperately trying to grasp for air has made Mari feel slightly guilty about what she has done because whether he was corrupted or not, even if right now her kitty is gone. She is unable to take away the fact that she is hurting the body of her lover.

Back-and-Forth Conversation.

1. Marinette.

1. "I'm sorry kitty"


2. Chat Blanc.

2. "I'm not your

kitty Marinette"


1. "You will always

be my kitty Chaton"


2. "So why are

you doing this.

*cough* You need to

understand Marinette

that he is gone!"


1. "I can't do that Chat.

We found a way to

heal your soul.

To bring him back."


2. "But what if

this doesn't work

and your lover

is really gone"


1. "This needs to

work at any cost."


2. "Why? To go this far,

even for him. Why?"


1. "Because I love him.

Because he brings

me joy every time

I'm with him.

Because I don't expect

someone like you to



2. .....


1. "Because I don't

know what I'll do

if it doesn't."

"Queen Bee, you can come out now" Leona calls out and she emerges from the mirages. Chat looks at Chloe with weakened eyes, "I killed you twice" he chuckles to himself. Fear wells up in her as he continues to maniacally laugh to himself so Leona took initiative to comfort her, "It's okay Chloe, we're here for you." With a sense of comfort from her, Queen Bee gathered the necessary strength to call out to her power.

Chat closed his eyes as she walked closer to him. Queen Bee calls upon her powers, "venom" and she lands her top onto his chest, freezing him in place. Leona calls out to the rest of the team and soon, Rena Rouge let up the illusion and the warehouse went back to the way it was. "Is it over?" Alya asked in which Leona sent a gentle smile her way. Carapace interjects, "okay Marinette, now it is time" he urges. Mari understood, "Leo, rest below" detransforming.

Mari reached for her purse to grab two darkened earrings, "Luka, can you set up another second chance as soon as I transform, in case something happens?" she asks as she puts on what appears to be another miraculous. Luka understood which reassured her as she took stance, "Tikki, Spots On!" she calls out. As she transforms, the team stood there in shock as what appears before them was no longer the Marinette they've known for years but the hero they have been admiring forever.

"You're Ladybug?" Alya points at the heroin, all shaken up. Ladybug stood there embarrassed, "y-y-yeah, sorry I for not telling you but I have to keep it a secret." Chloe and Luka stood there in silence but Alya on the other hand felt somewhat riled up, "you were Ladybug all this time, for all these years and you have not opened up about this with me? I thought we were friends?" Marinette stared at her friend with eyes she did not want to see. "We are Alya. I understand that you're angry but please know that it was for your own good" she pleads but she chooses to ignore.

1. Alya.

1. "You know how

much I admired

Ladybug and you

still decided to

hide this from me?

How could you?


2. Marinette.

2. "There were many

times I wanted to tell

you but with great

powers comes great

responsibilities and I-"


1. "Do not spider man

me! Do you have any

idea how useful I can

be when I know

your secrets?"


2. "It is not that simple,

I am not willing to

endanger your life

for your own benefit."


1. "So what? You're not

prepared to trust me?

After all these years

we've known each

other? Huh?"


2. ....


1. "Nothing to

say Marinette?"


2. ....


1. "You have to

say something".


2. ....


1. "Say something


Ladybug's eyes widened as she snapped, "I am not prepared to lose you!" The team stood silent as they watched her. She glares at everyone who gave her confused eyes, "to lose any of you! The hero life is not as easy or simple as you see on t.v Alya. With great responsibility to uphold there are also terrible consequences as well. If you know about my identity and Hawkmoth finds out, he will stop at nothing to get what he wants and I have seen to what extent he is willing to go to get what he wants. To get my miraculous."

Alya watched silently as she saw Ladybug turn attention to the unconscious albino kitty, "I opened up my frustration and pain of my life without him knowing my true identity to him and he was there, every second to listen".

Tears started to surface her eyes, "Once I got too close to him is the second I lost him. My kitty to whom I came to love has been taken away from me. All because of Hawkmoth's desire for the miraculous and my failure as Ladybug."

Alya felt guilty for her outburst and wanted to console her friend but she felt she had no right to do so. (Oh Marinette, I am sorry).

Master Fu soon interrupts, "do not be mad at young Marinette, miss Alya. It was my one and absolute rule she had to obey when she took up the mantle of Ladybug. I was the one who forbade her to reveal her identity because I too knew the consequences" he explains. The team stood at awe as they turned their attention to Ladybug, eyeing the unconscious cat.

Viperion was first to approach the saddened and comfort her, "you love Chat Noir that much huh Marinette?" catching her attention. Mari shook her head in agreement, "I do Luka. So much so that it pains me to see him like this" caressing the cat's snow-like hair.

"Well then we better get him back to normal then" Chloe interjects, grabbing both their attention, "I don't know how you can love someone you don't even know behind the mask but if it means that I can have Adrikins to myself than more power to you" sending a smile her way.

"Hehe, he's all yours Chloe" giggling to herself.

Alya was last to approach her, "Mari, I'm sorry for what I said to you. I didn't think it logically and I know you did it to protect the people close to you but it still hurts to be lied to or more precisely, feeling I wasn't worth being able to trust, despite how long we knew each other." She went back into her saddened mood but not before Mari was embraced with a hug, "but I understand Marinette and for that I apologize."

Ladybug took in her warm embrace, "thank you Alya" as she breaks from her hug. "Let's get him back now so Luka if you would please." Luka understood and activated his miraculous, "Second chance, you're all set Ladybug" sending a peace sign her way.

When everything is set, Mari turns to Master Fu for guidance, "everything is ready, master so tell me how to unlock awakening?" Master explains, "to fully awaken your powers, take your yoyo, twist it and split it apart vertically." The team looked at him confused so he goes on, "in order to awaken, all you need to do to unlock your true power is through your yoyo so proceed" he suggests.

Ladybug understood so he faced one last time to the albino kitty, "everything will go back to the way it was chaton. My poor kitty" cupping his cold-pale skin. Just then, when everything seems to go her way and Chat was seconds away from being healed. Chat Blanc opened his eyes and met eyes with Ladybug's.

"So you're the popular superhero Ladybug, Marinette?"

1. Ladybug.

1. "W-What?

You're awake?"


2. Chat Blanc.

2. "Yeah. I had a

nice time to relax

so thanks."


1. "But how? The venom

should still be inflicted

upon you so how are

you able to move?"


2. "It's simple really.

You took too long

and I just grew

more impatient

as time passed."

Chat acted quickly and went straight for a headbutt, knocking Ladybug back in pain. Chat let out a maniacal laugh before vanishing in thin air. Ladybug desperately tried to recollect herself, "Chat Blanc. Where is Chat Blanc?" calling out to the team, appearing to be as confused as she was. Panic started to take over as she desperately looked around her surroundings for any sight of him. In pure rage, Mari punched the ground, venting out all her frustration as she screamed.

(I was so close)

(Chat Noir was in my grasp)

(And once again)

Tears welling up.

(I wasted it)

Breaking down, Ladybug was beyond reason as she called to Luka. "Viperion! Quick, use a second chance. Quick!" Viperion needed a second to process what the hell was going on but was finally snapped to it after her 3rd plea. Before he even had a chance to revert time, Chat appeared right behind him and just like with Queen Bee, has also subdued him the same way.

(Oh Shit! Luka let his guard down. NO!)

Viperion tried his best to struggle out of his grasp but Chat only tightened it, "I'm tired of the reverting time nonsense. It's time to sleep. CATACLYSM." and just when Ladybug was gonna move at all, Viperion rotted before her eyes and this time as there are no do-overs anymore. Now, with their last resort now gone. "Luka. No!" watching him flap away the remaining dust from his suit.

Master Fu tried to stop Ladybug from acting based on her emotion but she was beyond reasoning. Chat easily blocked her attacks and countered by landing a powerful punch and sending her flying. "I'll save you last Marinette so wait like a helpless princess you are" taking a fighting stance. The rest of the team took stance but not without their fears.

1. Queen Bee.

1. "He killed Luka".


2. Rena Rouge.

2. "Stay focused Chloe.

We can't falter".


1. "But he killed

someone. Luka, he.

He's too strong".


2. "Queen Bee Please!

Keep it together or

else we will fall as well".

"Rena Rouge is right Queen Bee" Carapace adds, "It is life or death now so we have to be as vigilant as we can. No do-overs, no second chance. We will fight as our life depends on it". Chat tried to attack but was trapped inside a shield, courtesy of Carapace, "I will not be fooled by the same damn moves old man" using his power of Cataclysm to rot away the shield.

"Mirage" Rena Rouge activates her power, engulfing the area in another makeshift illusion, one of bright and trippy colors. Inside the mirage, Chat was once again bombarded by dozens of illusion heroes. Although this time is different as it appears Chat does not appear to hit a single illusion that came after him.

During the barrage, Queen Bee took the opportunity to sneak up behind him and attempt to trap him. As she was about to strike him with another venom, Chat instinctively caught her arm behind him without batting an eye, "This will be the third time so do me a favor" holding tight onto her arm as she desperately tries to squirm out of his grasp. Chloe cries in panic as her arm starts to rot away.

"Please do me a favor. AND STAY DEAD".

"Two gone, now three to go". Rena Rouge, spectating from outside of the illusion stood there in horror, "Chloe is gone? I can't believe this is actually happening". Just adding salt to the wound, Rena Rouge watched in shock. The floor starts to tremble, letting up her illusion.

(He's catalyst the floor?)

The warehouse soon starts to topple on itself due to the lack of support on the floor. Rena Rouge and Carapace managed to escape the destruction and the battle was led outside, "What about Ladybug. Where is Marinette?" Alya cries out but Carapace stands his ground. "Focus Rena Rouge, the battle is not yet over so we can't worry about other people right now. Once you let up is when you lose your life".

The two remaining survivors of the team stood in horror as they watched a devilish figure appear from the dust. The lingering smile plastered on his face was enough to freeze Alya in her tracks.

(I'm gonna die?)

(I can't die)

(I'm too young. Too inexperienced)

(I haven't even properly apologized to Marinette yet)

"DO NOT GIVE UP YET!" shouting from the distance has echoed throughout the field. Ladybug emerges from the rubbles of the broken down warehouse. "It's not over yet Chat. I'm not done yet" letting out her raspy voice. Rena Rouge and Carapace were happy to see her still alive but that was short lived as the laugh of a crazy man can be heard.

"You genuinely believe Chat Noir can still be saved huh Marinette? Your delusions have no bounds and look what that caused you" pointing at the remaining two of her teammates who are still battered and bruised from the fight.

"Your obsession to save a person who's gone has cost the lives of the ones who still had their chance in life" smiling menacingly. "You put the lives of your friends for your own selfish reasons and it will all be in vain" dashing towards the last two survivors. Ladybug entangled Chat Blanc with her yoyo, stopping him in his tracks, "you are right. This is all for my selfish desire to save the one person who means everything to me" pulling him back with all her strength.

Once he was close enough, Ladybug landed a powerful punch to his face and knocked him down to the ground, "but I don't want to hear that from you. You are the last person who should be lecturing me about these kinds of stuff. I only want to hear it by Chat Noir when we save him from you."

This angered the albino cat, giving him the strength to break free of her hold, "enough of this child play. This has gone long enough so I'm ending this in one fell swoop" growling at the lady. Chat lifted both his arms as he appeared to release a massive attack.

Ladybug and Rena Rouge both stood confused but Carapace recognized the stance and apparently it was serious enough to even make him panic, "Ladybug! Take cover right now!" calling out but it was too late. Before he struck the floor, a bright light surrounded the area and engulfed all the remaining heroes.

"God level cataclysm: APOCALYPTIC DESTRUCTION".

When Ladybug came to, she found herself in immense pain but nonetheless alive but what she saw were destruction as far as the eye can see. Sadly she can not say the same for the others as she found both a lifeless Rena Rouge and wounded Carapace shielding her from the blast.

"Alya, Alya please stay with me!" tears falling from her eyes. As she tried to grab the statue of her once friend, her whole body dusted away to the wind and that was the last straw for her as she finally broke down in tears.

Carapace clinged onto his remaining time as he tries to grab the attention of Ladybug, "Miss Marinette *cough* it is up to you now. You must awaken as your prime Ladybug, that is the only chance we get into restoring everything and putting a stop to Chat Blanc" he pleads but she refuses as she denies in tears, ''I cannot. I failed and everyone precious to me is gone".

This only made the old man laugh weakly which caught the attention of the bluenette, "I believe in you Marinette. When I picked you to be Ladybug was the best decision of my life and I genuinely believed you will be one of the best Ladybug's that ever exist. Do you want to know why?" The bluenette stares to his eyes in anticipation.

"It's because you never give up"

"Your flaws and imperfection is what will give you motivation to overcome the cons and will guide the way in you becoming the most powerful Ladybug. Through your flaws will give you the strength to achieve miraculous feats".

Ladybug watched in awe as Master Fu began to close his lifeless eyes, "I believe in you so we will be waiting" before entering his sleep, leaving behind the bluenette. Ladybug laid the body of her short-lived master and started to approach the lone albino kitty. "Oh ?so you still alive Marinette?" sarcastically speaking but it doesn't appear to faze her.

With Chat a little irritated, dashed at her with full speed. He grabbed her by the neck and pinned her to a wall but she doesn't seem to let out any faint of pain.

1. Chat Blanc.

1. "Are you done

fighting Marinette?

Lost the spirit to

fight when I killed

all your friends?"


2. Ladybug.

2. "How?"


1. "How?"


2. "You were once my

partner. We saved Paris

together countless

times and you mean

everything to me".


1. .....


2. "So how did it go

from us against the

world to you

against me?"

Chat let go of his grip of Ladybug, causing her to fall to the floor. "Do not blame me Marinette. The second he lost control of his power is the day Chat Noir is gone". He calls upon his cataclysm and readies to place his hand upon her, "Do not worry Marinette. You will meet him soon".

In that moment, before his hand made contact with her, she deflected it and distanced herself from him. "Lucky Charm!" which pops out of thin air appears as a makeshift-kitty pendant. Ladybug tossed the pendant for him to catch and observe closely.

1. Chat Blanc.

1. "What is the

meaning of this".


2. Ladybug.

2. "Can't you tell

Chaton? It's a

kitty pendant."


1. "What is the

meaning of this?

Why'd you

give this to me".


2. "Don't know really.

Might be just a

reminder or a threat".


1. "A reminder of what?

To whom?".


2. "Just to me I suppose.

A reminder to never

give up. The cat pendant

is to remind me what

I'm fighting for".


1. .....


2. "And it's a threat

to you. For what

you've done is

unforgivable and

I will stop at nothing

to save him and

return things

to normal".

Chat crushed the pendant in anger, "you will try Ladybug but you won't get the chance. Time to die" covering his right glove in catalytic power. Mari only smirked through his threat as she twisted her yoyo, causing it to split, causing it to leak out and pink aura-like colors.

Dangerous signals were sent through his entire body as he sensed her power increasing in a supernatural speed, "you still have an ace up your sleeve huh Marinette.....answer me Marinette!!!!" growing more frustrated as she refuses to answer.

"Tikki. I ask as the hero and protector of the world. With the power of creation by my side I plead to grant me the power to not hurt my opponents but to heal them and bring back what was taken from this world. From me. I pray for the power so I can save my friends, family, and the one person who means everything to me".

"Awaken: Miraculous Ladybug!"

Well fellow readers, I finally got the chapter out in my most unreliable upload schedule so I hope this was worth the wait. Quite the long chapter for this one and I really want to continue writing but I decide to split it into a two part chapter so it doesn't go for too long but nonethless. Hope you enjoy.