My Kitty.

"What is the meaning of this? How do you still continue to grow stronger?" hissing at the bright light in front of him. Chat, in a feat of anger recklessly bolts at her with monstrous speed that leaves destruction from his path, "Answer me Marinette!!!" activating his cataclysm.

On contact with the bright light, his attacks proved to be unaffected to her. It appears that his power is not even reaching her body at all but instead, the force she is exerting is so strong that it blew him back a couple feet away.

The light surrounding her soon dissipates and he sees what undoubtedly is the Ladybug he remembers but her appearance is all different. Ladybug's suit was odd, the color pattern is all different with black covering her waist and red colors with black polka dots covering from her chest to the lower thigh areas. But that's not all as it looks like she has also matured as well. Her hair was let down to see her darkened, almost blackened-blue color of her hair.

Ladybug opened her eyes and took a gander look at her new outfit. New color design, different approach on her appeal and somewhat embarrassing that her ladybug design only covers her chest area while the rest of it was black fishnets but other than that, it was a nice change after all these years. Still somewhat revealing to the eye, not that it effects the stone-cold kitty.

(I wonder what Chat Noir would think of this?)

New gears, courtesy of the awakening she notices is the backpack she now carries, not knowing what it really does yet and her signature yoyo....or dual yoyos in fact. Additional perks is that her senses have been heightened even more in terms of her sight, smell, and hearing with noticeable increase of strength to boot.

This new feeling has gotten her excited and impatient to try out her new gear. Can't really say the same for Chat Blanc as he just stood there watching the girl giggling to herself. Seeing her so exposed with her guard let down really gets the blood boiling, "if you don't get serious soon Ladybug then you're as good as dead" firing off a couple catalyst bullets at the distracted Ladybug.

She instantly sensed and dodged the oncoming cataclysm with ease, almost gracefully. Chat watched in shock as she landed on her feet. "How did you do that?" questioning her but all she gave was a tiny smirk, annoying him a bit.

"Quit playing with me! Don't get cocky. You're nothing but a little bug I just have to step on" growling at the girl but she chooses to ignore. "You're right Chat" looking down to her hand, "I don't have much time so I have to end this and bring back everyone I have lost" gripping her hand to a fist and punching the air at Chat.

Chat quickly put up his stance as he prepared for whatever Ladybug was about to do but before he could even react, Ladybug vanished from his sight. Even to his perfect eye-sight, Ladybug manages to achieve speed that even he can not follow.

(She can reappear anywhere. I can't succumb to her field or else I'm done for. I have no choice)

Chat Blanc activates his power and directs it to the ground in an attempt to catalyze his surroundings once more to stop her advances but before she could do that, a yoyo caught one of his arms, causing him to fall back to his behind. Chat peered the back of him to see Ladybug pulling him back with her yoyo with noticeable growing strength.

(Annoying Bug)

Chat then directs his power to the yoyo who's holding him in place but it seems to have no effect at all, (is this the newfound power to her awakening?) continues to struggle out of her grasp. Ladybug approaches the contained cat as he desperately struggles to break free.

1. Ladybug.

1. "It's over Chat.

Give up."


2. Chat Blanc.

2. "Never! Not with

my life on the line."


1. "It is not your life

that body holds!

Don't you realize it?

You are killing

his body slowly."




IT! I don't care for the

life he wasted. He

threw his sanity

away in exchange

for yours. It was

his choice so none

of this is on me!"

Ladybug's fear were shown anew as she sees the anger in his eyes, "your selfish obsession for bringing back someone you barely know has not only risked the lives of your precious friends but also countless innocents close by, possibly the world. They all died in vain and I warned you Ladybug, nothing good comes from this."

Ladybug took his backlash to heart as she let out a weak expression, "you're right Chat. I am a huge scumbag for doing this and I admit that in the beginning, it was for my own selfish reason to bring him back but it soon change" sending a weak smile his way, "I soon realize that it is no longer just me who needs him but Master Fu, Alya, Luka, Chloe, and every lives you just took just now also needs him, more than ever. We need Chat Noir to come back and apologize on behalf of your selfish actions and sins you committed." tightening his hold onto his arm.

"And I will be right there beside him in begging for their forgiveness".

Chat looked down to himself and giggled in a most sinister way possible, "if you want to grovel on the floor and beg for forgiveness for the dead then do it yourself. Count me out" as he aggressively escapes her yoyo's grasp and escapes the scene, leaving her behind.

(I have to escape for now, I've used my power too much. I heard she can't contain that form for too long but how long is too long? Nonetheless, I need to buy time so her power runs out)

However, he didn't get too far as he sensed an oncoming attack from behind. Chat instinctively dodges the sudden yoyo attack from behind as he spots Ladybug close by.....Flying? "How are you flying Ladybug?" curiously the cat asked. "Oh, you noticed? The backpack came with built in wings to help me fly. You like it?" twirling in the air playfully. Chat's smirk starts to surface, "It's cute for sure but also annoying as well" firing at her some cataclysm disc projectiles.

Ladybug as always, easily dodges the projectiles but this time Chat leaped towards her in the sky, grabbing hold of her tightly and together, begins to fall to the ground. Chat used her to soften the impact when they hit ground, causing her to scream out in pain.

Chat did not ruin the flow as he grabbed her by the hair and threw her to some nearby debris. Ladybug needed some time to recover but Chat was not so willing to give as he went straight to pounce right back to her with his power.

(If my cataclysm does not work on her suit. Then how about her vulnerable skin?)

And that was where he intentionally aims at with full force. When Chat thought that victory seemed to be secured and Ladybug was actually about to die, his hand slipped and missed his mark, causing it to catalyze the debris behind her. "What the hell just ha-" was cut short when he got uppercut to the jaw, blowing him back.

He sat up almost immediately and tending to his pained jaw as he watched the dust slowly settle. What he saw has angered him further, "now where did you get those huh?" Ladybug stood there strong while wielding a pair of small shields in each arm. "Oh? Do you remember my wings? Well the outer shell that covers my wings has made its way to my arms so now I can use it as a weapon" she explains.

"How bout it? Looks like I have Captain America's shield from Avengers Infinity Wars huh? Oh that reminds me, we should totally binge watch the entire marvel movies when I save you" she says cheerfully.

Chat glares at her with annoyance but kinda admits that was cute as he pulls out his baton, "fine then, close combat it is. Suits me just fine" he takes stance. Ladybug cautiously observes him as he cloaks his staff with cataclysm, making his weapon far more lethal.


..."Lets go!"

Chat Blanc-/

Both Ladybug and Chat Blanc dashed at each other and both made contact, causing a huge shockwave that surrounded them. Chat's fighting style consists of fast-consecutive blows with his staff while Ladybug is more defensive, parrying and deflecting every upcoming attack he dished out.

His reckless attacks have opened a lot of counters and that was exactly what she needed. After one of the attacks she parried, she took the chance to get a cheeky hit at his chest, pushing him back.

Chat roars out loud in frustration as he dives back in.

(I can do this) she tells herself as she notices that his attacks are getting weaker. His movements are getting more sluggish and his attacks are becoming more predictable.

She took this opportunity to parry one of his attacks and using her dual wielded yoyo's, wrapped one yoyo around the legs and the other wrapping both his arms to tie them together to the waist, soon pinning him down once again.

Ladybug is surprised at how easy it was to apprehend him, she doesn't know whether it was thanks to this new power or for the hours on end fighting prior has drained him. She walks to face him straightforward, "Finally got you kitty".

He continues to remain silent which is really kinda suspicious but right now, with him captured and seemingly unwillingly to move, she is not about to let this chance slide. Ladybug began to caress his cold face once more, "It's almost time. Wait for me Chaton".

In that second of vulnerability, where she dropped her guard for one second. Chat hid his crooked smile as he placed both of his hands to the floor.

"Cataclysm Awakening: Prominent DEMOLITION!!!"

Before Ladybug could start, she was interrupted with the floor trembling. Horror fills her eyes as the very ground they were standing on has begun to rust away, into absolute nothingness.

Ladybug tried her best to stay in the air with her wings but with the weight of Chat Noir pulling her down and the oncoming debris that continued to fall on top of her, she soon gave in when one of the debris hit on top of her.

Despite having her shield to protect her, the impact was too great that it caused her to become unbalanced and soon both of them fell into the abyss. Ladybug fell screaming in fear while Chat Blanc was laughing maniacally.

When Ladybug came to, she found herself below the city of Paris, even below the sewage lines. She desperately looks around her surroundings for any sight of Chat but he was nowhere to be found but instead found herself trapped between rocks.

Her right leg was crushed between the rocks and with the flow of water slowly filling up, Ladybug had to desperately come up with a plan to get out.

Her main goal with Chat tho has not left her mind but once she heard the beeping coming from her miraculous, signaling her time is running out, Ladybug couldn't help but panic a little bit.

(No, it can't end like this)

(Not when I'm so close!)

(He was there. Within my grasp)

(How could I let my guard down? I'm so pathetic)

(So useless)

She tries once again by pulling her leg to get it out but moving it just a little caused so much excruciating pain, only able to be described by her cries as she shouts in pain. It was only then Chat came out from the rubble to make his presence known to her, "There you are Marinette" his coldy tones echoes the room. Ladybug once again looked at him with glistening eyes as her blue met his lighter ones. "Chat No-" she was interrupted by a follow up explosion from the surface.

"The place is gonna cave in itself" Chat states, looking up to see the carnage he made. "You will die here Marinette, that is for certain so the only logical choice here is to give up" slowly descending down to her level. Many times before and even now, she refuses to give in, to let him win but at this point, she does not see a way to get out of this situation. Chat slowly approached her with yet another emotionless face.

"Chat, you gotta help me out of here" she pleads to the poker-faced albino but it does not appear that he is listening or even caring at all. Instead, he casually stepped onto her injured leg that had been crushed under the rocks.

She lets out a scream of pain as tears start to befall her face and with him inching closer and closer to her. The fear, the pain, that same sense of hopelessness she once felt back when he visited her that one night has started to come back.

1. Ladybug.

1. "Chat, you gotta save

me from here please."


2. Chat Blanc.

2. "Now why would

I do that missy?"


1. "Because I'm in

pain and I need

you right now."


2. "Well you see

princess. With that

same mental process

sickens me."


1. "Chat please don't

do this my kitty."


2. "For the last time

Marinette I'm not

your kitty. You always

need someone to come

to your rescue. You

always need a knight

in shining armor

here to receive your

beckoned call."


1. "No it's not like that."


2. "Not like that?

Look at you. LOOK


There's no one,

here or anywhere

anymore and I can

see the fear in

your eyes."


1. "You would always

protects those you

loved, those who

needed saving, Chat.

It's what defines

you as a hero."


2. "And that cost his life.

He played the role of

a noble knight, thinking

rescuing the princess

is gonna be an easy

task. Life is not a

game Mari, people

die and you have

to move on."


1. "I can't, you stole

his life away despite

the good he's done."


2. "That's the difference

between him and I.

He's willing to put

his life on the line

for the people he

loves, for the weak."


1. .....


2. "As for me, I cut the

bonds I have with the

weak, It's why I stand

strong and free while

you are being tied

down with the guilt of

your friends and lovers



1. "And what does

that makes you,

Chat Blanc? Cutting

the ties does not make

you strong but alone.

No one can stand

being alone forever."


2. "I can make do with

it and you're gonna

have to as well

Marinette. Till death

is when you'll meet

your family."


1. "Death won't stop

me, nothing will

stop me from this."


2. "I know."

Chat looks up to see the structure slowly giving in with every passing crumble, "well, what lies above tells a has words with you so I leave it with you". Chat stood up and made his way out of the gaping hole before it fully collapsed, leaving the injured girl behind.

When he was nowhere to be seen, Ladybug started to squirm intensely to get out but it was all in vain. When the water got to her hair level, desperate times came when she started to scream for help. For anybody that was still alive after the battle, she prays that there was any help from above.

With no response, Ladybug began to lie there, unable to do anything. "I failed master Fu. I couldn't bring him back" she starts to laugh to herself, "I'm sorry for failing you guys, I guess all we did was in vain right guys?" tears starting to well up,

"I'm a terrible human being"

"I'm weak"

"I'm pathetic"

"I've got people killed for my own selfish reasons"

"Blood is on my hands"

"And for that, I am sorry"

(You are even worse than scum Marinette-Dupain-Cheng. Who in God's world brings people precious to me into a battle they have no business being in? I just wanted to bring him back, bring Chat Noir back to me. Is that too much to ask?)

(I can't continue like this, not with all the guilt and pain being etched into my heart. I know what I did is wrong and living on with the death of my friends in my hand, how can I?)

(But still.)

(Is it too much to ask to confess my feelings to him, to go on dates, to have personal talks about problems, to vent out all my frustration about my responsibilities to? To laugh with him, to cry with him, to be angry with him?)

(Is it wrong to fall in love with someone I don't know behind the mask despite the joy I have with him, to risk the chance of slipping my secret identity of being the superhero Ladybug, the one person he adores and respects just to make him mine? Is it wrong to be selfish for once and have him all for myself, to have him tell me which parts or sides of me he loves?)

(Is it wrong for me to be happy for once?)

With a huge amount of blood loss to her trapped leg, Ladybug slowly drifted off as she closed her eyes. Once she closed her eyes, she dreamt about a time in the past. To one of those nights where he visited.


1. Marinette.

1. "Hey Chat,

I got a question."


2. Chat Noir.

2. "Yeah Princess.

Shoot, what's

on your mind?"


1. "I like this guy but he

doesn't know it or in

fact probably doesn't

feel the same way

about me so I don't

want to chance it by

telling him."


2. "Princess?"


1. "And it sucks ya know?

Because I know that if

I continue to like him

like this, then there will

be no progress and I'll

just continue to be in

this empty loop."


2. "What are you

saying Mari?"


Marinette looks towards him with teary eyes.


1. "I want to tell him

but the way I keep

on belittling myself,

prevents me from

expressing my

true emotions.

What should I do?"


2. "Well princess, I'm

not one to say this as

I too used to have a

long crush myself but

I found a brand new

one. One that recently

piqued my interest so

I promise to myself

that I wouldn't make

the same exact mistake

as I did with Ladybug."


1. "New interests?

What do you mean

by same mistake?"


2. "It's not like all of my

feelings for Ladybug

has gone away all

of a sudden but my

feelings are conflicted

between the two

but I know for sure."


1. "Know what kitty?"


2. "I know that once I

made up my mind,

that I will not hesitate

to confess my honest

feelings to her. So I don't

go on with life in regrets."

Chat looked at Mari, "whether it be to Ladybug or the other special lady. With every fiber of my being and every ounce of emotion I am able to muster up. I will confess to her with everything, all of it. So much so that it will be too overwhelming for her to handle" he scratches his chin, "atleast, that's what I hope."

Marinette looked at him with startling eyes, seeing a side of him that she sees constantly as Ladybug but never to this degree as when she is Marinette. A sudden bump in her chest caught her attention, "I wish I was as brave, wise and bold as you Chat Noir. You always know what to say".

Before she knew it, Chat brought her into a warm hug to comfort her, "I'm only wise if it means to care for the people who are close to me, princess". Mari blushes as the hug tightens, "I won't say to go for it and confess but you have to be prepared for any possible outcome. Relationships are one of the toughest battles I've ever faced as both hero and civilian and you can only grow from it."

1. Marinette.

1. "I love him Chat."


2. Chat Noir.

2. "I know."


1. "But I'm scared."


2. "I know."


1. "Because I also love

the friendship we

hold and I don't

want to ruin that."


2. "I know."


1. "So what do I do,

Chat? What can I do?"


2. "Right now princess.

Just don't do anything."


1. "What?"


2. "Right now, just vent

out all your frustration

you have been holding in.

take it out on me princess.

When you have finally

let everything out then

soon you will be feline

good again. Alright?"


1. "Heh."


2. "There are different

forms of love princess

but it is your choice

whether you want to

go further with it or not

but I will tell you.

Do not wait too long or

else you will lose all

forms of love you

hold dear."

And with that, Marinette broke down as she cling onto him ever so tightly. Marinette wrapped her arms around his waist hard enough to be sure that to be sure that he won't leave her but also soft enough for him not to get hurt. Every tears that was shed drips down his leather coat as she vents out all her bottled up emotions and frustration at him as he stood still, taking it all face first and then some.

Present time.

(I remembered feeling his warm body and the soothing sound of a kitties purr coming from inside him. With that, I fell asleep to his care before I even knew it.)

(Chat has always been there for me, since that fateful night and onwards has been a constant reminder that he had always been there for me. Through the battles against Hawkmoth and his akumas, the hardships we've overcame together, those painful emotional sessions, the joyful conversations, everything. As both Ladybug and Marinette, Chat Noir was the one person who respected both sides of me. He has always been there and I was to blind to see it because I've put Adrien up on some pedestal and viewed him as a being so bright that I couldn't see the cat hiding in the shadows.)

("Well princess, I'm not one to say this as I too used to have a long crush but I found a brand new one. One that recently piqued my interest so I won't make the same mistake as I did with Ladybug.")

(You were referring to me, weren't you Chaton?)

("Is it wrong for me to be happy for once?")

(It's not.)

(I won't give up, I won't make the same mistake Chat. I will save you. I will confess my feelings before you when I see you again.)

(I'm sorry my sweet kitty for showing such weakness in your time of need. I promise to never feel this way again. Never again.)

Ladybug comes to consciousness just in time to find the water had risen to her head level so she had to act fast. She looks around to find anything to help her lift up the huge boulder that is crushing her leg. Unfortunately, everything she found was either too fragile or too far from her reach, that is until her eyes lands on one of her shields. Luckily, the shield is sturdy enough and with the combined strength, maybe it will be enough.

The thing is that the darn thing is a little far from her reach but she promised herself and to him to never have the self of weakness take over. Too much blood loss from her leg has taken away any source of pain from it, reducing it to her leg becoming numb so Ladybug decides to take a gamble. In one fell swoop, Ladybug desperately pulled her leg to get closer to the shield.

The pain was still there and it hurt like hell but it was incomparable to the thought of losing Chat Noir so with one last attempt, she managed to grab hold onto the tip of the shield and reeled it in close. Time was running out both in water levels continue to rise and miraculous awakening, surprising really as time surely had passed by 30 minutes.

With what little strength she had left, she put every ounce of her power into her one lift. The boulder was lifted slightly, not enough but enough that she could forcibly drag her leg out of the ditch. It hurts like hell but at least she was free and that means she could go confront him once again.

Ladybug managed to escape out of that hellhole with the breath of her life so know to her surprise is to find Chat Blanc sitting atop of a boulder when hours has passed by. He was just sitting there, breathing heavily, "You made it out. ALIVE. Kinda rude don't ya think? heh" joking to himself. Ladybug stood to her pained feet as she slowly limped to his direction, "just come over here and get purified already you stubborn cat."

When Marinette approached him and attempts to grab hold of him, Chat directs her arms around and pinned her down with ease. The fight has been going on for far too long and the toll is really hitting on her, being too tired to counter or let alone struggle to escape from his grasp.

1. Chat Blanc.

1. "You're weak.

You're tired Marinette."


2. Marinette.

2. "I am kitty. It's

been a long night."


1. "Too long Marinette.

It's over, we're done."


2. "Not yet. Not until I

heal your soul. I'll stop

only if you kill me and I

know you won't do that."


1. "You're implying that

I can't kill you? With

just one touch of my

10 little fingers is

enough to reduce you

to dust and I won't

even bat an eye."


2. "But you're also tired

and weak. Too weak

to even muster a

cataclysm I take it."


1. "Smart girl. Always

hated that part of you."


2. "And I love you

Chaton. From that

fateful night. When

you helped me from my

predicament is when

I started developing

these feelings for you and

it only grew stronger

so I'm sorry for not

realizing it so soon."


1. "Oh that poor soul."


2. "But now I know

and I'm willing to

start with you Chat."


1. "It doesn't work

Marinette. He does

not hear you."


2. "No. He can hear

me. Loud and clear."


1. "What makes

you say that?"

"Because" lifting up her left arm to catch the apparent tears dripping out of his left eye.

"These prove it."

His eyes widens as even he has not yet noticed nor felt it through his cold, emotionless face. "See? Even now. Chat Noir, the one you keep claiming is gone is here right now. He heard me and even now, he is fighting his own battles to see me. To break free" wiping the tears from his eye. Chat Blanc stood still in shock, "He's alive?" asking the hero in which she nods in agreement.

"Yes, he is and he's hurting Chat Blanc. And I'm too weak to even help him."

He grabbed her arm gently and slowly pulled it away from his cold face. The two just stood there, observing each other and as far as they were concerned. Both of them were in terrible shapes and neither does not seem to have enough strength to continue fighting on. The longer they look to each other's eyes, the farther they fall into the depths of their own consciousness.

Specifically for Chat Blanc, nothing was relatively clear for him anymore because now he feels conflicted. Despite all that, what really sold the deal for him was the look in her eyes, the blue eyes that he has seen countless times has always irritated him and he believes he now knows why.

Those eyes were filled with life. Dreams of what was and the motivation to bring life to what can be. Right now, her eyes were not looking at him but at the other cat that she so desperately wants to bring back. Her eyes pierced beyond mines and looked deeper to the broken soul she desperately wants to tend.

Maybe that was why tears started to flow without him knowing, maybe that was why she has never lost hope despite the countless times Chat Blanc tried because there was a difference between each other, between Marinette and Chat Blanc. Between the black and the white. Marinette has what Chat Noir had, she held onto that one string with him that Chat Blanc fails to cut no matter how many times he tries. They had what he will never attain with the way he is.

(They had love)

Chat chuckled to himself as he let go of Ladybug, free form his holds. Both were seating upright across from each other with one laughing and the other kinda confused.

1. Marinette.

1. "Is there

something funny?"


2. Chat Blanc.

2. "Yeah there is,

at least to me lol."


1. "Well, tell me

what it is then?"


2. "It's just that, despite

what just happened.

With what I did to you,

you continue to talk

to me so casually."


1. "Well why

wouldn't I?

You're still

my silly kitty."


2. "*Sigh*, so god help

me Marinette I'm no-"


1. "You are my mine.

Chat Blanc or Chat Noir,

you both are two sides

of the same coin to me."


2. .....


1. "And I promised

to myself that I

wou-will accept

every part of you."


2. "Marinette."


1. "Despite your

corrupted soul and

the sins you committed,

I am willing to accept

all of it because whether

it'd be you or him.

You're still the same

man I fell in love with."


2. "Heh. Wow. I guess

I'm a really lucky guy

to have a girl as

stubborn as you."


1. "You're one to talk

kitty. You tried to

kill me on multiple



2. "Hah! I did,

didn't I?"


1. "You did."

Both of them sat there, laughing their butts off, to the point where it started hurting. After a long needed break and a couple light to shine the darkness, Marinette was first to point out, "Hey Chat! Look!" He turned his attention towards what she was pointing out and he saw the sun rising, all bright and warming to the heart.

1. Chat Blanc.

1. "Ya know Marinette."


2. Marinette.

2. ?


1. "The reason I tried so

hard, fought so hard

for my life was because

I wanted to live it."


2. ....


1. "I envied the lives you

guys got. I knew I didn't

have much time so I

wanted to put it to good

use and live this life

to the fullest."


2. "Is that why you

refused to be healed?"


1. "Yes. that is why I

told you many times

to leave me alone. So

I can live my life to

my absolute best so

I wanted you to forget

about me. That way,

I won't have any

lingering regrets

when my time

finally ends."


2. "Oh Chat."


1. "Well, I never really

got what I wanted but

I would be lying if I

said that this life

was a waste."


2. "Oh really?"


1. "Yes really. I got to sit

on top of the Eiffel tower,

visited the Louvre

Museum, and ate some

delicious food. Watched

a couple shows, anime,

kdrama, and even

met some of Chat's fans.

Quite the cuties

they are."


2. "It sounded like you

had your fun, with

those girls -_-."


1. "Hahaha, don't

worry Marinette.

This man belongs

to you and only you."


2. "Damn Right

He Does!"


1. "In that case.

You win."


2. "What did

you say?"


1. "I said you win. I am

willing to comply in

brining Chat Noir

back and delivering

a happy ending to

your love-life."

Ladybug was overtaken with happiness as she squeals in absolute joy. Chat Blanc was first to stand up, "It's not like this life was a waste. I have absolutely no regrets Marinette. It was really eventful from start to finish and I intend to savor every moment" eyeing the bluenette who also sends a genuine smile his way, "That's great Chat. I'm glad."

Ladybug couldn't see at the time but upon seeing her smile, Chat couldn't help himself but blush a little, "well. Let's go and get your man back" offering her a helping hand. She gladly accepts his help, "okay."

Once he got her on her two feet, Ladybug brought out her yoyo's and fiddled with it for a bit. "Ummm, Marinette? What are you doing?" curiously the cat asks in which she responds, "I'm trying to activate one of the 4 great Lucky Charms but I have no idea how."

"The Great 4 Lucky Charms?" he asks. Ladybug explained those are power abilities the kwami holders can use once activated awakening and she was surprised he didn't know what they were, considering he already used two of them.

"God level cataclysm: Apocalyptic Destruction and Cataclysm Awakening: Prominent Demolition were good examples" she mutters to herself which Chat took to heart and kept to himself , feeling somewhat ashamed.

(It's not like the old man gave me step-by-step instructions to cosmic powers)

After a few minutes passed by, she finally found it, "Boom! Found it!" Chat wanted to ask about it but she only expresses that there was no time, "forget it just give me your hand" in which he passively complies. Ladybug explains, "okay so hold onto this piece of the yoyo and I hold this one and together in unison, we combine it together and twist it so that the two pieces of the yoyo becomes one." He got the gist of it and was ready to start.

(Thank God.)

With both of them holding each side of the yoyo, they gradually placed them together and in unison, both turned in their opposite, respective ways. Chat twisting it clockwise while Ladybug twisted it counterclockwise. They knew it worked when the yoyo started to glow and that reminded Ladybug to say the chanted words.

"Tikki, Kwami of creation and fellow friend. I plea for you to restore what was lost and create the life I hold once dear. I ask for your power of lucky charm to shine through and guide me to the creation of the universe and bring back the people, the joy, the hardships, and the life I will continue to live through with the people I love."

As the light grows ever so brightly, Ladybug takes one last glance at her kitty who seems at peace with his life with him giving her a genuine smile.

1. Ladybug.

1. "See ya

soon kitty."


2. Chat Blanc.



"God Level Lucky Charm: DIVINE CREATION!"

The bright light engulfed both of them and what sprouted out was a swarm of cosmic ladybugs. There was enough to cover the entirety of planet Earth and it did not even take that long because before they knew it, The ladybugs were gone. Soon, all of the Ladybugs returned back to the light of where they sprouted from as the light got smaller.

Marinette came to find herself in her civilian form and in her hands, held two earring miraculouses and a sleepy kwami. "Tikki. Tikki you hear me?" Mari calls out but she was not responsive, makes sense because it felt like she went through a world war so she decides to rest her in her purse. She looked around to see that everything was back to normal.

Marinette could not be any more happy, at least that was when she heard a faint voice of her best friend. Mari darted her attention to the lingering voice to see Alya on the floor. She immediately ran towards her and gave her a full blown hug with tears running down her face. "Whoa gurl! What got you so emotional? You okay?"

(It doesn't appear she remembers what happened last night. That's fine, she is okay and that is all that matters)

Mari looked behind her to also see Chloe and Luka coming to consciousness. It seems the amnesia also affected them but nonetheless, they were safe and alive. Alya was first to break off from the hug with concern in her mind, "Marinette, what happened to your leg?" pointing to her leg but her next followed up question grabbed her attention even more.

"Hey Mari? Isn't that Chat Noir on the floor and who's that old guy next to him?" causing the bluenette to dart her attention to Master Fu kneeling next to Chat Noir.


Her sudden scream surprised Alya as she watched Marinette take off to be by his side. It was only when she was halfway there that she suddenly toppled over and hit the ground hard. Mari quickly tried to pick herself up but she found that none of her legs were responding to her, as a matter of fact, even her arms were unresponsive.

(I can't move?)

(My body's given out?)


Her friends called out to her but were unable to move as well. Master Fu heard Marinette call out to him so he left Chat alone and unconscious to walk up to her. It appears that he is able to move, guess that is one of the perks of being a miraculous guardian.

1. Master Fu.

1. "You did it Marinette.

You saved all of us,

Paris, even the world."


2. Marinette.

2. "Yeah yeah yeah,

I saved Chat Noir.

I got it I got it so

please. Help me up

so I can go see him."


1. "I....don't think

that would be

the wisest idea."


2. "What?...nono you

have to take me to

him. I need to see

if he's okay."


1. "Marinette. He

is okay so don't

worry about him."






1. "Marinette."


2. "For the past weeks,

I have been doing

nothing but worrying

and crying and it has

been killing me inside."


1. ...


2. "But right now,

with my own eyes

I see him. Right

there, laying on the

ground motionless

and without me by

his side. I want to

be there when he

wakes up."


1. "He will not be

waking up anytime

soon. He needs

time to recover."


2. "Then I will

take care of him."


1. "No. I forbid it.

He will be under

my care for the

time being. As a

miraculous guardian,

I will take responsibility

and care for him

until he wakes".


2. "Let me help then.

Please! I beg of you.

Let me do one good

thing for him."


1. "Do not concern

yourself with him,

you have your own

injuries to tend to.

Go home and rest,

I will take care

of the rest."


2. "No, I'm fine I can-"




Not now so just

focus on yourself."

"This is not fair" tears streaming down her face in anguish, "I see him, safe and sound and yet he is still so far away from my grasp" urging to move her arms but there is no response. Master Fu took a quick glance at Marinette's right leg.

(What happened to her leg? Doesn't seem like she's noticed it yet)

He then turns his attention from her to Alya and the others as they are able to move now and soon closing their distances. "He will be okay Marinette, I will see to it. In the meantime, allow your friends to bring you home. Your recovery should be top priority." Mari did nothing but glare at him with a mixture emotions of anger and sadness in her eyes.

The old man looks down at her with a saddened look, "Chat Noir will be okay. I will see to it that him and the miraculous are fixed and ready to go." His sense of assurance does not seem to affect her at all so he just leaves without saying a word.

Only then, Alya has finally reached her best friend when the old man was a good distance away from them. "Hey Mari, are you okay? Can you walk?" she asks with concern but she was too preoccupied with seeing how Master Fu lifted Chat up from the ground and continues to walk away.

Marinette could only see as far as her sight could take it as she slowly loses consciousness. Give or take, seconds passed by as her vision was soon filled with Luka, Chloe, and Alya who all had the face of concern. As soon as she was sure Chat was out of sight, Marinette gave in to her body and closed her eyes.

(My Kitty)

Alright readers. Wow, another long chapter but that closes on the Chat Blanc arc and I am so excited on future chapters and ideas I can't wait to write. I'm all juiced up on Kdrama so my inspiration is at an all time high. With new concepts and upcoming villains and possible romance coming your way can be prove exciting.


Like always, I hope you enjoy today's long chapter and as usual. Leave a comment on what you like or dislike, parts you enjoyed or minor details I need to fix so I can become better as a writer. Other than that, hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night.