
Early morning, Alya personally carried Marinette to her room as Luka and Chloe bid their farewells in front of the bakery shop and went their separate ways. Alya gently laid the weakened bluenette who has not said a word throughout the entire walk.

"Mari, how are you doing?" Alya asks but she just lays in her bed quiet, "come on Marinette. You have to talk to me?" she pressures on. She finally speaks with another question, "why do I have to talk to you if there is nothing to talk about?" she retorts back. "W-Well were f-friends and all so if there is al-anything on your mind. You can always come to me about it" Alya states, stumbling upon her words.

Mari brushed it off, "Alya just go home. Leave me alone already" her coldly tone scares the brunette as she has never seen her friend in this kinda state and because of that, she has no way to approach this problem. "Alright Marinette. I'll leave you to it but be sure to tend to your leg. It looks pretty bad. I'll head down and notify you parents" speaking in a defeated tone, she closes her door behind her.

Upon hearing the door close, Mari took a quick glance at her leg. She was right, her leg looked jacked up. It was swelled up and bruised, possibly broken by the looks of it but she didn't feel it at the time but now that she has calmed down, the pain slowly came rushing in. Tikki finally made herself known to her, "Marinette, are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

"Tikki. I thought awakened lucky charm was meant to recreate what was lost and heal what was broken so why does my leg still look like this? It hurts like hell" tending to her wounds. At first she didn't want to answer to her seeing how emotionally vulnerable she can be right now but her look of frustration that seeps through her eyes says otherwise.

"Awakened Lucky Charm uses power of a cosmic scale but it is not without a price. Remember Marinette that this is the first time you ever awakened and your body was barely fit enough to use that power, let alone contain it. Maybe your body was not well adjusted to it and it doesn't help that you maintained that form for far too long."

Looking back to leg, that is a possibility as to when she was fighting with Chat Blanc. But it does not explain as to why she stayed in her form way longer than 30 minutes. Almost seemed like it's been hours and hours that she has been fighting Chat Blanc. So long that it took the whole night and before they knew it, the battle ended when the sun rose.

(How did I maintained my awakened form for so long?)

Before asking further, Marinette heard footsteps approaching the door. Tikki instinctively hid from sight as her parents came barging in with first aid kit's. They both forcibly asked questions of concern and Marinette was not about to deal with a whole nother session of it so by the time they approached her. Mari just laid back to her bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Cause God knows that she needed one.

Mari finally wakes up. When she comes to, the first thing she's noticed is her bandaged up leg. Well it doesn't hurt as much anymore and she has caring loved parents to thank for that. Turning attention to her clock, it shows that the time is 8:27 p.m so to her surprise that she slept for almost 12 hours. Well deserved and well needed she adds.

Lastly, she spots her little kwami who just stood at a corner of the room by herself and looked out the window. Mari calls out to her in which she soon caught her attention, "hey Tikki. Is there something wrong?" Tikki had those eyes that she was far too familiar with. Those eyes of sadness and pain was all she has experienced for the last few weeks and for some reason, she is not at all bothered by it.

"What's wrong Tikki? Tell me what's on your mind?" The little kwami said nothing but instead flew to her direction, passing her and reached the hatch, "there is someone here who likes to speak with you" she exclaims. Mari was confused but going on with what she said and where she was directing towards.

No other person would come to see her this late at night and by appearing through the hatch so by process of elimination. She got quite excited as she suspects that a stray cat might have come by. "She is here and waiting for you Marinette."


Marinette got herself dressed up with some warm clothes as she took her time to reach the balcony and making sure to not put too much weight on her right leg. Once she sat on top the balcony, she looked around her surroundings to find the blended kitty as she calls out to his name.

There was no response so she just sat there, patiently with her back against the wall. Minutes later, Mari did hear a response but it was not the voice she wanted to hear nor recognize but someone else's entirely.

The figure appeared in front of her and what stood in front was someone she does not recognize. The figure was a female adult, roughly around her mid 20s, holding an umbrella and has....bunny ears? Once she stepped into the light, her colors shows, which consisted of white and light blue on her suit with red hair. "Nice to see you again, mini bug. My name is Bunnix."

"Bunnix? Mini bug? Wait...why do you call me "mini bug"?" further eyeing the matured superhero. "Well, I call you mini bug because you're a mini version of Ladybug obviously." The confused bluenette stood silent as there really is nothing to say.

(She knows my hero identity?)

"You know about my identity? Who are you?"

"Look Marinette. My real name is Alix and later on in the future you chose me to wield the miraculous of the bunny. This miraculous gains the power to control time. Meaning I could travel through time and even jump through timelines as much as I please and you personally entrusted the miraculous to me as a "last resort" kind of thing. In case you guys fail with anything of the sort. That is where I come to play."

"You're Alix?" pointing at the obvious friend who seems a lot older. She nods in agreement, "yes my little friend I am" posing a buffed pose. The more she learns, the more questions begin to surface, "what did you mean as a last resort that you mentioned?"

Bunnix dropped the act and started to act seriously. "Well that's the thing, mini bug. I don't usually travel to the past unless it had to deal with something in my future." "To simplify it. I have a question for you Marinette" kneeling down to her level.

"Why did you not kill Chat Noir?"

"Kill Chat Noir? Quit joking with me Alix, that's not funny at all. Besides, why would I do that?" she chuckles. Bunnix on the other hand did not find the dark humor as amusing as she did, "I'm serious Marinette. Why did you not put an end to his misery?" she asks in a cold tone.

1. Marinette.

1. "I would never kill

him Alix. The possible

thought of considering

it goes against all

that I stood for. How

could you ask

something like that

from me?"


2. Bunnix.

2. "Because Marinette.

Time insists that Chat

needed to perish in

order to secure

our future."


1. "Are you crazy?

"Chat needs to perish?"

We saved him from

himself for the sake

of his future. What's

so wrong with that?"


2. "It's complicated.

You disobeyed the will

of time Marinette.

You don't understand

that what you did has

caused your timeline

to be offset of it's

foreseen future

and now even

I don't know what

to expect."


1. "Forseen future?

You mean our future,

our fate is already

set in stone?"


2. "Yes it is but what

you did was not

what was intended."


1. "What's so wrong

with that? All I did

was listened to my

heart and did what

I believed was right."


2. "What was right

was to listen to

Master Fu."


1. "That old man didn't

believe in me. I proved

him wrong and brought

him back to the light."


2. "And in doing

so Marinette has

darkened your future."

"With Chat Noir still alive. It draws the attention of time, specifically my kwami and she doesn't like it when their timeline goes off course." All these talks about consequences and disobeying the will of time has pushed Mari to the edge, "All I did was save the person I love from himself. I did ONE selfish thing and all of a sudden, things have gone to shit?"

1. Marinette.

1. "You honestly don't

expect me to believe

that doing one good

deed has doomed

our future?"


2. Bunnix.

2. "Not doomed it

particularly but you

strayed the time off

to a course of unknown

mysteries. It's too

complicated to explain

but I'm telling you,

your future could face

possible danger.

I'm here right now

as proof."


1. "Well den, we'll just

deal with it like how

we always do things."


2. "It's not that simple."


1. "What do you mean?"


2. "There is a

disturbances from

other timelines that

gives off uneasy



1. "Disturbances from

other timelines? What

do you think they are?"


2. "I don't exactly

know but they are

no good news.

Something tells me

these uneasy feelings

are coming here soon

and I don't know

what that is yet."


1. "How soon do you

expect and why us of

all things? All because

I saved Chat?"


2. "That is exactly why.

Whether it is something

or.....someone. You

strayed away from

your destiny and that

alone bears dangerous



1. "So what are you

asking me to do huh?

You want me to bend

to your will and off

the one person I care

for? Have all the

sacrifices and work

me and my friends

have gone through

been in vain?"


2. "It's the only way

to benefit a future

that is best for all."


1. "Well, what about

what's best for me?"


2. .....


1. "Screw that! I'm not

gonna do what you

say, I'm not gonna

base my life off what

you say all because

you're scared of the

unknown future. I will

see that Chat Noir will

live a life of no regret.

I want to see him happy

with or without me and

if these so called


you speak of do

get in our way.

Then He and I will

deal with it, like we

always do."


2. "Marinette Plea-"


1. "So you can go tell

your little kwami

friend...your will of

time nonsense to

piss off. I am focusing

on the time of the

present with him and

not worrying about

the future so if you

can't accept that.

Well then, you are

not welcomed here."

Bunnix tries to reason with her but she was not hearing any of it. Worse case scenario, the more she tries to testify her claims, the more she gets furious with it.

"Listen Alix. I understand that what you think you're doing could be justified to a higher power but that means nothing to me. If what you say is true, that ending Chat Noir means securing a bright future for Paris then that is a world I don't want to be a part of. I saved him because his life gives meaning to everyone he has saved, has influenced, and to me. Living in a world without him just sounds."


"I don't regret what I did and that is final. I am sorry Bunnix but I refuse to live in a world without my kitty."

With a defeated look, Bunnix respected her wishes and chose not to press any further. "As you wish Marinette. I won't press it on any further but please be wary and caution of what's to come."

"Don't worry about us, I'll see to it when that time comes" crossing her arms together. Bunnix opens the portal behind her and as she was halfway through, she turns to see Marinette once again.

1. Bunnix.

1. "You know mini

Marinette. I trust you

to make the right

choice, despite the

outcome. I know

you will do what's

best for Paris, for

Chat Noir, and for



2. Marinette.

2. "I always do. risking

everything for the

moment of now,

never worrying

about what's ahead."


1. "That's right. You

always do....so here's

another thing I should

have mentioned."


2. "What is it Alix?"


1. "When you were

battling Chat Blanc

and you reached

your limit in your

awakened form.

I may have interfered

for a moment and

used my power to

expand your limits

to beyond 30 minutes."


2. "You did? You were

the reason I was able

to fight for so long?"


1. "Yes, It was all me.

I broke one of those

time rules and personally

interfered in your

fight. So I am just at

fault in causing the

will of time to stray

from its path."


2. "But why? Why did

you go out of your

way to help me?"


1. "Because that's what

friends are for. Negating

the rules of time, you

were in trouble and I

couldn't stand by and

watch it. Knowing I

could've done

something. I didn't

want to see

my friend die."


2. "I understand.

what you did for

us was the right thing.

You know that right?"


1. "I know. But it doesn't

take away from the fact

that because you were

able to fight for a longer

period of time. You

also sustained some

permanent damage."


2. "You mean my leg?"


1. "Because of me,

Your leg will bear a

very noticeable

scar. And for that

I am sorry."


2. "Well considering

what we have

accomplished. I'd say

it was well worth it."


1. "Okay den."


2. "Besides, you risked

just about the same.

If not more for us?"


1. "Yes. Because

whether we face

the truth or not.

Paris needs Ladybug."


2. "And Chat Noir as

well Bunnix, What

am I without my

other half?"


1. "Who knows?

Thankfully we did

not get to go that far."


2. "Thank you Bunnix.

For everything you

have done for us.

I will not forget it."

With a satisfied smile plastered on her face, Bunnix disappears to her wormhole, followed by the portal closing behind her. Once Bunnix is officially gone, Mari lets out a deep sigh and finally feels like relaxing. As much as she wanted to lash out her anger about fate and the future stuff. She was grateful knowing that with her help, she was given the needed strength to go length and beyond in bringing him back.

Negating what the will of time asked of her, Bunnix believed in what was right by her heart and did a very noble thing in not just saving her life but the life of her loved ones as well. Those were the characteristics of a true hero.

Still, the warnings she heard and all this talk about the will of time and straying away from their future really brings up certain questions.

(Is saving Chat Noir really that bad?)

(What are these consequences she was talking about?)

(I defied the will of time because I decided to save Chat and not kill him? Was it possible to defy such powerful beings?)

(What did she mean when she said something is coming?)

(Or rather...Who was coming?)

These attempts to answer these questions only seem to muster up even more so she believes it is best to not dwell too much into it. Matter of fact, the thought of the unknown does sound scary to even bring the attention to Bunnix but there is a saying.

"You find happiness through the journey and not by the destination."

Marinette finds reassurance by this saying as she correlates this with Chat Noir. Saving him may not be something the will of time is okay with but it is what she wants. The thought of this not made her scared of the future but excited knowing that she finally has someone to share it with.

Being able to experience the future with him. Having no idea of what is going to happen to each other really gets the excitement rush flowing in, whether it was going to be for the better or worse for their relationship. That is something she would love to experience with the person she wants to be with.

As long as they have eachother to rely on, the future has never felt so welcoming.

Many weeks pass and we find Adrien wakes up. His blurry vision made it hard for him to make out where he was as he stood himself up. The last thing he tries to remember was the battle with those 2 really powerful Akumas. There was akumas surrounding an injured girl, (Celeritas? Viribus?....Marinette...MARINETTE?!?!) Adrien shouts in the room. The blondie scurried around the room in a panic as she tried to make out where he was, (Where's Marinette? Where is Plagg, Where am I?)

Adrien opened the door to find himself in the living room. First thing he saw was an old man just casually chilling at his kitchen table. Sippin on his tea, minding his own business has got him thinking that the old man is not aware that he is awake, let alone in his presence.

At least, that was what he thought until Adrien heard his voice calling out to him. "Good Morning Adrien. I have prepared some morning breakfast and tea. Would you like to come over and discuss some things?"

He was hesitant at first but no-one was here other than the two and that includes the fact that Plagg was nowhere to be seen. Adrien gradually loosened up a bit and hesitantly made his way to a vacant chair to seat.

The young boy sat right across the man who continues to mind his own business. His hunger soon started to take over and soon couldn't stop himself from eating the prepared breakfast as soon as he got a whiff of the smell of bacon and pancakes.

While he was preoccupied with the food, the old man decides to slip in a question, "So Adrien, how are you feeling?" The blonde boy pauses and turns his attention to him, "I'm doing fine thank you but I have questions of my own."

1. Master Fu.

1. "I'm sure you do,

young man so feel

free to ask away."


2. Adrien.

2. "Who are you and

why am I here?"


1. "My name is

Wang Fu and I

brought you here

for you to rest. I am

the guardian of the

and personally gave

you the miraculous

of destruction."


2. "Rest? Miraculous

guardian? What

happened to me?"


1. "Well let me ask

you this. What do

you remember?"


2. "I remember.....

fighting these 2 really

powerful akumas

with Ladybug."


1. "And?"


2. "And...I saw

Marinette there. She

was in danger and

I was too weak and

beaten up to help her."


1. "I see. And then?"


2. "And then....

I remember feeling

so pathetic that I was

unable to save her from

danger. The thought

of losing her was



1. "An understandable

notion to have."


2. "Seeing her there,

scared, vulnerable

and helpless. I couldn't

take it, visualizing

what could have

happened to her.

Next thing I knew,

I blacked out."


1. "I see. It is good

that you are safe."

Adrien stood up from the table in a panic as he recollected the past and with Marinette, "I'm okay? What about Marinette? I need to go out and find her. To see if she is okay." "Rest assure Adrien that she is okay. Marinette is resting home and safe" the old man calming the boy. It semi worked as he stopped in his tracks, halfway to the door. Adrien thought it over and a new question is brung up, "where is Plagg?"

The old man got off his seat and made his way to a workstation. Adrien patiently waited as it took roughly around 2 minutes until he finally appeared with a small box in his hand. The box looks familiar, like the first time he met Plagg and gained the powers of destruction, taking the name of Chat Noir.

1. Master Fu.

1. "I have fixed your miraculous finally.

Plagg should be safe and well rested."


2. Adrien.

2. "That's good.

Thank you very

much...Master Fu."


1. "You are the most

welcome young boy."


2. "Anyway....you

said safe. You said

"fixed my miraculous?"

What happened to him?

What happened to me?"


1. "What do you mean?"


2. "You mentioned

safety. Did something

happen? I can tell that

days...no weeks has

passed and I have no

memory of those times."


1. ....


2. "And I feel like you

as a miraculous

guardian should have

an idea so what I am

asking is for you to

explain what the

hell is going on."


1. "You don't remember

anything, do you boy?"


2. "No, I don't. Well

maybe I do but I'm not

sure. I had these

dreams, these

nightmares of a

terrible battle. There

was many deaths.

Emotions like sadness,

anger, and pain and

I can't seem to

remember it clearly."

Master Fu's expression slowly displayed a saddened look, only confirming Adriens suspicions. "Very well boy. I am willing to tell you what happened to you these past weeks and you have every right to know but I am not quite sure if you are prepared for it."

This sense of warning got him worried but he needs to know. The last thing he could recollect is fighting the akumas with Ladybug and witnessing her loved bluenette just seconds away from being hurt. With a determined look, he shook his head to the old man.

Master Fu has seen those eyes before. Ones that held the same determination and strong will as his fellow partner and at that point, he understood and headed towards the living room as he gestured to the young man to take a seat.

"Very well. You may have to sit down as this will be quite the doozy."

This chapter was quite fun to write but I worry that this chapter might be kinda repetitive at some points so if you ever felt like that while reading this. Feel free to point it out to me about it in the comments and I promise to find another method to improve my writing style.

Other than that, I'm prepping up some future conflicts in this story so stay tune. Let it be known that it won't come any time soon as I got some planned ideas set in motion already but I will say that this chapter will be super important in the future.

On that note, as always, hope you enjoyed todays chapter. Comment what you like and dislike and feel free to upvote it so it so and share so my story can get out there for other miraculous fans can enjoy. Have a good day/night.