Where is the peace (9)

The day passed quickly, though after lunch, Miran did not see Klein in the room, probably he also went around to check the place too.

As for Miran, he already finish exploring, so now he is resting on his bed, with the wind coming in from the opened window, he feel a bit sleepy.

As he yawned, he turned to the window, seeing that Ran is reading a story book that he brought along from home.

"Ran, can you wake me up in two hours?" Miran mumbles as he yawned for a second time.

"yeah sure, just go to sleep then" Ran reply back as he flip to the next page.

"Thanks then..." Miran whose eyes already feel heavy, close his eyes and sleep. He could not help it as the wind really feel nice, especially to take a nap.

This time, he seemed to be dreaming again, but it was unclear and the surrounding are all dark and gloomy. During the time he was feeling confused, he was woken up by a strong shake.

"Oi, wake up. Its evening already." Feeling that the shaking is stronger after he heard that, relunctantly he open his eyes, just to see Klein face is right infront of him.

"?!" Startled, he almost pushed away Klein, "w-why are you so close?" Miran blurted it out as soon as he calms down.

"Finally awake." Klein let go of Miran shoulder and went to sit back at his own bed. "Soon, dinner time." He pointed to the hanging clock on the wall.

"What?! that means i sleep for close to three hours!" Miran sat up, he can see that the sky has become orange, and it is starting to get dark.

He looks around and saw that Ran who was supposed to wake him up, were also sleeping by the side of the pillow.

Sighing, he shook his head a bit and then pick up the changing clothes and his towel, going to take a shower first before going to dining hall. "Ah Klein, thank you for waking me up." He said before he rushing to the bathroom.

Klein stood up and went down.


The next day is all the newcomer first class, and the seniors that had helped them during the time they first came were also there. They help line up the new students according to their class, and as for the one that arrive late yesterday, the senior put in a separate line because these late students did not yet receive their class number.

As for the one that already know their class, with the senior infront of them, they were lead to the classroom building. Miran looked around before following the senior, can see that Klein is included as a late student.

He turn back and quickly continu to follow his senior, even if he was a bit curious what class his roommate will be in, he can just ask Klein later after class time.

And as Miran expected, his classmate was shocked to see their small and messy classroom, eventually they feel a bit depressed.

"Well my junior, this will be your classroom for this year. As for now, you will need to do some cleaning before the class can start." The senior then pointed to a bunch of cleaning tool that was put at the back of the class.

"Why? Why do we need to be the one to do the cleaning?" An unsatisfied student ask with a grumbled expression.

"Ah you see, its the school tradition. I'm also not sure when it started, but each students no matter which class will need to clean up their classroom on their first day. You all can go see the other class if you don't believe me"

Miran watches his classmates went to check the other classes and can see that they are already started to clean, finding what the senior said is true, they relunctantly went back to their classroom.

"How bout you? You aren't curious?" The senior raised his eyebrow when he sees that Miran did not go to check.

"Mnn, I'm more curious why this become a tradition..." Miran watches as his classmates comes back.

"I'm also not sure why, but I think maybe the school want the students to be responsible for their own classroom? Well who knows?" The senior just shook his head.

"Mhm... Anyway since everyone now back, i would advise you all to quickly start clean up before the first period ends. Really don't want the teachers to be upset." The senior smile, "Well then, have fun cleaning" He usher them all into the classroom as he watches from the hallway.

Even Though the students were unhappy, they still pick up the cleaning tool and efficiently divide the task to each person. After all, if the teachers were upset and unhappy, they will not want to teach, and thus the student will not be able to learn.

They all know why they were put in this class, and they understand how hard it was for their parents to be able to send them to this school.

At the very least, even if they were just a commoner, they want to also help their family by getting a good and stable job. So they will do their best to graduate from this school.

Miran and the boys help moving the chair and table to the back, letting the girls to sweep and mop half the front floor. while with duster and clean cloth, the boys also help by wiping the table and chairs.

once its clean and the mopped floor is dried, they moved the cleaned table and chair and arrange them. and vice versa, the girl would move to the back to sweep and mop the half back part of the floor.

a few of the boys that are free after arranging the tables and chair, went to the nearest toilet to get clean water for the girls to use for the mop. Some even went to wipe the window and remove the spider webs in the class.

in a locker near the back door of the classroom, they found a half curtain, luckily it was clean so they can hang them up soon after.

the first period is almost finish, and they finally done cleaning their classroom. Though it was a rather small classroom compared to other classes, it looked nice and clean after the clean up, giving a nice atmosphera. Though the students were all quite tired and were all resting.

Their senior who watches this all, chuckled and wished them a happy learning session as he walks away. Miran, who were also tired, sat at the last table located just beside the window. He flop his head on the table with a yawn.