Where is the peace (10)

The good thing for them, the teachers teaches like usual despite the classroom is not to their liking, however they did not comment on it and just ignore it.

Anyway the students that have not yet receive their classes number, finally all went into their newly assigned class just before time for lunch.

Klein was actually assigned into the last class, Miran did not expect him to be allocated to this class since he thought that Klein looked like a rich second generation young master, though different than himself, Klein look like a smart boy.

There was no empty seat in this class, so he needed to go take a table and a chair from the storage room downstairs. It will take two round for him to bring that up, so he asked around for anyone who willing to help him carry the chair.

Since everyone did not yet know each other, no one offered to help, after all it was close to lunch time. And just then the bell rang and everyone went out to go to the canteen.

Feeling that Klein looked kinda hopeless, Miran went to him, "Its just a chair right?" He asked and hummed afterward, "I don't mind helping you after we buy some simple lunch first though."

Klein looked at Miran, he huffed a relieved sign and nods his head as a thank you.

"Its not a problem, things that can be done after all" Miran smiled, "Lets go now" Miran hold Klein hand and lead him to the canteen.

Klein followed Miran while looking down, looking at his hands being held by Miran. "...Soft" He mumbles and then looked away.

"Huh? Did you say anything?" Miran slow down a bit before he stop at the side and then looked at Klein, he thought that he heard him say something.

"Nothing..." Klein shook his head.

"Well, ok then" Miran then continue to walk. They soon arrived at the canteen, it was really packed and most of the seat are full. They can hardly see any empty seat in there.

"Lets meet up at the canteen door after we buy our food then." Miran let go of Klein hand after he said that, "see you later" He waved his hand and went to queue at the one less packed one.

Klein took awhile before he too went to buy something for himself, though while he queue, he looked at his hand with a slightly dazed expression.

After buying food,

The two of them meet up at the door, and went to find the storage room. While they were walking, they took the chances to eat their food, saving the time to eat even thought it make them look like they did not have manners for eating while walking.

When they arrive at the storage room, they can see the other new student were also taking table and chair too. So they too went in and found the table and chair set that are the same as the one in their classroom.

Klein look around and picked the one with less dust and the one that look usable. "This one, maybe.?" He pointed at it.

"Mnn, the condition look good, no doodle on it, and it look neat. Should be okay" Miran commented and thus Klein take it out from the storage room.

"Lets go?" Klein looked at Miran, then he saw Miran took out some slightly dusty rug from his pocket. "?"

"Ah, well, we should wipe it clean before bring it up." Miran passed one to Klein and he himself start to wipe away the dust on the chair

Klein followed Miran and went to wipe the table, though he took awhile, when he is done, they rested for a bit before they carry them to their classroom.

They arrived five minutes late, and the class already started. The teacher looked a bit upset but they quickly apologized as they infront the teacher the reason for being late.

"Haish, you are lucky that i'm someone reasonable." The teacher sighed and them allowed them to come in. "Next time don't be late, especially the other teacher classes."

"Thank you teacher, we won't be repeating this again.." Miran said with a glad expression, and Klein also thanked her, making her calm down.

"Then quickly go sit, i'll be resuming the lesson." She shooed them and then continue to write on the board.

Settled down, Miran sat on his own seat, while Klein put his table next to Miran table. The students infront of them passed two copies of the text book to Miran and Klein. "The teacher gave this earlier."

"Thank you lily." Miran received it and with a smile. Anyway she turned back and focus on the class, with a slightly red ear. It was not long before she shook a bit, feeling some sort of threatening chill from behind.

And so the two of them flipped the book to the current page that the teacher were currently talking about. With a new note book, Miran wrote down any important things that the teacher explained as he also focus at the teacher.

Klein were also focusing in front, or at least he seemed to be looking infront, while his hand was moving, seemed to be doodling in his own note book.

But he was caught when the teacher shoot a chalk and it hit Klein forehead. "Do not do nonsense thing during my class." She warned.

Their classmates quickly looked at Klein and some seemed to hold their laughter. Miran was stunned to see the flying chalk though, he thought the teacher threw it toward him, so he was covering his forehead when he saw its getting close.

"I'm sorry teacher..." Klein apologized while he peek toward Miran before he again looked away quickly.

"Haish" The teacher sighed again and make Klein return her chalk back before she yet again resume her lesson.

"Miran, the teacher is not aiming at you" Lily giggled, "You can put down your hands already" She cover her mouth as she could not help but to giggles more. "!!?" She looked at Klein and can see him staring at her, again she feel the same chill, making her turn to the front quickly.

Miran put down his hand and wiped his non-existant sweat, mumbling, "That was kinda scary"

Ran who was sitting on top of Miran table nodded his head, agreeing, "yeah, it was so fast, flying through the room"

And so their classes went on, until it was evening. When finally the school was over. Also no such instance happen again for the next classes.