Where is the peace (11)

First day of the class passed by really nicely, and it was rather enjoyable. As for the next days and so on, it goes by calmly. For most of the time, Miran take lunch together with Klein, and sometimes he joined the other classmates, and Klein usually would follow to wherever Miran goes.

They were often seen together that their classmates would call them as best friends. And so three years passed like this, and they were on the last year of their school.

Halfway through the year, the whole kingdom received a heart breaking news, and even thought this town they were at were quite far from the capital, they did receive the news seven days later.

It was then that the soldier carrying the news drop by the school with a an order from the king. Just at the same moment, Shina and Ryan arrived, they were sweating all over as they rushed into the school, while the group of soldier stopped infront of the gate.

Ignoring them, Shina and Ryan went to Miran classroom, and without explaining to Miran, they brought Miran out and leave the school through a hidden trail connected to a forest.

"What happen?" Miran asked as he followed them, the two of then keep quiet and then Shina slow down and look at Miran meanwhile Ryan went infront more, seem to be picking something up.

"Young master, listen, the King lose all his heir and anyone blood related to them just last week, and how he was left alone without any heir to inherit the throne..."

"So...? Why were we running?" Miran look behind toward the forest, "This issue got nothing to do with us, isn't it?"

"It was supposed to be not related to us... But.." Shina patted Miran, "You were a distant relative of the kind, the king right now are taking away any child alive that have his blood."

Ryan soon arrive with two horse and a package in his hand. "We must hurry." He took the package and open it, "Young master, please change into this dress and wig. We cannot let them take you to the castle."

"...why a dress..." Miran sighed, but he still took it and went to change into it.  He put Ran on his shoulder and then went back to the two of them.

"Lets go then" Ryan lift Miran and put him on one horse, and then he went to help Shina ride the other horse. Lastly he climbed the horse where Miran is, and they quickly move.


"Captain, our people informed us that the boy was taken away just now. He said he is currently following them" one of the soldier, after giving a salute to the their captain, give the information he received after he met with the person.

"Which direction?" The captain looked at the school with a stern face.

"The forest behind this school." The soldier answered again.

"Alright. Soldier, all move to the west. When we met them, kill the rest other than the boy." The captain ordered, and with a loud 'Yes Sir' they all then simultaneously turned and move toward the west side of the school, where they can see a little bit of the forest.

As they were moving toward the forest, Miran with Shina and Ryan have reached a river, and there was a small boat there ready. They changed to the boat and move through the river.

Miran still don't really understand why the king need to bring back all his relative children, as he seemed to still think about it, he saw Shina and Ryan also change their clothes to an elderly style clothing.

"Mirannn" Ran leaned his head to Miran cheek, "I just wish for a comfy and simple life... Being a king would be against my wish..." He looked up at Miran.

"I know... I'm here to help you achieve this, I hope it will go smoothly " Miran rubs Ran head and smiled a bit. He remembered that the so-called system that bring him to this world had only gave him one mission, and this mission applies to all the world that he will go to.

So he knew that if he failed to fulfill the mission in each world, he will be unable to receive the reward promised, even though he himself does not know what the reward is.

The system said just one short sentences, it said, "Your mission is, to fulfill the host wish." and then afterward it never appeared again. No name, no introduction, and not even details about how everything work.

He was a bit confused when he came to this world, but with Ran explaination, he understood what he should do. This was after all his first world, and supposedly the system did give him a simple one, with relatively easy to pass mission.

But who knows why the king's descendants are all dying, making them having to face this current situation. Miran know that the easiest way for them to understand why this is happening is by going to the castle, in that place, surely there will be someone who knows the actual reason.

But if he were to go there, he will have to be fighting for the throne, killing the other distant cousins, and it will not be as peaceful as Ran wanted to. Shaking his head, Miran decided to watch how this is going for now.

Anyway right now, even his face is being powdered by Shina, she is putting make up on him to change his feature, making him look like a plain ordinary young girl. While Shina was doing that, Ryan sat down and hold a fishing line as he pretends that he was fishing.

Miran sighed, he can guess that they are pretending to be a small family having an outing at the river, with his messy dad trying to catch a fish and Shina would feed snack to him as the two of them watch the father working hard.

When the boat reach a lake, Ryan row it to the middle of the lake, to ensure that the soldier would not be able to see then or Miran properly from the other side, and thus the three of them stayed there, chatting and eating as the time went by.

It was after two hours that they can hear the sounds of ruckus coming from the other side, which they can see there's a group of soldier coming and stopped at the edge to ask them something.

Miran pretended to be sleeping, with his head lying on Shina leg, but from afar, he can somewhat hear a few familiar voice. He was curious, so he open his eyes a bit and peeked toward the other side, "oh?"