Part Six: Safe Heaven

Safe Heaven

*Two week into the outbreak*

"No weapons past this point", says the guy behind the heavily guarded fence. "We aren't gonna give you are guns", says Mack.

The guy on the other side laughs and says, "Well then no entry". "Mack just give them the god damn guns, if you don't night will fall and we'll die out here", Elle says crossing her arms.

It's been a two weeks since the first outbreak, and one week since we were last in Franklin TN. We miss calculate the amount of time it would take us to get to Nashville TN. At the moment we're in the so called "safe heaven", Ray told us about.

Luckily for us nothing exciting happened in the last week of traveling. Well as unexciting as the apocalypse gets. The only news we have is the are beloved Elle, is pregnant. Stupid Katana couldn't wrap his, special friend.

"Mack we have to give them the guns, night is setting in", I say, already taking my gun out of my waist band.

Mack sighs and says, "Fine". One by one we take turns to turn in our weapons. All I had was a gun in my waist band and a small dagger in my boot. But the guard didn't have to know about my secret dagger.

"Okay, is that all of them", asks the guy. I nod my head yes and we pass through the gate.

As we walked past the gate I could see this safe heaven, was a small town with about 100 inhabitants.

"I'll call Quinny to get y'all guys sorted", says Henry, the guy from the gate. Once Quinny arrived with us she explained to us the rules and regulations at the safe camp, called Meadow River Town.

"You guys can share a house with Frida, she owns the house down the street from here", Quinny says pointing in the direction of the house.

The house was pretty big, it had at least 4 rooms and a huge front porch, with a hammock swaying with the wind.

"You guys can take the two upper rooms, the other two lower ones are for other people", says Frida leading us into the kitchen.

"Wheres the food", I ask opening the pantry, to find it empty. "Food is sent to each house every week depending on the amount of people living there", say Quinny.

"Me and Elle will take one of the upper rooms for our selves", says Ray grabbing Elle's hand and leading her upstairs.

"That leaves you two", says Frida winking at me and Mack. "Anyways", I say rolling my eyes. "I have to get going", I say rolling up my sleeves. "Where are you going", Mack asks following me to the door. "Got to know your surroundings", I say walking out.

The town was pretty small, but it was big enough to fit plenty of people. Once night fell the porch lights came on, illuminating the streets of Meadow River Town.

"What are you doing out here", asks some guy walking up to me. "Just walking", I say, "Getting to know the place". "Are you new here", he asks, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Yeah", I say staring at him. "I'm Jack", he says taking his hand out of his pocket, extending it out to me. "Shayla", I say taking his hand in mine.

"I know this town doesn't seem like much, but it is safe", Jack says. "I better get going, my group must be looking for me", I say. "Yeah, of course, if you need to talk to me you can find me in the street across from your house", he says.

"Sure", I say walking back to my house. "I'm back", I shout once I'm back inside the house. "I'm in the kitchen", Elle shouts at me. "Mmm, what are you cooking", I ask setting my jacket on the counter.

"Quinny, came a little while ago to deliver us food, so I'm making us some food", she says.

"Okay, tell me when it's ready", I say walking into the living room, where Katana and Mack sat talking on the couch.

"What are y'all guys talking about", I ask sitting down next to Ray. "Shayla there's something wrong here", says Katana whispering.

"What do you mean", I ask. "I went outside, and I overheard Quinny and Henry talking about picking the new ones", he says. "Don't worry about it, they probably meant something else", I say trying to calm them down.

"I don't know", he says still worried. "Even if they did mean something strange, we aren't going to be staying", I say getting up.

"You won't be staying", Frida asks scaring the shit out of us. "Yeah like you heard, we won't be staying", I say passing past her.

"I'm done", says Elle opening the oven, to release a delicious aroma. "Mmm, looks good", I say setting the table to eat.

"Frida, would you like some",asks Elle grabbing a plate. "No I have some things to do", Frida says heading out the door.

I knew something wasn't right, but I tried to ignore it as I turned in my sleep. Every once in a while I would get the eerie sensation that someone was watching. I just didn't know what it was.

"Shayla", Mack whispered as I turned and tossed. "What happened", I ask sitting up. "There's someone outside", he says.

*Hi it's Yaxiri, I'm back. PLEASE remember to comment, because I'm bored. I need someone to talk to.

Please click the star and fire buttons, I honestly don't know what they're for, but I suppose their there something. ⭐ and🔥.


Shout out to Moonlightfox for commenting. She knows Z-Nation is better than The Walking Dead. Because it is, anyone who disagrees is just mean and stuck up, about Z-Nation being better.