Part Seven: Z Pit

Z Pit

*Two weeks into the outbreak*

"Where the fuck are we", I hear Mack ask, but I can't see anything it's pitch black. "Mack, where are you", I ask moving my foot in front of me to maybe feel something.

Jack pot! I feel something touch my boot, and move closer to it. "Mack", I ask. ARGH! I step back bumping into someone.

"Already so excited to see what's gonna happen aren't you", say a females voice, which I recognize to be Quinny's. "What the fuck do you want", I say growling. "Calm down there, bitch", she says laughing at her own stupid pun.

"What the hell do you want", I hear Elle say, an evident quiver in her voice. "You see soon enough", says a male voice, which I assume is Henry.

"Where are we", asks another voice, which I didn't recognize at first, but ended up realizing it was Jack.

"Dear people of Meadow Creek Town, we gather here today to make a new sacrifice to the gods above", starts Quinny. The people around us erupt into cheers.

"With that being said, take off their blinds Henry", says Quinny. After that, the light returns, making my eyes squint.

"Let them out", says Quinny, a huge smile plastered on her face. "Let what out", asks Elle fearing the worse. "Why our little friends of course", says Quinny, as a huge door opens revealing a herd of Zs.

"Good luck, your gonna need it....bitch", she growls back at me. The growling of the Zs only a few inches away from us, becomes unbearable.

"What do we do", asks Ray, making me aknowledge him for the first time. "I don't know", I say, until it hits me. "I have a dagger", I say taking out my small dagger. "She can't do that", Henry shouts at Quinny, who just smiles at me eeriely.

Suddenly the chain gate separating us and the Zs is moved aside, scraping the pavement beneath it.

The Zs charge at us, we're able to hold back a while, but with 20 Zs in a cramped space, it's obvious the results won't be good.

"Shayla, spike them", shouts Jack cowering behind me. "I do as I'm told and spike some ,but unfortunately my small dagger gets lodged in a Zs skull, making it impossible to retrieve.

As we run around the small crowded area, with about 10 Zs, the people watching us laugh as if this was some type of TV show.

Jack pushes past us cowering into a corner. Katana goes over to Jack trying to protect him. When Katana is right in front of Jack, Jack pushes him making him fall on his arm.

"FUCK", shouts Ray. Which is something he shouldn't have done. The Zs turn to him and start piling up on him.

"AHHHH", I hear Katana, scream from underneath the Zs. Suddenly some men in body armor come barging into the pit and chain up the Zs, one who was our beloved Ray.

"What the fuck you Jack-ass", I shout tears falling from my eyes. I start beating the shit out of him, until his face looks like a plum.

I look back and see Mack, running his hand through his hair, and Elle just totally zoned out , in a corner with a blank expression on her face.

"Wow, that was quite..... something", laughs Quinny getting up. "Bring her up", shouts Quinny at a guy who grabs my hair and pulls me up a flight of stairs.

"That was quite a fight you put up, you've got something in you", she says once I reach the top floor.

"You fucking bitch", I shout slapping her, so hard that her check turned red. "Get her out, as well as her group", she shouts at a guy who leads me out of the building.

Once out, me, Mack and Elle making our way to an interstate highway, where we attempt to start a vehicle.

"Elle", I whisper to her. She looks at me and start crying, for the first time. "He's dead, my baby won't be able to grow up with it's dad", she says hugging me.

I hug her back and say, "Ray was a dumbass and I can't deny it, but he smart enough to choose a girl like you to carry his baby. I know you probably won't take this seriously but, Ray wouldn't want you crying for him, he'd want you to go on living for your baby", I say, remembering all those cheesy movies Amelia made me watch with her.

"Your right", she says laughing, "He was a dumbass, trying to save everybody".

I hug her even tighter, as Mack says, "We gotta getting going", he says. We load up the truck we found and start piling in.

Before I could hop in Mack pulls me aside, "Shayla I have to tell you something", he says. "What is it", I ask intrigued. "Katana isn't dead", he says. My eyes enlarge, "what do you mean", I ask. "He isn't dead", he repeats himself.

"WHAT", asks Elle getting excited. "As they were dragging us out I caught a glimpse of some people dragging Katana into a room", he says hoping into the truck.

*Well this went from super sad to suspenseful

😭 to🤔

Anyways remember to read some of my other stories called Falling for Marcus Madden, The Bike Rider: Rude or Die, Blinding Eyes and True Crime. Unfortunately those stories will be going on hiatus, because Z-Virus has to finish before the spirity awards.

Thank you for reading.