The Book. *


The painful screams and cries of a woman echoed inside the prison halls. From the faraway cells to the guards' offices at the bottom floor, her agonizing wails at night and sometimes amid the day were loud enough to reach every corner of the prison 

However, the indifferent eyes of the ones listening were enough evidence that such hurtful cries were usual inside that place. They knew the owner of those excruciating bawls; they knew what she did and why she was tortured, and they never felt any pity for her.

Eve Lark was the name of the woman, and she was sent to jail to atone for her evil crimes. She was left to suffer till death, as the orders said. To pay her debt with pain were the exact words.

Every day, the guards and prisoners took turns torturing her. Later they will be rewarded handsomely. Eve's loud piercing screams that constantly resonated were proof of the job done marvelously.

The poor woman didn't even get the opportunity to commit suicide, although she tried many times. 

However, she was to be tormented until her days expired, hoping every day for someone to pity her and end her life.

The torture went on for weeks, and it was more painful every time. Her ragged clothes were now soaked in blood and her hair was a complete mess. Some parts of her head were almost empty, as she had pulled many strands when the other women and guards burned her with cigarettes. Red marks and blood covered her scalp. 

Her eyes were empty now, though sometimes a hind of madness could be seen on them.

So different from the elegant woman from a few months ago when she was still the proud wife of Liam Evans, the heir of StarCorp Industries, and one of the most influential men in the country. 

She was well known around high society and was respected, not only for her advantageous marriage but her renowned surname.

The Larks were an influential family with one of the longest histories in the investment business in the world. Her grandfather, Peter Lark, was considered one of the most influential and respected men in the industry. 

Yes, Eve Lark had it all. Beauty beyond compare, an impressive background, excellent academic achievements, and a handsome and wealthy husband. She had it all, but she lost it.

However, she was the only one to blame for her misfortune, if she hadn't schemed to harm Rose Mills, everything could have been different. And now the same woman responsible for her suffering was watching her from a screen in a huge mansion, far away from the prison.

Rose's eyes lingered on the video showing a pitiful Eve Lark inside a small cell in such a deplorable condition. That woman had tried to kill her so many times but didn't succeed, only by mere luck. 

Eve's schemes were not that atrocious at first, but when she attempted to kidnap her and sell her to the underground market, she crossed the line. If it weren't for Liam arriving in time, she would have been already lost.

Rose was still wandering inside her memories when a sudden pair of strong arms wrapped her waist into a tight hug. The aroma of that man made her smile as she closed her eyes to enjoy the warmth of his embrace. 

The man's chin rested on her slender shoulder as if they were meant to be, also taking her fragrance with his nose. He inhaled the sweet perfume coming from her body, the warm feeling sent shivers down her spine making her blush.

"What are you thinking, my love?" he whispered. 

She sighed and signaled the woman on the screen. "She is pitiful."

"She deserves it."

The man looked at the image of Eve with cold eyes. It was as if he wasn't looking at a human but a monster, a disgusting and hideous beast. Who could tell that the disheveled woman was once his wife? The chosen one by his dear grandfather on his last breath. 

"That woman doesn't deserve to be pitied. She is not a human," he watched the screen with unconcealed hatred in his eyes then turned around. "Come, my love, let's have dinner, don't concern yourself with something like that."

He kissed her cheek and left the room. Rose looked at the woman again, but this time her eyes were showing no warmth, nor sympathy. Something else was hidden inside.

"Sigh... What a pity."

*  *  *

"This must be a joke!"

A beautiful girl woke up in the middle of the night screaming, alarming the maid behind the door.

"Miss, are you alright? Do you need something?"

"... I am alright, don't worry. Thank you."

The little maid was stunned. Her miss had never behaved that way before. For as long as she served inside that house, the young miss was someone with a bad temper. She would throw things at the door if she was disturbed, and never treated the servants with courtesy.

"This must be the cruelest joke ever told. How could I come inside this shitty book?"

The girl jumped out of the bed and turned on the bedside lamp. Then she quickly ran inside the bathroom and looked at her face carefully in the mirror. Bright blue eyes, black, long, and soft hair, an almost perfect pair of cherry lips, a small, upturned nose, and white skin. She looked breathtaking, even though she was wearing pajamas and her face was devoid of makeup.

"I have the same face, is that why I am inside this body?"

The beautiful girl talking was none other than Eve Lark, however, she looked completely different from the disheveled woman. Even younger, almost a teenager.

"I... I am the villainess?"

She became Eve Lark, the idiot villain from the novel she was reading before the explosion took her by surprise in her past life. The one with that dreadful and brutal ending.

"This must be the cruelest joke ever!"


Author note: From this chapter, the POV is from Eve Lark.