Eve's Family *

"Ian, James. The Winston Anniversary party is next week, several people from important companies will attend, even your grandfather will be there. You better prepare, don't shame our family."

The man speaking at the table was my father, well, not mine, but the original Eve's father, Thomas Lark. He was, for sure, a good-looking middle-aged man with elegance written all over his face. He was the epitome of perfect manners and dignified style. However, even with those careful characteristics, he was a snobbish man, even to his own family.

Two young boys were sitting by his left side and a beautiful middle-aged woman was by his right. They looked picture-perfect together.

Attractive wealthy people with smiles all over their faces while eating as a happy family, they seemed like a magazine cover. Wow, even the sun coming from the large window was greeting them. They were blinding my sight.

The two boys resemble their father. No one would dare say they were not his sons. Perfect factions, cold eyes, and manners were top-notch. I could even see them raise their cup of tea at the same time as their father.

The older brother, Ian, was tall with squared glasses and an indifferent gaze. Exactly the same cold look as his father. Two big ice cubes. 

The other one, James, had a more lazy and flirty personality. The total cut of a snobbish young master. He was for sure the big bully in his school. He, with his little group of snobbish friends, had the pleasure of being at the top of the high school social hierarchy, and of course, no one dared to defy them for fear of the Lark family.

Meanwhile, the delicate woman by my father's side was original Eve's biological mother, Sarah Lark. She looked gorgeous and elegant. Her black hair was combed in a careful style. Not a single hair was out. Her soft green eyes were stunning, although they looked strict and arrogant. The manners were top notch, she truly deserved the title of a woman from high society.

"Aren't you going to sit? How awful manners."

My mother finally noticed me. I'd been standing there for a while and she, at last, noticed me. 

They were eating breakfast without waiting for me, well, not that I cared. My father turned to look at me while I scanned the table full of food but without a plate prepared for me. Should I get my own food from the kitchen?

"Sit now!"

He yelled exasperatedly, and I looked at him with indifferent but confused eyes. Was the original always treated this way? This was never mentioned in the book.

I went to the farthest seat and looked around. The little maid that always waited by my room gave me a plate filled with some eggs and toasted bread. 

I could only take a few bites of my toast with strawberry marmalade when I heard my father ask the servants to retire the dishes and clean the table. I couldn't even finish, and I was so hungry.

He stood up, and the rest followed him. They never glanced at me again. It was as if I was invisible. But I don't understand, I am the second daughter of the Lark family, although it seems the least significant. Well, again, not me, but the original Eve. I kind of feel pity for her.

Anyway, I didn't complain. Not when I had just arrived in this world. 

I walked away towards the kitchen. I couldn't starve myself, right? Then I heard a mocking tone coming from behind.

"Tsk, sister, you should have woken up earlier."

That was the voice of the idiotic-looking younger brother of this body. 

"James," I said with a tired voice, "shouldn't you be preparing for the boring business dinner father asked you about, like a good little puppy?"

He smirked and walked forward towering over my sight. "What? Don't tell me you are jealous."

"Heh, how funny…" I stepped backward. Just enough to defend me if I need to, "why would I be jealous, little brother?"

"Come on, sis, you had always wanted to attend a dinner like that. Pity that father deemed you as... undeserving."

Yes, the father of this body was so snobbish that even within his family, he tended to categorize and minimize his children from a young age. They were forced to compete with each other for attention and respect. 

However, the original Eve was always behind her brothers by much, regarding looks, popularity, academic achievements, and so on. She couldn't discover her true potential when surrounded by such a ruthless family.

"Oh, little brother, don't feel pressured by telling me so. Go on with your life and be the little papa boy you deserve to be."

He looked at me with surprise. The original Eve had always feared her brothers. She had developed an inferiority complex that later evolved into fear. 

She never stood up to defend herself, as she always lacked the support of her family. Therefore, the shitty personality she got.

A burst of laughter resonated in the hall. The young boy was cracking into laughter, and the servants around didn't dare to look at him.

Then he stopped and with a quick move of his hand, he tried to send a slap to my face. I said he tried. 

Maybe that would have worked with the original Eve, perhaps that's why the owner of this body was so scared of her brothers. However, the current me will never allow that.

The next moment, the youthful body of my tall and slim younger brother was sent flying to the floor with a powerful back throw. 

He wanted to stand but I kicked his stomach with my little strength. And using my slender legs and petite feet, I stood on his hand, the hand he intended to use to slap me.


I heard a cracking sound.


I think I overdid it.

"Ups, little brother, you should be more careful the next time you think of offending someone."

"You witch!"

I stepped into his hand again.


"I already told you to think, little brother."

I felt so good. But I should escape before this idiotic brother of mine calls for help. 

I ran fast to my room to retrieve a small bag where I put a change of clothes, my purse, my smartphone, and my computer. It was time to do some research on this world.

I took a taxi to a nearby coffee shop. This country was not that different from my world. I knew that because of the book descriptions. 

According to the novel, the start of the main plot was several years later. Right now, the two protagonists must be in high school, meeting with each other and falling in love for the first time. They should be creating wonderful memories.

However, as much as I searched on the web, I couldn't find any pictures of the two main leads. How strange. 

Whatever, I already know that I should leave the plot of this stupid book. I won't allow myself to end up like the original body. 

Although, the main culprits of this body shitty personality were her family members, not the main leads. She wanted so much to stand out in the eyes of her parents that she trusted the wrong people and did so many stupid things.

"Sigh... I should start."

I cracked my fingers, adjusted my seat, massaged my neck, and fixed my eyes on the screen. 

My fingers danced on the keyboard as always. This little computer would be enough for now.