He... *

The auction started as we entered the room. It seemed that they were only waiting for this old man here. Tch… 

There were few empty seats below on the main floor, but upstairs, in the VIP area, were the most important families of Ruby City.

I was getting nervous. I looked everywhere, Vin should have arrived at the event by now, he said he'd be a few minutes late, but I didn't see him.

I sent a message to his phone.

[Storm: Are you here yet? I can't see you.]

[DangerousCloud: I'm on the balcony.]

"Eva," the old man approached me with a big smile, two people were with him, they looked strangely refined. "This is Amanda Evans and Gale Evans."

He made me almost cry. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

The woman and man did not say anything, they just nodded. It was as if they were looking at a disgusting nobody. Well, they were not on good terms with the ML in the novel, as that woman, Amanda, was not his real mother, and his father cheated on his mother and left her to die. 

"Mr. Lark, I'm afraid my son didn't want to come to the auction, although he must be around..."

"With that girl... again."

I felt that I should not listen to this conversation.

"Ah... how unfortunate that Eve had fallen ill," Mrs. Evans continued as if I didn't exist, "we would be related to you, Mr. Lark, and have a beautiful daughter-in-law with us. I would treat her as if she were my own daughter."

Grandpa sighed again. "Yeah, it's unfortunate, I wish she was here. By the way, where's old man Evans? I haven't seen him around here."

"He said he was going to stay in the casino for a while, he's won at least five games, you know how he is," Mr. Evans replied, stroking his temple, "at least that got him to move a bit, he still wants to see Eve, if you can... convince your son to..."

Grandpa looked at me when I shook my head in denial. "I'll talk to them later, Eve's still in bed, now's not the time for visitors."

The two spouses agreed and stopped insisting.

I almost went weak to my knees from my nerves. But that man only smiled and sneered at me when he turned around to go back to his seat. At the moment, they were auctioning off some sapphire earrings and a necklace of precious gems.

Grandpa bought some paintings and a grand piano from a famous piano maker. Then my father bought some jewels for my mother. It was such a boring event. 

However, at least several million were raised that night.

  But I didn't stay to find out how much. I was already fed up.

I slipped out of the room when no one seemed to pay attention. And I quickly ran to the balcony where my disciple should be.

Then I heard my phone ring, it was Vin. "Vin, are you there? I'm about to arrive... wait for me…"

Vin didn't answer, because the one with the phone was someone else, tall, green-eyed, and handsome. I froze and turned around, but I knew that escape was not going to be possible.

"Eva, stop or I'll tell your other identity to everyone in this place," he smirked as my useless disciple arrived just then to claim his stolen phone.

When he looked at me he tried to pretend that he didn't know me, but it was too late.

I sighed, "What do you want? I didn't make it clear that…"

He took my hand suddenly and led me to the balcony. Vin was about to grab my other hand but I stopped him with a look.

This time I would make this Thunder jerk leave me alone for good.

"Well? What do you want?"

"This is your true identity? Why are you disguising yourself?"

I raised my shoulders, I didn't have to explain. "I'm too pretty, I don't want to be stared at all the time."

I don't care how cheeky it sounded, yeah, I was too pretty for my own good.

I heard him laugh, "You're right, you better be in disguise."

He approached me. I felt a bit overwhelmed when this fucking handsome jerk almost pressed me to the wall. "Then… Eve, we'll go to the same school."

"That seems..." I said with annoyance but my heart was skipping with excitement. "Don't come any closer to me, stay there."

He didn't listen. His hot body was about an inch from me. I was sure I could stop him, just one more step and I can kick him right there, where any man hurts and writhes on the ground. You'll need a lot of ice to get over that... that...

However, I couldn't move. He caught my hands behind me between the wall and his body, and he pushed one leg between mine. 

"You! Stop it…" 

He looked so handsome in his suit and without glasses. 

No…this guy is a liar, a sycophant, and maybe he has other women out there. I have to go.

"You're cruel, Eva," he whispered in my ear, "I've been looking for you all this time... and I've never stopped thinking about you."

"Is that what you tell everyone?"

He smiled at me. "You're the only one."

"I don't believe you."

"You must, I have never kissed any woman but you. You stole my innocence."

That... that may be true. The first time I kissed him he wasn't an expert at all. But he could be faking it. Maybe...

"It's not the first time I've stolen someone's innocence," at least not in this world. In my past life, I had some experiences, and I don't regret them.

Thunder looked at me and frowned. "Who?"

"Why do you want to know? It's not like we have anything, we're not even friends. I already told you it was only once…"

I heard footsteps near the balcony and Thunder, or David, whatever his name is, squeezed me close to him and signaled me not to speak.

"Have you seen him anywhere?" It was Erika with another girl, "I thought he was around here."

"I don't know, maybe he's with that girl named Rose. We should go with her, she seems to know some rich people here."

"Yeah, maybe we should go, but I would have liked to get to know David more."

I smiled at him. He looked nervous and pale. I think he was running away from those two.

He looked at me and I think he guessed what I was about to do because just as I was opening my mouth to shout, his lips landed on mine and his tongue entered my mouth. He even tightened his hug and squeezed my waist to him. 

"Mmm… wait, let me go… mmm"

He didn't stop, even daring to put his hand under my skirt. This pervert.

"This time I won't let you get away, Eva," he kissed me again. How come he had become an expert so quickly?