Cooperation *

"Wow, I wasn't expecting something like that," Jason said excitedly. 

Everyone at the table was impressed, shocked, and, in my case, about to commit murder against an elderly man.

Everyone was excited, including Thunder who seemed to be smirking, and Rose who seemed to have an expression of utter triumph.

She was the one that scared me the most. The FL always won in this kind of thing in the plot.

"Surely you're going to participate, right Eva?" Jason started to tell me with his cheeky face, "Maybe we could team up."

"No!" Erika yelled leaving everyone stunned, even the waiter. She calmed down and pursed her lips. "Senior Jason, it's not fair, you're already working for the research center and it would give her an extra advantage…"

"Nobody said we couldn't cooperate or team up, Erika," Jason sighed wearily. "Besides what we're talking about is a percentage of the Lark company shares. It's not just any school project. So, teaming up with the right people is not prohibited."

"B-but... in that case, I also want to join you."

Jason smiled but shook his head, "I'm not sure we can make a good team, sorry."

"But that's not fair! Why her? I could…"

"I have no intention of joining a team anytime soon, nor do I have any intention of participating in the challenge."

I was getting tired of that capricious girl. I don't understand how they let her in at the event. Maybe the old man did it on purpose to annoy me.

"You can't say no, Eva," Jason said with a level look, "the old man won't like it."

"What are you talking about?" the nosy Erika asked again.

"I am talking about the director, of course. He has high expectations of Eva's performance."

Damnit, I knew it. 

That old man was testing me. I want to leave this place now. I'll wait for them to serve us food, then run away from this party.

However, as always, nothing would be that simple.

When we finished eating, which by the way, almost all the dishes were my favorites, the others decided to walk around the hall and the gallery behind. There was also a small casino to gamble and play for a while, and later there will be an auction.

I was tired and just wanted to relax by myself and then slip out onto the balcony without anyone noticing. I had prepared an extra strong rope in my bag.

I secretly asked Maya for it. Heh...

However, before I could make my agile movement, an old gentleman who had been bothering me for so long for the last few weeks appeared out of nowhere, and behind him came several people that I didn't even want to see.

"Eva Cote," announced old Grandpa Lark with his manipulative smile, "Here is one of our young promises."

The people next to him were easy to recognize. They were my parents, my brothers, and on the other side, my uncles, whom I had only seen on a few occasions, and his son. There were also the children of my grandfather's brother and their respective children.

Why did he bring that whole line of people with him? How come they followed him?

It seemed like a procession of Larks to see a small young lady who just wanted to get rid of them.

"Young lady, don't feel so overwhelmed," my aunt Edith spoke softly, trying to shake me off the hard glares of the other Larks. "How did you like the event? The food was great, right?"

I smiled the best I could. "It was great, I appreciate you inviting me as part of your foundation representatives, Mr. Lark."

The old man seemed to want to laugh.

"Of course, I would invite you, you are an outstanding genius in your area. The school expects you to be the next captain of the research and development team."

Somehow I now understood his stupid act. He wanted the other Larks, his other grandchildren in particular, to see me and maybe challenge me.

He was forcing me to participate in his stupid contest, or those idiots would humiliate me and not leave me alone.

"Grandpa, are you sure you want these... scholarship students to participate? They're barely going to have time to keep their scholarships, after all, Imperio College isn't just anything."

I think his name was Daniel, he was another one of the Larks waiting to climb the steps to be the heir. And in particular, this Daniel was Ian's enemy.

"Why couldn't they? They are outstanding students, unlike many heirs, they know how to work hard, and they will work twice as hard unless they team up with others."

They all suddenly looked at me like I was a little rabbit, ready to be eaten.

This old man, I don't understand what he wants. Put a target on me?

"Eva, why don't you come with us to the auction?" Grandpa told me and pointed me to one of the VIP rooms.

"Grandpa, she'll just get bored," Monique... I think that's her name, she's Daniel's sister. "She won't be able to buy anything. Better let her have fun with the other scholarship students. I don't think they'll have another chance to be at an event like this in their lifetime."

I could feel the sarcasm and mockery in her words, but she was right. It was better that they left me alone.

"Of course not," said Grandpa, "Miss Cote will be someone very important to the company in the future, I'm sure of that. Besides, I don't remember asking you two for your permission."

Daniel and Monique immediately fell silent. Their faces reddened with frustration.

"Let's go."

I nodded, what else could I do?"