Let's play

The woman in black fitting clothes, blue sparkling eyes, amazing eyelashes, and blond hair fluttering with the cold breeze, standing at the door, was commanding a group of well-armed people. She looked so cool, just as any great heroine from some action book.

Her little minions were black-clothed with gas masks covering their faces as if they were ready to enter into a war zone. Some others with military uniforms were trying to bomb the entrance with big explosions. It was an extraordinary action movie scene. And I was, of course, looking from the first row.

However, how the heck she knew that Liam was here? Well, that was not really the question, but how on earth did she come that fast?

"Boss, what should we do?" Jano was still focused on moving his fingers as fast as he could, helping the other assistants to monitor the screens in the rooms.