

That was one shot, yes, the damn Miss Rose slash creepy Alice shot at me with eyes full of confidence or more like craziness. She even resembled the crazy Thisaster4u for a bit of a second.

What did she say again? Oh right, something like, "Now you won't have anything left, not even your life."

Then she started laughing like some maniac and said, "bye, bye, Eva… hahaha!" and she shot.

However, nothing happened. I prayed to all the saints, and gods, and whoever wanted to listen to me, even Mrs. Kobach that my theory was right. I looked cool, not moving an inch, but if my heart were to be interrogated, he will give me out.

Well, I was testing my luck, right? I didn't move when she pointed the gun at me, though, I won't lie, I was so scared. I wanted to go and crunch down with my head between my legs. I was even tempted to call Ian or James, maybe Adam. Though, the number I had in my mind spelled Liam.

