Hesse Base

From many years ago, I had a hunch… no, I knew Master Hesse was hiding something inside that Mansion, something big, but I respected his secrecy and didn't try to pry for more. Everyone had secrets, even me… those dark memories of my past…

Anyway, why should I dig into someone else's past that didn't concern me? I am not a busybody.

Though, I may be curious and tried to ask many times… I restrained myself from doing so.

Only because I considered him like a father to me, I was not going to disrespect his true blood family. I know that he was protective about them, even though the rumors about their inner conflicts were a lot and vicious.

However, who was I to meddle into his affairs. My real family was my brothers, not only Ian and James, but the ones I grew up with inside the Orphanage.