New ML

The tall trees surrounded the mountain like a fortress, and the waterfall of the nearby river muffled the sounds of the little birds and animals in my path. So many insects and plants and nature, and I just had my backpack and my feet.

The day I climbed the slippy rocks of the waterfall, was marvelous. I still remember the first time I entered the main quarters by that side. It was glorious… they received me with a bottle of water and many claps and laughs.

If I was famous for my mischiefs and the doctors at the hospital had already one bed with my name, at that time I became a true legend. A hero and a team leader.

From then on, everything became weird. I was not only a well-known hacker, but I also had the best members on my team. It was quite flattering to my ego receiving so many requests to enter my humble group, but I was not the one to make the final choice.