Horror Plot

"How are we going to invite that man?"

"His people should be monitoring the deep web, that way he can communicate with the other gangs." Mr. Reid responded this time. He looked to be in coordination with Liam. This is strange. "He should be using that to send instructions to his allies and spies too."

Liam quickly moved his fingers to enter the forums and look for some clues. That Rivera guy looked cunning enough to do that. However…

"How do you know that he is from the Hunter's higher-ups?"

"We had seen him, Miss Eva."

Viel looked at Mr. Reid and the man nodded. He pressed something on his tablet, and the screen lit with a video. Although it was moving and had a very bad resolution. I could see and hear good enough.

It was the camera of a man with a military dark uniform and equipped to the brim with many kinds of weapons. Maybe one of the team members from Mr. Reid.