Chapter 1: A new threat

Edinburgh, Scotland:

Winter, 22:20

Norman Creeper a pragmatic politician was recently elected mayor of the city, although he is probably the most unpopular politician in Scotland. Of course this victory was as dirty as any other, the Creeper is a council member of a secret and dangerous organization.

Name: Medusa

He is currently sitting in his office in a skyscraper in the middle of the city, working on his acceptance speech, when suddenly all the lights went out and he is now sitting alone in his office in the dark.

"What's wrong now?" he shouted annoyingly.

In the dark he searched in vain for the light. But he turned round when he heard a deep, threatening growl.

He turned around in horror and saw something deeply disturbing.

A silver glitter flashed in the dark, but on closer inspection it looked like a set of teeth - almost human teeth, except that the upper and lower canines were unusually long. Creeper recognized the danger immediately.

"YOU." he shouted distraught.

"You didn't seriously think you'd ever get rid of me," the figure replied in a rough, deep voice.

Creeper ran to his desk pulled open a drawer and hit a yellow button.

"There! Now the whole council knows you're after him."

"Even better," the figure replied and stepped into the moonlight. A tall, slim man with rather pale skin and bright green eyes appeared. He wore a long black coat over a wine-red shirt and trousers that were also black. But the most threatening thing was his predatory silver teeth and hands. No, claws are more to the point, his fingers were long and bony and where his fingernails should be there were also silver sharp claws.

Before Creeper could react, the man suddenly jumped onto his desk, grabbed the back of his head and pushed him onto the table and he made several cuts to him. He bent over his neck, tore open his mouth, showed his teeth and bit him in the neck with full force.

With a snap, Creeper broke his neck and died instantly.

With a bloodstained face, the man looked out the window into the pale moonlight.

"The hunt has begun," he said to himself.


For decades the secret organization Medusa has been striving for world domination. To this end, the world's most brilliant scientists have created a powerful artifact. But through a betrayal within their own ranks, the artifact was stolen and has since been considered lost. To recover the artifact and to eliminate her enemies, Medusa created a miracle weapon.

In which human genetic material was genetically manipulated and injected into a woman, they wanted to create the perfect killer. But maybe they should have treated him better, because their alleged wonder weapon turned the tables and turned against his creators. Equipped with superhuman abilities and an irrepressible hatred, the tormentors of yesteryear were better off being careful.

"Because Jaguar is on the hunt."