Chapter 2: Tears

Lena "Tracer" Oxton sat at a table with D.VA, Mercy and Brigitte at the Overwatch headquarters in Gibraltar and had her sixth drink.

"So why did you and Emily break up again?" Hana asked.

"We had an argument. I thought she was meeting someone else. She said I was rarely there. Then one argument led to another and in the end we broke up." Lena answered drunk and started to cry.

"Well, maybe it's better that way I mean you had nothing in common" said Angela.

"Exactly, and besides there are many nice and pretty girls outside." Brigitte added.

"To be honest, I don't care about gender. I just want a nice and caring person who will treat me well." Said Lena snivelling.

"Yes and you'll find someone too. I mean you are a great person," said Hana.

"Oh thank you guys." said Lena and smiled anxiously.

In the next room Reinhardt and Torbjörn were talking.

"I remember when my father taught me how to swim, he used to throw me into the lake while the other children skated," Reinhardt said laughing.

"All Overwatch agents please report to my lab." Winston's voice came from the speakers.

All the agents sat in the lab while Winston started talking worriedly.

"We have a problem. Yesterday the new Mayor of Edinburgh was assassinated in his office."

"So what? He was a dick anyway," Lena screamed still drunk.

"Lena please," Winston said.

"Sorry, Luv."

"Where was I? Oh, yeah. But the real disturbing thing is that the mayor got his neck snapped in half."

"Wait, you're not saying that..." Mercy began.

"Yes! We only know one person who does this."

"Jaguar. But how can that be? He's been presumed dead for a year." Mercy continued.

"Who is this Jaguar?" Mei asked.

"Oh, yes, you were in Antarctica," Winston said.

"So." he began. "Twenty-eight years ago, scientists set up a secret research station in the British coastal region of Sussex "and created something terrible. Him."

The monitor showed a picture of Jaguar, who also wore a black hat, a sabre-like sword at his waist and a leather strap around his chest from which hung two laser pistols.

"A true monster. Jaguar, true name unknown. Human genome was manipulated and injected into a test subject. When he was born, they wanted to raise him to be some kind of super mercenary. But at age 6, he escaped from the lab and killed three scientists in the process. He then disappeared into the Amazon jungle where he grew up. Seven years ago, he resurfaced. As captain of a gang of pirates, he raided hundreds of cargo ships of smugglers, terrorists, even Talon. He's killed over 1000 people and Omnics. Until several heavily armed warships joined forces to sink him and his ship. "

How do you know that?" Mei asked confusedly.

"We talked to him. He always helped Overwatch who we asked him to. And he always said he would never kill innocents. So something happened that needs to be found out."

Lena was confused, she knew Jaguar, and they got along pretty well. Even though she was always a bit terrified of his way of fighting and killing his "prey".

"The person in question is extremely dangerous and has superhuman strength, including: enormous physical strength, stamina, intellect, telekinetic abilities and this."

Winston showed them videos of Jaguar fighting an arm of Omnics, firing lightning bolts and blue flames from his hands. As he raises one hand, a yellow circle forms around it and several arrows of light fly out, spiking several dozen Omnics. Then a strange ring lit up on his right hand, a portal opened, he stepped through and disappeared.

"Wow, he's really crazy." Luico says in amazement.

"Yeah, the guy's a wild beast," Reinhardt said.

"And this morning, the French Prime Minister was struck down in the open street and burned with a blue flame. Interestingly, on his left hand was a ring with a snake on it, representing an infinity symbol. This very symbol was also on the monitor of the Mayor of Edinburgh. And exactly the same symbol adorns the logo of the Irish pharmaceutical magnate Basil O'Malley. Therefore it is to be assumed that he will be the next target. So we will travel there secretly and guard the building and intervene in case of emergency. So get ready, and you, Lena, sober up."

"Okay, Luv."

"Good. Then off to Dublin."