Chapter: 3 Master of disguise

Basil O'Malley's group was located in the middle of Dublin's industrial area.

Reinhardt, Brigitte and Mccree were stationed outside the building as guards, while Tracer, D.VA, Mei and Mercy, disguised as normal visitors, observed the building.

"Pay close attention," Winston said over the microphone. "Jaguar is a master of disguise. So be careful."

At the reception desk, there was a tall, fat man with glasses and gloves.

"What do you want?" said the man in a scabby, lisping voice as if he were wearing braces.

"Good evening we're here to see the boss," said D.VA.

"Mr. O'Malley is very busy. Do you have an appointment?" said the man impatiently.

" Listen to me. It's a question of life and death. So would you please let us in on Mr. O'Malley?" Mercy yelled.

"It's okay," the man said. "All right. This is a non-smoking establishment, if you spill anything, buckets will automatically fall from the ceiling. Mr. O'Malley's office is on the top floor. Have a good time and shut up."

"What an idiot," Tracer said grumpy as they reached the office. But the door was locked.

"Can I help you?" asked a secretary who had just come into the hall.

"The man at the front desk said..." Mei started.

"What man?" she interrupted. "That one was supposed to be an omnic, and he left two hours ago."

"Oh, no," Mercy yelled.

Tracer pulled out their guns and shot the door open.

In the office Basil O'Malley sat in his chair with an arrow of light in his chest.

"Reinhardt, come quick. " Mercy yelled into her microphone. "Jaguar is in the building and he's dressed like a fat man."

When they reached the lobby, all that was left at the front desk was a pillow, glasses and false teeth, which he used to cover his teeth.

They split up to search the building. Mccree and Mei heard a noise from a room. And there he stood. Jaguar in his signature black coat tampering with a closet. Without warning, Mccree pulled his revolver and shot him several times in the back. He turned around as if nothing had happened.

My coat is bulletproof, you lightning rod," Jaguar said with a grin. Before McCree could react, Jaguar raised his hand and shot a bolt of lightning at him. Mccree was thrown against the wall and was unconscious. Mei pulled her ice gun and pointed it at him and pulled the trigger. Jaguar responded with a jet of blue fire. The two beams met and in no time there was steam everywhere.

Mei ran blindly back and forth biting her way to the stairs. She stumbled over the railing and almost fell. If someone hadn't grabbed her by the collar.

She turned her head and saw Jaguar. With one hand, he lifted her up and put her down on the floor.

Without another word, he let his ring light up, created a portal behind them and jumped through.

Mei stood there confused at first, then she say into her microphone.


"Yeah, I saw everything through the cameras."

"Should we go after him?"

"No, with the portal, he could be anywhere in the world. We're gonna have to pull back and wait for his next move," Winston explained.

Later at headquarters, Tracer also watched the footage of Jaguar versus Mei and McCree.

"So somehow I can't figure this guy out. But I'm gonna find out," she thought.